The Killer Whale Devouring Monster, how much desire did it absorb from Izaka Shinkoro to be able to give birth to such a terrifying guy.

Sure enough, her feeling just now was not wrong at all. The guy in front of her had a very strong ambition and a strong desire.

Izaka Shinkoro didn't feel scared at all when he saw the Killer Whale Devouring Monster, but his eyes were full of admiration.

"Oh? Is this the monster you created with my ambition? Hahaha! It really fits my ambition!"

His ambition is extremely huge, so it's not surprising that he can give birth to such a terrifying guy.

Although the Devouring Monster is created by the greedy, not all Devouring Monsters will obey the orders of the greedy.

For example, the Killer Whale Devouring Monster in front of him.

Because it is a guy created by Izaka Shinkoro's huge ambition, it has no intention of listening to Metzler's words at all.

Metzler herself can feel this point, the Killer Whale Devouring Monster will go against her will.

The man in front of her is really a very terrifying guy, and Metzler has clearly realized this.

After taking a deep look at Jingzaka Shenhonglang, Metzl had a trace of fear in his eyes.

What exactly is this man's ambition? Why did such a terrifying guy come into being?

"What exactly is your ambition?"

Metzl wanted to find out the answer to this question.

Hearing this, Jingzaka Shenhonglang burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! That's a good question! My ambition... is of course to defeat Lu Li! To seize all his power!!"

Before he finished speaking, he clenched his fist tightly, and Jingzaka Shenhonglang's eyes were full of fierceness.

Then, Jingzaka Shenhonglang pointed forward fiercely and said sternly.

"Go! Let me see how powerful you are! Can you help me get rid of Lu Li!"

As his voice fell, the huge killer whale devouring monster instantly jumped under the ground.

It was like a fish entering the sea, very smooth.

The killer whale devouring monster began to move rapidly towards the distance.

As Metzl's Desire Devourer, it would be fine if it didn't obey Metzl's orders, but it obeyed the orders of its host, Inosaka Shinkoro.

Metzl had never encountered such a situation before.

She herself couldn't explain why.

But she was very curious about who Lu Li was mentioned by Inosaka Shinkoro.

"You are such a scary guy."

The fact that he could manipulate the Desire Devourer he created was enough to be called scary.

Inosaka Shinkoro had never expected that this monster could actually listen to him.

This was good, using this guy to help him vent a little and vent his dissatisfaction.

At the same time, he could let this guy restrain Lu Li, so that he would have more time to find the user of the memory.

Although Inosaka Shinkoro was very curious about Metzl, he knew the priorities now.

Staying in Fuuto for one more second would be more dangerous, so he had to hurry up.

"Thank you for your help. I look forward to our meeting again."

After saying that, Izaka Shinkoro gently pressed down the gentleman's hat on his head and turned to walk in another direction.

Metzl, who stayed where he was, had a strong curiosity in his eyes.

She was curious about who the Lu Li mentioned by Izaka Shinkoro would be.

If the killer whale devouring monster had an accident, it should have gone to deal with the so-called Lu Li.

Metzl, who was curious, decided to follow and see who this Lu Li was.

As for how the killer whale devouring monster would find Lu Li, Metzl was not worried at all.

The devouring monster born from the host has the memory corresponding to the host's desire for desire.

It knows very well who it should look for.


At this moment, Lu Li is here.

He is heading to the place where the space fluctuation came from.

Before, he noticed that there was an abnormal fluctuation in the space of Fudo.

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be that the barrier between Lifudo and Fudo has been opened.

The reason why Lu Li was able to sense the spatial fluctuations in Fengdu was because he had left spatial marks in various places in Fengdu during these few days.

After using the spatial memory, Lu Li was able to mark a certain space, so that he could sense the changes in space anytime and anywhere.

Once the space changes, Lu Li will receive feedback in the first time.

Jingsaka Shenhonglang has been hiding in Lifengdu for some time, but Lu Li does not believe that this guy can endure it.

Jingsaka Shenhonglang, who is already obsessed with improving his own strength, will never stop.

He will definitely come out to find other memories and try every means to improve the power of the weather memory.

As long as the fear memory is still in his hands, Jingsaka Shenhonglang will never relax.

Not far from the location of the spatial fluctuation, Lu Li suddenly felt that something was approaching him at a high speed.

The speed was very fast, and it was still underground.

In theory, it is almost impossible to move so quickly under reinforced concrete.

But there are always exceptions. Didn’t Lu Li encounter this?

Just after he stopped, Lu Li could feel the other party approaching him quickly.

300 meters... 200 meters... 100 meters...!

As the distance got closer, Lu Li did not feel nervous.

He was just curious. Was this guy heading straight for him?

The main reason was that he felt that the other party's route had not changed. He was heading straight for him.

Soon, Lu Li saw a lot of water spraying under the reinforced concrete ground.

A big guy was moving under the water.

He swam freely on land as if it were in the sea. Lu Li had never seen such a guy.

Then, a huge figure jumped out of the water in an instant.


A body with a height of three meters fell directly in front of Lu Li.

The huge body completely blocked Lu Li's vision.

The guy in front of him looked really huge and had a large tonnage. This was the first time Lu Li saw such a weirdo.

He had never seen such a guy in the Kamen Rider drama before. What on earth was he from?

Moreover, Lu Li vaguely heard a ding-ding sound inside the big guy's body, as if coins were colliding.

Speaking of coins, Lu Li immediately thought of the Desire Devourer.

It's true, doesn't this guy look like a killer whale? Could it be a Desire Devourer created by Metzler?

Even after thinking of these, Lu Li still had other questions that he hadn't figured out.

As a greedy person, shouldn't Metzler be in the next city? Why did he suddenly run away?

There is another question, why did this killer whale Desire Devourer suddenly stare at him inexplicably?

Logically speaking, there should be no contact between him and the greedy person.

Of course, it can't be said that there is no relationship at all.

By chance, Lu Li once got a core coin, and this core coin belonged to Metzler, who was a water-based person.

That was before, when Lu Li went to the neighboring city, mainly to see how many cities he knew.

When he went to the city where the Hongshang Foundation was located, he accidentally got this water-based core coin.

At this time, Metzl, who followed the killer whale, was hiding behind a big tree in the distance, secretly observing everything.

When she saw Lu Li, Metzl already knew who the person in front of her was.

It must be the Lu Li that the dangerous man just talked about.

For some reason, Metzl felt a strange feeling from the other person.

It was as if there was something on the other person that attracted her.

She was sure that she had never seen Lu Li before, and there shouldn't be anything on the other person that attracted her.

What was going on, Metzl couldn't explain it for a while.

This just proved that her trip was indeed right.

The killer whale looked down at Lu Li from a high position, grinning with sharp teeth.

I saw it raise its terrifying palm and slap Lu Li.


This huge palm slapped down, and you could even feel the wind whistling.

The body looks scary, but the strength is only a little stronger than the average mixed body at most, not enough to reach the level of cadres.

This kind of power has no deterrent effect on Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't even make any move, as if he was frightened by this huge guy.

Hiding in the dark and observing Metzler, she couldn't help but frown when she saw this scene.

She didn't understand, even ordinary people would react immediately at this time.

Survival is a human instinct. In order to survive, people will try every means to avoid danger.

Lu Li suddenly stopped moving at this time, which was too strange.

However, in the next second, Metzler instantly understood what was going on.

Her eyes widened slightly, and she looked at everything happening in front of her in disbelief.

The movement of the killer whale's hand stopped abruptly.

To be precise, it didn't stop, but was blocked by something and couldn't continue to fight.

From here, it can be clearly seen that the killer whale's arm was even trembling slightly, not because of fear, but because of strength.

Even with all the strength of the body, the killer whale still couldn't shoot Lu Li.

A flash of shock flashed across her eyes, and Metzl was a little confused.

"How did this guy... do it? I didn't see him do it."

She couldn't understand why Lu Li could resist the attack of the killer whale devouring monster without moving.

It's unreasonable!

It's really unreasonable!

Lu Li raised his head slightly and looked at the killer whale devouring monster whose muscles were shaking.

"I'm curious, why is your target me? Tell me, whose... devouring monster are you?"

The killer whale devouring monster, who was suddenly asked, revealed a fierce light in his eyes, and had no intention of answering Lu Li at all.

He opened his bloody mouth and bit Lu Li.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of ————xiong! .

Chapter 184 Storm! The "locator" delivered to the door!

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