Regarding this question, Sonosaki Wakana actually wanted to ask before.

In the last battle to take away the extreme memory, Lu Li could have completely eliminated W to prevent future troubles.

However, he did not do so, and only took away the extreme memory.

This time, I am afraid that W may not die.

After being attacked by the Eternal Extreme Drive, W is at least in the extreme form, and the possibility of direct death is very small.

Why didn't W kill him several times?

Hearing this, a trace of thought flashed in Sonosaki Saeko's eyes.

Even if he is the person next to her, how can she guess what Lu Li is thinking in his heart.

But no matter what Lu Li does, she is 100% supportive in her heart.

"Wakana, there is no need to ask the reason for some things. Lu Li naturally has his own ideas. We don't need to guess these nonsense."

She has 100% trust in her heart, so she will not ask Lu Li how to do it and what to do.


Nodding thoughtfully, Sonosaki Wakana certainly trusted Lu Li in her heart. This was just her curiosity.


The police rider, who was busy dodging the attack of the fire python, naturally saw W who was kicked out of the ceiling. After hitting the ceiling, he disappeared without a trace.

His eyes were focused on the white warrior, and the police rider suddenly felt the pressure on himself.

He had experienced Lu Li's powerful strength before. Although he had not seen Lu Li's Yongqi form, he was sure that his fighting ability must be strong.

Fortunately, he would not feel fear in his heart like Zuo Xiangtaro.

He was fearless. Even if he was hit by Lu Li many times, he could still stand in front of Lu Li safely.

It was meaningless to continue fighting now. It was already very difficult to deal with just a Queen's mixed body, not to mention the extremely terrifying Lu Li.

There was no way to fight!

This was the most intuitive conclusion he came to.

It was meaningless to continue fighting, and it was very likely that he would be defeated here.

He still has something very important to do. He still has to take revenge on Izaka Shinkoro. He must not fall down here.

Thinking of this, the police rider did not intend to continue fighting. He immediately exerted his maximum speed and took away Ming Hai Ya Shuzi like carrying a chicken.


Ming Hai Ya Shuzi's scream of fear could be heard from a long distance.

Who would not be afraid if he was taken away suddenly without any signs?

The battle was over. Lu Li obtained the memory awakening card of yesterday. Currently, there is only the last memory left.


Unfortunately, Izaka Shinkoro used to make love in Lifengdu. Even if Lu Li wanted to find him, it was not easy.

But it doesn't matter. Izaka Shinkoro is a guy who can't hold back. He will come out sooner or later.

Lu Li still has time and can wait slowly.

In this battle, Lu Li also officially witnessed the power of the Queen's doped body.

There is no useless memory, only useless users.

This sentence is absolutely correct. When the Queen's memory is used by other people, it can only enhance defense at most, and there are not many offensive means.

It is almost impossible to exert the power of the Queen's memory.

But Mina can exert all the power of the Queen's memory.

Not only does it have strong defense, but it also has extremely terrifying offensive power.

The two complement each other, allowing the Queen's doping to even compete with the ultimate form of W.

Of course, the protective barrier of the Queen's doping is not 100% able to offset all attacks.

Just like W used the prism extreme drive just now, releasing a terrifying slash, the Queen's doping may not be able to withstand it.

At least under the current circumstances, it is quite difficult.

The reason is that Mina has not yet developed the power of the Queen's memory to the extreme.

The use of memory is a staged process. The longer it is used, the deeper the understanding of the power of memory. In addition to being more proficient in using it, it will become more powerful.

Lu Li believes that as long as Mina is given enough time, she can grow into an existence that is not inferior to the forbidden doping.

Now she can barely fight 1V2, and she is facing the police judgement form and W's ultimate form.

At least from this aspect, her current combat power is not inferior to that of Isaka Mikuro.

Then, Lu Li and Mina both lifted their transformations.

At this time, the interior of the auditorium was already in a mess, and it felt like a war had taken place.

The people who came to listen to the speech had already fled early, and the speech could only end here.

The culprit who caused this series of chaos was Sudo Yukie, who was lying on the ground at this time.

Unlike the side effects of other memory users, the connection between the general memory and the user is cut off, and the user's spirit and body will become very weak.

The most obvious feature is that after losing the memory, there will be heavy dark circles around the eye sockets, and a listless look, as if it has been hollowed out.

But Sudo Yukie is different. She looks no different from before, still the same.

Perhaps this is the unusual thing about yesterday's memory.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko had already arrived at the location of the unconscious Sudo Yukie, looking down at Sudo Yukie who had made this plan.

"You are a smart woman who knows how to deal with me in this way, but unfortunately, your plan... failed.

I am still standing here safely. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for being too weak to take revenge on me."

With a hint of disdain in her tone, Sonosaki Saeko didn't even make a move this time.

If it were her who made the move, there is no doubt that what would happen to Sudo Yukie in the end would be almost foreseeable.

It is hard to escape death!

It can only be said that Sudo Yukie's luck is really good.

Sonosaki Wakana, who was standing aside, asked the question in her heart curiously.

"Sister, Lu Li, how should we deal with this woman?"

Regarding this question, Sonosaki Saeko actually had only one idea in her mind, that is, to kill her directly.

This woman knows too much and has a strong desire for revenge. It is impossible to ease the relationship between them.

In this case, it is better to nip the danger in the bud.

However, Sonosaki Saeko did not rush to make a decision. She set her sights on Lu Li.

"Dear, what do you think?"

She was ready to hear what Lu Li thought about this matter.

Heard that, Lu Li pinched his chin with his hand, looked down at Sudo Xuehui lying on the ground and fell into thought.

At this moment, Sudo Xuehui's body moved slightly.

Then she saw her getting up from the ground in a daze, her eyes full of confusion.

Especially after seeing Lu Li and the others, the confusion in her eyes deepened.

"Who... are you?"

She had completely forgotten who Lu Li and the others were at this time.

"No way, she... actually forgot all of us?" Sonozaki Wakana's words were full of surprise.

She was a little bit unable to understand. After losing her memory, shouldn't she be mentally traumatized? Why did she seem to have no mental trauma at all?

It was almost exactly the same as what Lu Li knew. The side effects of yesterday's memory were different from other memories.

After she got yesterday's memory, the connection between the memory and Sudo Xuehui was cut off, and she lost the relevant memory of this period.

Looking at the confused woman in front of him, Lu Li suddenly wanted to take her in.

Sudo Yukiei is very smart and knows how to use various conditions to achieve her goals.

Such a person can be kept by her side and cultivated.

However, the slightly troublesome thing is the relationship between her and Sudo Kirihiko.

Of course, this is not a problem. As for memory deletion, the museum has done it before.

Thinking of this, Lu Li directly hit Sudo Yukiei on the back of her neck with a knife before Sudo Yukiei could react.

How could Sudo Yukiei, who had just woken up, bear Lu Li's knife? Her eyes turned white and she fell straight to the ground.

"Brother-in-law, why did you knock her out suddenly?" Sonozaki Wakana looked at Lu Li with a puzzled look on her face.

Lu Li smiled indifferently and pointed at Sudo Yukiei on the ground.

"Wakana, this woman is very capable. If you can recruit her, she will be a good assistant in the future.

The organization is currently short of cadres. She is very capable. As long as she can be trained properly, she can become a new cadre."

At present, there are only two new cadres in the organization.

One is Mina, and the other is Kujo Aya in the police station.

This number is far from enough. We must train as many cadres as possible.

After hearing Lu Li's explanation, Sonosaki Wakana nodded as if she understood.

But then she frowned and asked uncertainly.

"But doesn't she regard us as enemies? How can we use her?"

The other party was obviously determined to kill them just now. Can such a person really be used by them?

This difficulty is probably very high.

There is no need for Lu Li to answer this question. Sonosaki Saeko answered it herself.

"Wakana, there are many technologies within the organization, and erasing memory is just one of them.

Just erase her memory and let her become a blank sheet of paper.

After a little training, she can become our perfect person."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana suddenly understood.

The main reason is that she has never participated in the affairs of the organization, and she has almost no understanding of the relevant technologies within the organization.

"Saiko, then I'll leave this matter to you, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Lu Li has no intention of not taking the initiative to do such a small matter...

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko nodded with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem, just leave it to me, I will definitely train her well."

It is not difficult to train a cadre. The real difficulty is to find a suitable memory to bind it.

To become a cadre, the power of ordinary general sales memory is obviously not enough, at least a high-level memory is required.

Whether it is a gold high-level memory or a silver high-level memory, as long as you can get one of them, it is no problem to become a cadre.

The speech ended early, and Sonosaki Saeko didn't want to stay here any longer. The police would definitely surround the place, and it would be inconvenient to leave.

"Let's go, let's leave here first, otherwise it will be difficult to leave later."

Then, everyone left the auditorium.

As for Sudo Yukie, she was taken away by Mina using telekinesis.

On the other side.

About 500 to 600 meters away from the lecture hall.

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