Really alert!

Since everything has been discovered, Metzler didn't plan to hide it.

I came here to find cooperation, not to harass the other party, let alone to cause trouble.

When she came to the door of the hall connected to the garden, Metzler saw the scene inside the house through the window on the door, and the people inside the house naturally noticed Metzler.

Pushing the door open gently, Metzler walked in directly.

However, she saw a very familiar back.

That man, where have I seen him?

At this time, Lu Li turned his head slightly, and when he noticed the other party's face, Metzler's pupils suddenly shrank.

Isn't this man the man he saw during the day?

He easily blocked the attack of the killer whale devouring monster without transforming, and the other party also transformed later and became a masked knight.

But why did the masked knight appear here?

For a moment, Metzler didn't understand what was going on, why the museum, as an underground organization, had such a deep connection with the masked knight.

"Who are you? Why did you break into our house?" Sonosaki Wakana didn't have a good face for this sudden intruder.

Originally they were happily celebrating, but suddenly an unknown guy broke in.

No matter who it was, they would probably feel unhappy.

Metzl came back to her senses after hearing the voice, and she barely suppressed the panic in her heart.

"I... am Metzl, the Greedy from the next city. I came here uninvited today to seek cooperation from the museum."

Metzl didn't dare to hide her intentions directly.

For some reason, in front of this man, she felt that she must not lie, otherwise she would be discovered.

Why did she have such an idea, she herself couldn't explain it.


Sonosaki Saeko frowned slightly, obviously not knowing what a Greedy was.

Among the few people present, only Lu Li knew what a Greedy was.

Chapter 190 Cooperation, are you qualified? New members join, core coins

When Lu Li learned from Metzler that she was here to seek cooperation, he was slightly surprised.

But then Lu Li understood.

His arrival has brought some uncontrollable changes to the world, and it is not difficult to understand the current situation.

"Cooperation? How do you want to cooperate? If we cooperate, how much benefit can you bring to me?" Lu Li got straight to the point.

If the other party can give corresponding benefits, cooperation between the two parties is not impossible.

However, Lu Li can't think of what benefits Metzler can bring to him.

Metzler, who had thought about it from the beginning, couldn't wait to say.

"I can help you deal with... deal with Kamen Rider."

However, when she mentioned the four words Kamen Rider, she looked at Lu Li very carefully.

After all, Lu Li had transformed in front of her once during the day.

Hearing this, Lu Li's eyes did not change at all, without any fluctuations at all.

Not only Lu Li, but also Sonosaki Saeko and the others were also very calm, as if the conditions proposed by Metzler were nothing special.

Originally, Metzler thought that when she proposed this condition, she would be recognized by the other party.

Before coming, she had already inquired about it.

The Kamen Riders in this city have been against the museum and eliminated the dopants created by the museum.

She was willing to help the museum deal with the Kamen Riders, which could help the other party reduce some unnecessary troubles.

There was no need for the other party to reject her kindness when she proposed such a condition.

However, the next moment, Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko looked at each other and laughed.



This sudden laughter made Metzler a little confused for a while.

Why did these two people suddenly laugh? Did they look down on the exchange conditions they proposed?

"Three, four, seven" felt like being ridiculed. Metzler suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice.

"What are you laughing at? Is there anything funny?

Kamen Rider should be the biggest enemy of your museum. He has been causing trouble for the museum for so long.

I can help you deal with Kamen Rider, and even help you eliminate him! I'm not kidding!"

She was still very calm. Although she was angry, she didn't show it.

As a smart greedy person, you must learn to judge the situation.

This may be someone else's territory. If you make trouble here, what will happen is almost foreseeable.

She is not a brainless idiot, like Wufan or Gamer.

Wufan: Ah cut! Who is saying bad things about me?

Wakana Sonosaki said with a hint of contempt in her tone.

"The biggest enemy? Do you underestimate our museum?

With the current Kamen Rider, is it possible that he can be our opponent?"

Kamen Rider has indeed become very powerful, but for the museum, he is not an invincible guy.

Among all the people present, except for herself who has not yet completed the ultimate evolution and reached the final form and has relatively weak combat power, the combat power of everyone else is very strong.

The first one is Lu Li. If nothing else, with his strength, he can definitely destroy W easily.

Then there is his sister, Sono Saeko. Although she hasn't fought in person for a long time, the fighting power she has shown must not be underestimated.

There is also a high probability that she can solve W.

Then there is Mina. She has fought with W in the ultimate form before, and they are evenly matched.

Once this lineup is pulled out, isn't it easy to destroy Kamen Rider?

Is it necessary to have other people help?

Absolutely not!

And it's a weird guy. This city comes from the neighboring city. No one knows what his purpose is.

Since this woman is here to make a deal, she must be willing to pay for something.

Lu Li turned around and looked at Metzl. Before, he had actually set his sights on Metzl.

The other party took the initiative to come to the door to seek cooperation, and Lu Li could probably guess the other party's intention.

"Metzl, you came to this city to create a Desire Devourer in Fengdu, right?

In the neighboring city, OOO should have killed a lot of your Desire Devourers, so that you got less Cell Coins, right?"

This remark hit the nail on the head, and Metzl's face changed immediately.

She had never mentioned this matter before, how did the other party know about it? !

They, the Greedy, were also very low-key in the neighboring city, just to be able to collect Cell Coins peacefully.

But why did this man in front of him seem to know everything about them?

Seeing Metzl's face change, Lu Li smiled calmly.

"You don't have to be so nervous and scared, I have my own way to know about you.

It's not that I can't agree to your conditions, but... the conditions you gave obviously can't satisfy me."

Lu Li tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and he didn't need Metzl to help him deal with W.

What he wanted was not this, but something else.

Metzl, although not in the complete form at present, his combat power is not as good as that of a real cadre.

But the Greedy Man himself is not weak, so it is not impossible to take him in as a subordinate.

The museum itself is currently short of cadres, and Metzl is naturally a very suitable candidate.

Moreover, Lu Li is also very curious about one thing, that is, whether there will be any catalytic reaction between the Greedy Man or the Devourer and the memory.

If these two use the power of the memory, will they become more powerful?

All this is just speculation so far, and has not been confirmed by Lu Li.

Once the cooperation between the two parties is reached, this experiment can be considered.

During the day, Metzl had witnessed Lu Li's terrifying and powerful strength, a terrifying power.

You must be careful when cooperating with such a person, otherwise you will be the only one who suffers.

"What conditions do you want? If I can agree to it, I will definitely agree."

Metzl knew very well that if the person in front of him did not nod, he would not be able to create the Devourer in the city of Fengdu at ease.

He had already made plans for the other party to propose other conditions, and Metzl had considered this issue from the beginning.

With a slight smile, Lu Li pointed to an empty seat next to the table.

"Sit down, sit down and you will know."

Hearing this, Metzl glanced at the empty seat, and a look of doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She didn't understand why she understood it after she sat down.

And Sonozaki Saeko and the other two looked at each other, and their eyes revealed something. They all knew what Lu Li was planning.

After a little hesitation, Metzl came to the empty seat and sat down.

"Okay, now that I'm sitting down, let's talk about the conditions between us."

Metzl was eager to know what conditions Lu Li would propose to her.

Facing the anxious Metzl, Lu Li stretched out his finger and gently pointed at her.

"My conditions are actually very simple. I can let you play freely in this city.

But... you must become a cadre of our museum."

That's right, Lu Li wants to pull Metzl into the group.

The opponent's strength is not weak, and once it becomes a complete body, its strength will increase significantly, becoming a cadre at the level of Mina.

The more elite-level combat power cadres have, the better.


When she heard Lu Li's conditions, Metzl was stunned.

She didn't react for a while. Was Lu Li kidding her?

He actually wanted to win her back and make her a cadre of the museum.

You know, I'm an outsider who came suddenly. Did the other party recruit me as a cadre of the museum out of trust?


This was only the second time the two sides met. The first time they met, Metzl secretly observed in the dark, and they didn't even say a word at that time.

How could there be trust?

She couldn't figure out what Lu Li was thinking for a while.

After thinking calmly, she still couldn't figure out any reason why Lu Li wanted to win her back.

The Greedy People themselves are not an organization. The reason they work together is just to deal with OOO and Anku.

If one person alone could deal with OOO and Anku, there would be no cooperation among the Greedy Ones.

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