Terui Ryu, who was in a coma, vaguely heard a call coming from his ears.

When he opened his eyes slightly, a blurry figure was in front of him.

Suddenly, the previous battle was recalled in his mind, and Terui Ryu immediately turned over and sat up.


Even Terui Ryu, a tough guy, couldn't help but gasp at the pain that came from his body.

When he sat up and looked around, he found that no one else was here except Phillip.

Grabbing Phillip excitedly, Terui Ryu asked loudly.

"Philip, have you seen Isaka Kamiro? And Lu Li! Where have those two guys gone?"

He now really wants to know where Isaka Akira is now.

Hearing this, Phillip shook his head slightly.

"I don't know. When I came here, I only saw you lying here alone, and no one else was there."

Not getting the answer he wanted, Terui Ryu suddenly lowered his head in despair, and the strength in his hands also relaxed.

I thought I could finally avenge my family after meeting Isaka Mikuruo this time, but I was still too naive.

The opponent's power is also very powerful. Even if I use the judgment form, I can't kill the opponent for a while.

He clearly remembered the battle between Lu Li and Isaka Shenhongrou before he fell into coma.

He had put in so much effort for revenge, and now he finally had a chance, but he didn't want his enemy to die at the hands of others.

What he wants is to avenge his family with his own hands!

Standing up with difficulty, the breeze ruffled Terui Ryu's hair.

Seeing a huge dent in the wall on the side, Terui Ryuu knew that everything that happened before was real.

Suddenly, his pupils dilated slightly and his breathing became rapid.

Ignoring the pain on his body, he ran directly over there. He found a badly damaged hat among the black marks.

The hat was certainly familiar to him.

Isn't it the hat that Isaka Mikururo wore before?

Not only did he stay at the scene, but he was also burned to this state. Could it be that... Isaka Fumikuruo had been killed by Lu Li?

This thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and Terui Ryu clenched the hat in his hand unconsciously.

How he hoped now that Isaka Mikuruo was still alive.

But whether the other party is still alive is still a mystery, and it has probably been solved by Lu Li.

At this time, Philip came over, looked at the hat in Terui Ryu's hand, and said curiously.

"Hat? Whose hat is this?"

Hearing Phillip's voice, Terui Ryu seemed to have grasped hope. He immediately turned around and grabbed Phillip's shoulders excitedly.

"Philip, please check it for me quickly! What's the current situation of Isaka Shenhongrou? Is he dead?!"

To find out the news about Isaka Mikuruo, Philip now became the only hope in his heart.

He only hoped that Phillip could give him good news.

Seeing how excited he was, Phillip didn't ask too many questions. He immediately closed his eyes and began to search for information about Isaka Fumiro in the Earth Library.

Keywords are quite easy, and I quickly found the book corresponding to them.

After opening the book, Phillip fell silent.

Seeing Phillip who had been silent and had his eyes closed, Terui Ryu felt a little anxious.

"Philip, how are you? Did you find it?"

It wasn't that Phillip didn't want to say it, but he was hesitating whether he should tell Ryu Terui about it.

"Terui, Isaka Mikuruo... is dead. He was killed by Lu Li."

Finally, he told Terui Ryu the answer.

When he got this answer, Terui Ryu's eyes were slightly distracted, and he fell into a state of confusion.

He didn't expect that the result would be the worst.

The object of his sacrifice was actually seen by others, which meant that he had no way to take revenge.

No one personally avenged his family, which was really a big blow to Terui Ryuu.

Although his enemy was dead, he was not happy at all.

How could I be happy when I couldn't even promise to avenge my family, and yet I was intercepted by others?

Feeling extremely disappointed, Terui Ryu also fell into a sluggish spirit.

After leaving the Earth Library, Philip saw the depressed Terui Ryu as soon as he opened his eyes. He didn't know how to comfort him.

After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and patted the other party's shoulder gently.

Night falls.

Under the moonlight, the Sonosaki family looked very magnificent.

In the hall, today's dinner looked very luxurious and luxurious.

Sonosaki Saeko already knew the news that Lu Li had become stronger, so she specially arranged this sumptuous and luxurious dinner.

There is a very rich and exquisite dinner on the table. Even if it is just one or two dishes, ordinary people may not be able to afford it with a month's income.

For the Sonosaki family, money is not an issue.

Anyway, as long as there are enough research results, Consortium X will continue to provide financial assistance.

Moreover, money is just a number to those who have power.

There are many ways to obtain funds, and collecting money from a consortium is just one of them.

In the past, the museum's funds all came from Consortium X, which required it to rely on others.

Once Consortium X was dissatisfied, there might be a problem of funding shortage.

The current museum must make changes, at least it can't just rely on Consortium X for funding.

Since taking over the company, Sonosaki Saeko should start a series of work. The company should not be limited to this, but should expand its scale.

At the same time, the company's business should not be limited to memory, but should involve more aspects.

These are all to enable the company to have more funds, even if it leaves Consortium X, it can be self-sufficient without worrying about funding.

Regarding these situations, Lu Li naturally gave Sonosaki Saeko a lot of help.

Even though it is still in its infancy, the funds can already be self-sufficient.

Who let Lu Li have the same intelligence as Philip?

And he can also enter the Earth Library and browse all the information at will.

Sonosaki Saeko stood up, raised the wine glass in his hand and smiled.

"Cheers, today we have to celebrate and congratulate Lu Li for gaining new power."

Lu Li got new power and became stronger, so she was naturally very happy in her heart.

The two of them were originally one, and Lu Li became stronger, which meant that she became stronger.

Sonosaki Wakana and Mina raised their glasses.

"Lu Li, you can actually become stronger, this is too outrageous!

By the way, didn't you say before that you could make me stronger? How are you now? Why is there no news?"

There was a hint of resentment in her tone, and being stared at by Sonosaki Wakana's resentful eyes, Lu Li quickly laughed.

"Haha! Wakana, I dare not forget about you, don't worry, I will notify you as soon as that thing is completed."

Lu Li has never forgotten about the Gaia processor.

However, the Gaia processor was still in the process of adjustment before, and now I don't know what the situation is.

When Lu Li said this, this girl was really easy to coax, and her face was immediately full of smiles.

·· ··Please give me flowers·· ······

"Okay! You said it, don't forget it."

Mina, who was standing by, had a sweet smile on her face. This smile was from the heart, without any false feelings.

In Mina's heart, Lu Li could become stronger, which was even more worthy of happiness than her own strength.

"Mr. Lu, congratulations on becoming stronger."

As she said this, Mina drank the red wine in the glass directly.

She had always called Lu Li Mr. Lu, and she was used to it.

When the Sonozaki family held a dinner party, a figure suddenly appeared outside the Sonozaki family's mansion.

"Is this... the headquarters of the so-called museum? It's really magnificent."

A long female voice came, and she walked out of the shadows, and finally revealed her appearance under the moonlight.


That's right, she had secretly seen Lu Li during the day, and went directly to the Sonozaki family at night.

In her opinion, no matter who it was, as long as there was a common interest, they could be partners.

As the hidden underground organization behind the museum in Fuuto, the Sonosaki family can cooperate with it.

The cooperation between the two parties is mutually beneficial, and she will not affect the business of the museum.

Of course, since it is a cooperation, then sincerity must be shown.

She has already thought about it, she can help the other party fight against Kamen Rider, and what she wants is also very simple, that is, to create enough Desire Devouring Monsters to provide herself with cell coins.

This time she took the initiative to come to the door, just to cooperate.

The main reason is that she does not want to conflict with the museum.

After all, the other party is the most powerful underground force in Fuuto. Once there is a conflict with the other party, it is absolutely impossible for her to develop here safely.

... .... .......

Cooperation can effectively avoid conflicts between the two parties.

I help the other party get rid of Kamen Rider, and the other party does not interfere with my development, which is the best of both worlds.

However, Metzl probably never thought that she would meet the man who scared her here.

Not an ordinary person, Metzl naturally had no intention of knocking on the door.

With a light jump, he entered the manor in an instant. Metzl had no interest in this magnificent manor and went straight to the building in the middle.

At this time, Lu Li, who was celebrating, suddenly felt that someone had broken into the Sonosaki mansion.

To be precise, it should not be a person.

The aura emitted by the other party is completely different from that of a person, so it is naturally impossible to be a person.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Lu Li said directly without looking back.

"Since you are already here, then come out, no need to hide."

Hearing Lu Li's sudden words, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the three girls of Sonosaki Saeko, and then they all became alert.

They didn't know who the person Lu Li was talking about was, but they were sure that someone had invaded.

They all took out their memories and were ready to transform and fight at any time.

Metzl, who had just entered the garden, heard the sound coming from the house.

Unexpectedly, I had just entered the garden and was discovered by the other party.

No, I am afraid that the other party has noticed me after I invaded the mansion.

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