But in front of Lu Li, it was as if there was an invisible barrier, easily blocking the bloody mouth of the killer whale.

The huge head was blocked in front, preventing it from advancing.

Even so, a fishy smell came from the open bloody mouth, which still made Lu Li frown.

The unpleasant fishy smell!

It blocked the opponent's attack, but it didn't block the opponent's bad breath, which was very unpleasant.

It seems impossible to give up without getting rid of this guy.

The awakening device appeared at his waist, and Lu Li took out the awakening card of the red heart A and swiped it across the awakening device.


A special power flashed, and Lu Li changed his form instantly.

Metzl, who had been hiding in the distance and observing the battle, opened his eyes slightly after seeing Lu Li who had completed the transformation.

I just met W before, but I didn't expect to meet another Kamen Rider now.

Since the opponent was the target of the killer whale's attack, if nothing unexpected happened, the opponent should be Lu Li.

The man who made the killer whale's host feel very afraid must be extraordinary, Metzl guessed early on.

The man who could make the man he met before afraid must be powerful enough to be underestimated.

In the following battle, Metzl deeply experienced what the difference in power was.

The killer whale could see Lu Li who had completed his transformation and vaguely sensed the threat.

However, this was not enough to make it retreat, as strength was its strong point.

It did not believe that the opponent could really block its attack with this invisible force.


A low roar.

The killer whale merged its arms together to form a bigger fist.

Raised his fist high and smashed it hard at Lu Li.


The huge fist made the air whirring, and Lu Li instantly pulled out an awakening card and swiped the awakening device component.

"Beat (Lion)!"

That's right, this card is the awakening card of Spade 3, Boxing Lion.

After using the awakening card, you can strengthen your fist power and increase your fist speed.


The roar of the lion can be heard faintly.

Then the shadow of the boxing lion emerges and merges into Lu Li's arm.

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

A series of fist shadows appear.

The endless offensive attacks the killer whale devouring monster frantically.

Every punch hits the body of the killer whale devouring monster accurately.

If you look closely, you can find that every time Lu Li punches, a concave fist mark will appear on the body of the killer whale devouring monster.

As for the fist that the killer whale devouring monster just hit, it has long been broken by these countless full shadows.

The huge body suddenly became a sandbag to be beaten.

Under the violent attack, the body of the killer whale devouring monster keeps shaking.

So fast!

Metzl was very surprised when she saw Lu Li's fast punch.

In her opinion, the killer whale desire monster created by Isaka Shinkuro was already a very powerful desire monster.

Even so, it seemed that it had no resistance at all when facing the terrifying man in front of it.

If it were her, she would not have any confidence to keep up with this terrifying punch speed.

No wonder the man was so afraid of Lu Li, the other party had such strength that made him afraid.

However, the killer whale desire monster should not be defeated so easily.

After all, the killer whale desire monster not only has powerful strength, but also has extremely terrifying defense.

The fact that it did not fall down after being punched so many times in a row is enough to show its terrifying defense.

But Metzl did not know that the killer whale desire monster did not rely on its own defense to hold on and did not fall down, but only because Lu Li did not want it to fall down.

If Lu Li wanted to know why he came to him from the other party, it was impossible for him to not accept such a killer whale desire monster.

The Devouring Monsters all have their own wills. If you teach them a lesson, you can get the information you want from them.

And Lu Li had already felt that someone was watching in the dark just now.

As for who was watching in the case, Lu Li didn't know for the time being, but it was most likely Metzl.

The Killer Whale Devouring Monster had already come to the door, and Metzl must be not far away.

The Greedy Man didn't stay in the nearby city, but ran to Fengdu. What was he trying to do? Did he want to invade another place?

Lu Li hadn't figured out this question yet. After asking what he wanted from the guy in front of him, Lu Li would naturally go to Metzl.

Seeing the Killer Whale Devouring Monster standing in front of him, who was already covered in scars, Lu Li also felt that it was about time.

With a fierce uppercut from his right hand, the Killer Whale Devouring Monster's body had already been shaking. Facing this fierce punch, there was no possibility of dodging.


This punch directly made the Killer Whale Devouring Monster's chin dent.


The killer whale's body suddenly leaned back and fell straight to the ground.

It still didn't understand how it was knocked down.

There was only one conclusion in its mind, that is, the other party was too terrifying, no wonder it became the most feared object in the host's heart.

The killer whale devourer, born from the ambition of Shenhonglang in his heart, naturally knows something about Shenhonglang.

Of course, it is limited to a small part, not all of Shenhonglang's memories.

In just a moment, Lu Li had no idea how many punches he had thrown, hundreds or even thousands were possible.

The killer whale devourer, lying on his back on the ground, was breathing heavily at this time, and it seemed that it could turn into a cell coin at any time.

The host's enemy... is too scary!

Just when the killer whale devourer was still trying to struggle to stand up, a foot stepped on its chest.

The scarlet eyes stared at the killer whale devourer, and then it heard the question.

"Tell me, whose devourer are you? Why did you suddenly come to me to attack?"

When Lu Li asked the question, he used the power of the ancestor of human undead creatures.

Soul control.

He wanted to try whether the devourer could be affected by his ability.

Hearing this, the killer whale was slightly stunned, but then shook his head.

He didn't say a word, just didn't want to reveal anything to Lu Li.

Seeing the other party like this, Lu Li also knew that his ability had failed.

To be precise, it was not failed.

The killer whale just shook his head vigorously, probably because he was affected by his own power, but this power could not affect too deeply.

Since the soft one didn't work, he could only use the hard one, and Lu Li didn't care.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me? I'll give you one last chance."

As a killer whale, he can swim freely in the water, but what if the water freezes? Or what if his body freezes?

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li took out another awakening card.

Club 6, Blizzard Polar.

"Blizzard (Polar Bear)!"

A ferocious polar bear merged into Lu Li's chest.

The next second, a cold feeling suddenly bloomed on Lu Li's body.

The ground under his feet gradually condensed into a layer of frost.

The killer whale devouring monster, whose chest was stepped on by Lu Li, also had a layer of white frost on its chest, and it was gradually spreading to the surroundings.

The speed was very fast. According to the current situation, it would take no more than thirty seconds to completely freeze the killer whale devouring monster.

The body was gradually covered with frost, and the cold feeling made the killer whale devouring monster tremble unconsciously.

The trembling of the body was not only because of the cold, but also because of the fear in the heart.

Once he was completely frozen, he would be really finished.

He kept struggling, but the killer whale devouring monster felt like there was a mountain pressing on him, and he couldn't hide at all.

The frost on his chest had spread to his neck. If it continued, his whole head would be frozen.

"It's Jingzaka!"

In a hurry, the killer whale devouring monster blurted out.

That's right, in order to prevent himself from being frozen, he directly chose to say the answer Lu Li wanted.


When Lu Li heard this name, he felt very surprised.

Unexpectedly, this killer whale desire monster actually came from Jingsaka Shenhonglang.

But after thinking about it, he felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Jingsaka Shenhonglang had been hiding from him all the time, and even hid in Lifengdu because of this.

Previously, he felt the fluctuations in the air, which must be the barrier between Lifengdu and Fudu being opened.

Then the killer whale desire monster attacked him.

That guy has always been afraid of him, and even during the internal war of the museum, he chose to escape directly.

Now he has the fear memory in his hand, and that guy is extremely obsessed with the fear memory.

Maybe he has set his sights on the power in his hand, and the desire monster he created is full of ambition, which is to defeat him.

Everything makes sense.

This also proves that Jingsaka Shenhonglang is indeed in Fudu now.

Since he has returned to Fudu, Lu Li will never let this guy escape again.

Don't even think about it!

As for the killer whale that Lu Li had stepped on, Lu Li had no intention of killing it directly for the time being.

If you want to find Shen Honglang, this guy is still very useful.

As Shen Honglang's desire monster, it naturally has a certain sensitivity to the host.

With this guy's help, it will be much faster to find Shen Honglang.

It can be said to be a special "locator"!

"Get up, take me to find Shen Honglang, and after completing this task, I will let you go free.

Otherwise... you can only say goodbye to this world."

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