But the target of the attack is Lu Li, what can he do to resist?

The blue flame stripes on his right arm bloomed instantly, and the entire right fist was wrapped in blue flames, condensing a very terrifying energy.

Then, an extremely fierce punch hit the chest of the weather mixed body heavily.


There was a loud bang, and the weather mixed body only felt a very violent energy instantly poured into its chest.

The severe pain came, even the weather mixed body couldn't help but scream.


It has been a long time since he tasted such severe pain. How long was the last time, he couldn't remember it at all.

The body flew out quickly like a fired cannonball.


Another bang came.

The weather mixed body smashed into a thick wall.

For a while, gravel flew and smoke filled the air.

The blue flame wrapped around his right arm, and Lu Li controlled the blue flame at will and gathered it back to his arm.

The yellow eyes stared at the smoke-covered wall. Even though it was covered by smoke, Lu Li could still clearly see what was going on inside.

The weather mixed body covered by rubble was in a very bad state at this time.

A clear crack had appeared on the armor on his chest.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from behind Lu Li.

"Stop! He is my prey¨"!"

The police rider could not watch Lu Li snatch his prey away.

He finally had enough power to avenge his family personally. How could he easily give it to Lu Li at this time.

The police rider, who was running over, immediately launched a fierce attack on Lu Li's back.

However, he seemed to have forgotten what happened when he fought with Lu Li before.

His speed might be very fast, but for Lu Li, this speed was not enough.

Even if he did not use the power of the Nazca awakening card, Lu Li could wait.

Moreover, Lu Li was still under the power of the Nazca Awakening Card, and the policeman's attack could not hurt Lu Li at all.

Every punch could be easily blocked, and there was no flaw in any attack.

So strong!

Even though the policeman had seen Lu Li's incomparable strength before, he was still very shocked when he saw this situation again.

The collision of fists between the two made the policeman even feel that his arms were screaming in pain.

The power gap was too big!

If the stalemate continued, he would definitely lose.

But should he give up the opportunity to take revenge himself?

The enemy who killed his family was right in front of him. Was it his turn to give up?


The policeman said that he would never let the weather doping body go, and immediately pulled out the trial memory and pressed the button on it.

"Trial. Maximum. Drive!"

Now, he could not find any other way, and only hoped to force Lu Li back through the power of the extreme drive.

The police rider, who was already very fast, burst out with even more powerful speed.

The speed of attack was getting faster and faster, and with the blessing of speed, the fist was more powerful.

But even so, the police rider still couldn't hurt Lu Li at all.


The police rider shouted angrily and wanted to break Lu Li's defense.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do it with his strength.

Lu Li was a little tired of this kind of attack. A purple light flashed in his eyes and he shouted.


The eternal robe behind him moved without wind, and a terrifying energy attacked.

The police rider was instantly blown away by this extremely terrifying energy.

This is also the power of the Nazca awakening card, which releases energy and effectively attacks the target.

At such a close distance, coupled with the fact that the armor itself is not heavy, the police rider only felt a blank in his brain.

After being blown away and falling to the ground, the police rider fainted on the spot.

Before fainting, he was forced to cancel the transformation.

It can be clearly seen that Zhao Jinglong's body has been covered with scars, and there are many scars on his face.

This was not caused by Lu Li, but mainly caused by the previous battle with the weather mixed body.

After dealing with the guy who was in the way, Lu Li turned his attention back to the weather mixed body.


The power of the punch just now almost broke the weather mixed body into pieces.

Clearly feeling the pain from his chest, the weather mixed body barely struggled.

"Hua La La!!"

The gravel covering his body fell to the ground.

He supported his body and barely stood up. Since he got the weather memory, he has never been as embarrassed as he is now.


Although he knew that Lu Li's strength was very terrifying before, he didn't expect that when he faced Lu Li directly, it would be like this.

The strength of both parties seemed to be on a different level, and Lu Li could easily crush him.

That seemingly casual punch was able to easily break his defense, and even almost beat him back to human form.

I made the right choice to avoid Lu Li, but I was too careless.

I thought that as long as I was sneaky, Lu Li would not be able to find me.

However, just because he wanted to delay Lu Li for a while, he specially arranged the killer whale to attack Lu Li.

But he didn't expect the final result to be counterproductive.

It was a complete loss of both the wife and the army.

The killer whale brought Lu Li to find him. Isn't this purely a big trouble for him?

He was too smart and made a mistake. Now he realized that he was too careless and underestimated Lu Li.

The weather mixed body barely stood up, holding the broken armor on his chest, and took a deep breath.

But the severe pain in his chest made him gasp.

Walking out of the broken wall, the weather mixed body was in a very bad state at this time. He couldn't escape before, and now he couldn't escape even more because he was injured.

"Lu... Lu Li, can you... can you let me go? Give me one... one chance."

His breath became unstable when he spoke, and the weather mixed body had never been so embarrassed as it was now.

He had never thought that, except for seeing Sonosaki Ryubei use the fear memory many years ago, he would beg someone again with such a humble look.

The feeling of frustration in his heart can be imagined.

But now, what else can he do except begging for mercy?


Begging for mercy may be his only possibility to survive, there is no other way.

Begging for mercy?

Lu Li felt quite strange when he saw the weather mixed body begging for mercy.

He didn't expect that even the ambitious weather mixed body would bow his head and beg for mercy.

No wonder, after all, this matter has endangered his life safety.

If he doesn't beg for mercy at this time, it is very likely that the next outcome is foreseeable.

If he doesn't beg for mercy, he may die miserably.

In Lu Li's case, the weather mixed body is already doomed to die, and there is no possibility of survival.

But this does not mean that Lu Li can't play with the weather mixed body.

He casually lifted the eternal robe behind him, and there was no ripple in Lu Li's voice.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

Hearing this, the weather mixed body suddenly stagnated.

Mainly, he had never thought that Lu Li would ask him such a question.


He didn't have any good reason, he just wanted to live.

But at this time, he really had to find a reason.

Thinking about it, he found that there seemed to be only one reason he could give.

Even if it sounded aggrieved, he could only say it in order to survive.

"I... I can submit to you!"

The weather mixed body suppressed the anger in his heart and said these words as calmly as possible.

He was a very ambitious person, how could he willingly submit to another person.

But just to keep himself alive, he had to say these words against his will.

If he didn't say it, he would definitely die.

Although he couldn't see what the weather mixed body's expression was now, Lu Li could guess that he must be very aggrieved now.

"¨¨Hehehe! Jingsaka, would someone like you really be willing to submit to me?

You probably won't believe it even if you say it yourself, do you think...I will believe you?"

The repeated questioning made the weather mixed body feel cold instantly.

I suddenly said that I would submit to the other party, and I probably wouldn't believe it if it were me.

But what other reasons can he give now?


He couldn't find any other reasons.

Even though he had been begging Lu Li humbly, he didn't expect that the other party had no intention of accepting it at all.

This made the weather mixed body unable to suppress the anger in his heart, and he roared.

"Damn it! Lu Li! Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have strong strength! If you have the guts, kill me!!"

When Lu Li rejected him just now, the meaning was already very clear, and there was no way he could spare him.

That is to say, even if he gave other suitable reasons, there was no possibility of survival.

At this time, the weather mixed body could only break the jar and break the pot.

"Okay! Then I'll help you."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li took out the Eternal Awakening Card again.

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