Swipe the Eternal Awakening card in your hand through the groove on the Eternal Dagger.

"Eternal.Maximum.Drive! (Eternal Ultimate Drive)"

Seeing that Lu Li had chosen to directly activate the Eternal Ultimate Drive, Weather Dopant was immediately confused.

Why don't you follow the routine? !

After arriving at Lu Li's place, why did he become a person who fulfilled himself? !

At this moment, the weather dopant finally panicked.

"Wait! Lu Li! I was just joking, I really want to surrender to you!! Don't kill me!

Kill me, you will regret it! I have a lot of memory research, and I can leave it all to you! !

I just ask you not to kill me! "

As long as it can survive, the weather dopant does not want to die on its own under any circumstances.

He hasn't fulfilled his ambitions, he hasn't achieved the goal in his heart (okay Zhao), how can he die in this place so easily!

Absolutely not!

However, Lu Li didn't give him a chance to say anything.

As the power of the eternal ultimate drive has been activated, the weather dopant suddenly feels that the power in his body seems to be out of control, and the connection between himself and the memory is blocked.

"What the hell is this...?!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Weather Dope was a little unsure for a moment whether it was Lu Li's fault or something was wrong with him.

Blue arcs of electricity were wrapped around his body, and soon, the weather dopant transformed back into the appearance of Isaka Fumihongrou.

Looking down at his hands, he realized that he had released his transformation. Incredulous eyes flashed in Isaka's eyes.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation, and he never thought that he would be forced to cancel the transformation.

"Isaka, how do you feel now? It must be very uncomfortable to lose the power of memory.

Don’t worry, I’ll be able to free you right away! "

Lu Li's cold voice made Isaka Akira's body suddenly feel cold.

At this moment, he finally understood that the reason why he exited the transformation state was because of Lu Li.

The other party can actually cut off the connection between himself and the memory. What kind of power is this? !

Blue energy gathered crazily on the eternal dagger in Lu Li's hand.

It can be clearly seen that the blue flame is burning on the eternal dagger. This blue flame is very deep and gives people a chilling feeling.

"Then...it's over!"



Lu Li instantly slashed out the Eternal Dagger in his hand, and the blue energy condensed into a blue light blade, which quickly struck at Isaka Fumikuruo.


The fire exploded and a burst of explosions was heard.

Isaka Mikuruo was enveloped in monstrous flames, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

A silver-white memory flew out from the exploding flames and landed accurately in Lu Li's hands.

Weather memory... got it! .

Chapter 188 Gather together! Xtreme! Evolution! Yongqi. The ultimate form!

Holding the weather memory in his hand, Lu Li focused his gaze on the flames caused by the explosion and murmured.

"You're really right, you can do whatever you want if you have the strength, but it's a pity... I'm stronger than you.

It’s me who does whatever I want, not you. "

Even if Lu Li didn't pay attention, he still knew what fate Isaka Mikuruo would face now.

Since the power of the weather memory was blocked by the power of eternity, Isaka Shenhongro was equivalent to physically carrying Lu Li's ultimate kill, Eternal Requiem.

The outcome of using a human body to resist the Eternal Requiem is self-evident.

Death is inevitable.

Not only will he die, but under the infusion of powerful energy, Isaka Akira will not even leave his body behind, but will be wiped out by the terrifying energy.

The chance of survival is 100% zero, no surprise at all.

Then, Lu Li turned around and glanced at Terui Ryu who was lying on the ground.

He intercepted Isaka Mikuruo, and although he indirectly completed his revenge for Terui Ryu, this matter was not done by him after all, but by himself.

I'm afraid the other party won't appreciate this, and may even hate me for it.

But Lu Li didn't care whether Terui Ryu hated him or not.

He just wanted to obtain the weather memory, and also wanted to avenge Sonosaki Saeko.

It's also revenge. He can succeed entirely because he is strong enough. It doesn't matter if Terui Ryuu is unwilling.

After receiving the last memory, Lu Li's fingers slowly turned black, and the strange power from the sealing stone slab acted on the weather memory.

Not long after, the weather memory was wrapped in this black energy and slowly changed form.

In the end, the weather memory successfully turned into the memory awakening card that Lu Li needed.

Weather memory awakening card!

Looking at the weather awakening cards in his hand, at this moment, Lu Li finally collected twenty-six awakening cards corresponding to the memory.

Not long ago, Lu Li discovered that he could restore the memory awakening card to memory, so he turned the genetic memory into an awakening card.

Now, twenty-six memory awakening cards are collected.

This means that Lu Li can now transform into Yongqi's final form.

Lu Li was also full of expectations about how much the strength of the final form of Yongqi, who was transformed by the awakening device, would be enhanced.

Now, isn't there a suitable target here?

Lu Li suddenly turned his head and set his sights on the killer whale who brought him here just now.

Even if this guy's combat power is not strong, he can be used as a whetstone.

The killer whale who had been trembling with fear suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

It was as if he was being stared at by something terrifying.

He raised his head slightly and looked at Lu Li unconsciously.

As a result, he happened to see 347 Lu Li staring at him at this time. The murderous eyes under the yellow eye armor made the killer whale's pupils shrink suddenly.

Danger! !

For some reason, a feeling of extreme danger suddenly emerged in his heart.


Is the other party ready to kill the donkey after it has done its job? Does he want to kill him?

Then, in the astonished eyes of the killer whale, Lu Li casually pulled out a memory awakening card.

It was a golden memory awakening card, emitting a strange power.

"Let's try it a little."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li used the extreme memory awakening card in his hand to swipe across the awakening device component.

"Xtreme! Evolution!"

When the power of the extreme awakening card was released, a dazzling golden light immediately enveloped Lu Li.

The next second, in addition to the extreme awakening card just now, another 25 memory awakening cards appeared behind Lu Li.

These 25 memory awakening cards emitted a faint golden light, which seemed to echo with the extreme awakening card.

Then, the 25 memory awakening cards and the extreme awakening card instantly merged into one.

The awakening card emitting dazzling golden light directly merged into Lu Li's body.

The killer whale who witnessed all this quickly covered his eyes. The dazzling golden light made him feel very dazzling.

At the same time, the terrifying aura emitted by the body wrapped in the golden light made him feel very panicked and scared.

The consciousness in his mind kept telling him to run away now, but his body was very honest and stayed where he was without moving.

The body's reaction was the most real. His body had been suppressed by this terrifying force and he could not think of escaping at all.

In the figure covered by the golden light, a powerful energy burst out instantly, and a golden light suddenly rushed into the sky.

At this moment, in the underground space under the Sonozaki family mansion, Quan seemed to be pulled by some force and shook slightly.

A golden data stream gushed out from the inside of Quan, and this data stream seemed to be echoing Lu Li at this time.


Inside Minghai Detective Agency.

Philip was in the basement at this time, and he was looking for information about the coins he had just obtained.

These coins are very, in fact, it is not too difficult to find information.

Suddenly, Philip suddenly raised his head.

He felt a familiar breath, that was the breath of the Earth Database.

Only when W turned into the extreme form, he could easily enter and exit the Earth Database.

Logically speaking, except for W, no one should be able to enter the Earth Database so casually.

But he was very familiar with the breath of the Earth Database, which obviously meant that someone else had communicated with the Earth Database.

Full of shock in his heart, Philip couldn't think of who it was, who actually connected with the Earth Database.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in Philip's mind.

"Could it be... Lu Li?!"

Before, he felt confused about why Lu Li suddenly took away the extreme memory.

But now he suddenly felt that someone was connected to the Earth Database, which means that the other party also used the extreme power.

It is very likely that it was Lu Li.

Maybe the other party took away the extreme memory before just to study the power of the extreme memory.

If it was Lu Li, then everything can be explained.

But how did Lu Li make another extreme memory?

Philip couldn't figure this out for the time being.

His mother Shroud spent a lot of effort and time to make the extreme memory.

However, Lu Li, who is not a researcher, should not know how to study this aspect. How did he make a new extreme memory?

There are big problems here, and Philip couldn't figure it out anyway.

Lu Li is indeed not a researcher, and he didn't have a particularly smart brain at the beginning.

But Philip didn't know that he had been successfully replicated by Lu Li more than a year ago.

The two have the same abilities and the same intelligence.

Of course, Philip himself didn't know what happened at that time.

Now he only knows one thing, once Lu Li is like W's extreme form and can easily connect to the earth database, then W won't have a chance of winning in the subsequent battles.

His face was full of sorrow, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Afterwards, Philip immediately made a decision and prepared to go to the scene to take a look.

The golden light rising from the sky naturally attracted Metzler's attention.

When he saw the golden light column in the distance, Metzler felt a sense of fear in his heart.

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