There seemed to be some kind of terrifying existence in the golden light, and the energy it emitted was very dangerous.

Although Metzler didn't know what that energy was, she was sure that it was even stronger than herself in her complete form.

Fengdu, it was really a dangerous place!

She quickly retracted her gaze. Even though she was full of interest in the golden power of this country, Metzler knew very well that it was better to keep a low profile at this time.

If she was exposed, it would be very dangerous.

It was better to develop in a sleazy way at this time. As long as she had enough cell coins, she could become stronger.

After taking a deep look at the golden light column, Metzler left in the opposite direction without hesitation.


Back to Lu Li.

When Lu Li connected with the Earth Database, he found that he could mobilize all the information in the Earth Database at will.

And in the extreme state, when Lu Li mobilized information in the Earth Database, he did not need to consume his own mental power at all.

This was very comfortable.

Before, Lu Li would feel mentally exhausted after using the Earth Library for a long time.

This is because Lu Li is still in the physical state. If he wants to enter the Earth Library, he needs to connect through the consciousness of the brain, which is completely different from Philip, who is a data person.

Now, this problem (ccch) has also been perfectly solved.

The golden light in the sky slowly dissipated, and Lu Li has completed the evolution of the final form.

When the golden light dissipated, Lu Li appeared in front of the killer whale again.

His body floated in the air, giving people a sense of supremacy.

At this time, Lu Li's overall image does not look much different from before.

It is still a pure white body, with a handsome eternal robe behind him.

The three sharp horns on his head are like a crown, looking majestic.

The awakening device on the waist originally had a red heart in the middle, but it has also changed at this time.

The red heart in the middle has now turned into gold, shining and colorful, and looks very gorgeous.

The blue flame patterns on his hands and arms have also undergone tremendous changes at this time.

The flame patterns that were supposed to be blue have now turned into gold, giving people a sense of mystery and nobility.

The golden flame seemed to contain even more terrifying energy.

Some golden lines appeared on the pure white body, which made it look even more noble.

Kamen Rider Eternal Knight. Ultimate Evolution Form!

Feeling the power emerging from his body, Lu Li clenched his fist gently.

Whether it was strength or other aspects, they were greatly improved.

Even, Lu Li felt that his current state was slightly beyond King.form and Wild Form.

The main reason was that the twenty-six memory awakening cards, including the limit, were completely integrated with Lu Li in an instant.

It was precisely because of the complete integration that Lu Li's power could achieve a qualitative leap.

Of course, this complete integration is only limited to the transformation into the ultimate evolution form of Eternal Knight. After the transformation is canceled, the fused power will disappear.

This is also different from the undead awakening card.

However, it is not absolute.

Lu Li's body is still integrating all the undead creatures. When his body is completely integrated and all the undead creatures can achieve complete integration, the wild form will surely usher in a leap forward.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

He gently twisted his neck and made a ka Ka sound.

Lu Li's strength has reached a new height, and now when he fights with the target, he can easily analyze the target's data and find the best response plan in the earth database.

For example, the killer whale devouring monster in front of him, through the previous battle, Lu Li drew the best conclusion from the earth database.

The opponent has powerful strength, but has no skills to use it, and only knows to attack with powerful strength.

The speed underwater is fast enough, but the speed of fighting on land is relatively slow.

The killer whale devouring monster is trembling slightly at this moment, it is afraid.

At this time, there is only one thought in my mind, escape!

Escape desperately!

Don't make any other movements, just escape.

In the face of the threat of death, the killer whale devouring monster immediately chose to escape and was about to jump into the ground.

However, Lu Li had already seen through its little tricks and actions.


Lu Li just snapped his fingers lightly, and the killer whale devouring monster, which was about to jump under the ground, suddenly plunged into the ice.


That's right, the whole ground was frozen.

This is the power of the Ice Age Awakening Card, which can easily freeze its target into an ice sculpture.

The killer whale devouring monster's head was almost crushed, and it realized that it seemed that it didn't even have a chance to escape.

This is the first time it has evolved into an extreme form. Lu Li will not end the battle in a few moves. At least let him experiment more.


Lu Li's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, and appeared in front of the killer whale devouring monster the next second.

This is the super high speed of the Nazca awakening card, so fast that it is even unclear.

"Since you have helped me, then help me to the end. Let me do a little experiment."

The sound suddenly sounded in my ears, like a roar.

He wanted to get up from the ground in fear, but before the killer whale devourer could stand up, he saw a fist emitting golden flames suddenly blooming in front of him.


The terrifying flames instantly engulfed the killer whale devourer, and the body wrapped in golden flames flew out.

This is the power of the Fiery Awakening Card.

Lu Li disappeared from the spot the next second.

That's right, it disappeared directly.

The killer whale devourer felt that his body was being burned by the flames and struggled frantically.

After falling to the ground, he rolled over in an attempt to extinguish the flames on his body.

At this time, Lu Li appeared next to it again, appearing out of thin air, without seeing any shadow at all.

And this time, the ability Lu Li used was not Nazca's super high speed, but the space movement of the space awakening card.

Completely integrating the space awakening card, Lu Li can easily control the power of space.

Then, Lu Li suddenly clenched his fists, and his arms suddenly swelled up a lot, with muscles bulging high, looking very scary.


He punched the top of the head of the killer whale devouring monster, which was unable to react in time. With this punch, the killer whale devouring monster could no longer bear it and exploded into many cell coins.

In this punch just now, Lu Li used the power of the violent awakening card.

The violent awakening card can make the user's muscle strength unprecedentedly strengthened, and the power that bursts out is naturally more terrifying.

In addition, among the twenty-six memory awakening cards, some directly enhance their own physique and combat effectiveness.

For example, the ace awakening card, the skull awakening card, the metal awakening card, etc., all passively improve the user's physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

With the blessing of the power of these many memory awakening cards, Lu Li's power has become unprecedentedly terrifying.

Seeing the killer whale devouring monster that was blasted into many cell coins by his punch, Lu Li's eyes flashed with regret.

I thought this big guy could hold out a little longer, but now it seems that I overestimated this big guy.

But at least he took two punches from me and was not killed by me directly, which was quite difficult.

In the extreme evolution form of Yongqi, Lu Li felt that his strength had reached an unprecedented height, and he was very satisfied.

It was worth spending so much time and focusing on the memory awakening card to have such an improvement.

Chapter 189 Wakana: It can still become stronger, outrageous! Take the initiative to come to the door

The final reward is still very considerable.

Lu Li is looking forward to whether the awakening device will change after he merges all the undead creatures.

After the complete fusion, how much his own strength will be improved is also worth looking forward to.

The goal has been achieved, and Lu Li has no intention of staying here.

Lu Li is in a good mood and is ready to go back to celebrate, after all, he has gained new power.

After the transformation is lifted, Lu Li immediately feels that the power of the memory awakening card that was originally fused into his body is instantly removed.

This feeling of losing power made him a little uncomfortable.

Come to think of it, the power of the memory awakening card and the power of the undead creature card belong to different systems after all.

The former can only completely merge with itself when used, while the latter can always merge with its own body and become a part of its own body.

Each has its own advantages, and Lu Li did not worry about gains and losses.

However, after removing the transformation, Lu Li keenly noticed that his body seemed a little different.

After the Earth database was synchronized with himself, a special power stayed in his body and helped him speed up the fusion of undead creatures.

This special power did not have any disadvantages for himself, but rather had good benefits. Lu Li was so happy that he naturally could not hate it.

The speed of merging undead creatures was not fast in itself. Now with the help of this special power, he could greatly speed up his fusion progress.

Unexpectedly, he not only gained new power, but also got an unexpected surprise.

Good things!

With a smile on his face, Lu Li left here with a happy face.

As for the wounded Zhao Jinglong who was left there, whether he could survive or not, it all depends on whether he is strong enough.

Not long after, Philip, riding a motorcycle, finally arrived at the scene.

When he arrived here, he saw a mess on the ground, with many places eroded by flames, leaving charred marks.

A very terrible battle must have broken out at the scene, which can be seen from the traces left here.

"What on earth is this...?!"

Philip was very shocked at this time. He could only think of one person who could burst out such a terrifying power.

Lu Li!

In his cognition, apart from Lu Li, probably only W in the extreme form can do this.

And it was the full-strength burst of W in the extreme form, which could not be achieved by random attacks.

While surveying the scene, Philip suddenly saw a familiar figure lying not far away.

A red leather jacket, it was too obvious.

"Zhao Jinglong?!"

He never thought that Zhao Jinglong would be at the scene.

What's going on?

I ran over quickly and saw that Terui Ryu was covered in wounds, but fortunately, his life was not in danger.

“Terui! Hey! Terui!…”

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