The cooperation is temporary. They just want to achieve their own goals and get what they need.

Unable to find any reason, Metzler began to think about the pros and cons of joining the museum.

Once she joined the museum, she could create the Devourer in Fengdu at will and get the museum's blessing.

Even if the Kamen Riders in this city obstructed her, it would not be a big problem.

Another thing is that if she could join the museum, she would have the opportunity to access the power of memory.

She is not a Greedy in her complete form at present. In addition to obtaining core coins, she can also use other means to improve her combat effectiveness.

For example, using memory.

Of course, whether the memory can be adapted to the Greedy is another matter.

And what she has to pay is only her loyalty.

As for how high her loyalty is, only Metzler knows.

But she believes that if she betrays the museum later, what the consequences will be, she can almost foresee it.

Once you choose to join the museum, then... you must never regret it.

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly gave Metzler a condition that made her even more excited and could not be refused.

"Metzl, I know what the world looks like in the eyes of you greedy people. There is no color and you have no perception of anything.

I can meet one more condition for you. After I study it carefully, maybe... I can let you gain perception of this world."

When Metzl heard this, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The other party actually knew about the perception of greedy people, and seemed to be very clear.

In theory, the other party is not from that city, so it should be impossible for him to know these things... ..

How did he know these things?

With a slightly absent-minded look, Metzl fell into silence for a while.

The conditions given by Lu Li were already very generous, and Metzl had no reason to refuse.

However, after joining the museum, he had no room for retreat.

Just when Metzl was hesitant, Lu Li dropped another bombshell.

Lu Li reached into his pocket with his right hand and took out a blue core coin from his pocket.

"Also, as long as you choose to join the museum and do good things for the museum, I will return this thing to you."

After hearing the voice, Metzl came back to her senses and saw the core coin in Lu Li's hand at the first time.

"My core coin?!"

Metzl stood up excitedly, her eyes full of disbelief.

She didn't understand at all how Lu Li got his core coin.

For so long, Metzl has been looking for her core coin, but without any results.

Now, a core coin belonging to her appeared in front of her, how could she not be excited.

"How is it? Have you thought it through? Do you want to join the museum?"

Lu Li played with the core coin in his hand.

Whether it is a core coin or a cell coin, it has a very high hardness and is generally difficult to be destroyed.

Of course, that is only in general.

Are there not many scenes of destroyed core coins in the play?

During the day, Metzl had witnessed Lu Li's incomparable strength with his own eyes.

Even if he really didn't transform, he could fight against the killer whale monster.

Now her core coin is in the other party's hands, she is really worried.

If she refuses to join the museum, Lu Li will accidentally crush her core coin, and then it will be over.

The desire in the heart of every greedy person is to complete himself and get all the core coins that belong to him.

Once any core coin is destroyed, everything will be over.

"I promise you!"

This time, Metzler did not hesitate at all and agreed to Lu Li directly.

In order to get the core coin back from Lu Li, she must make a decision immediately instead of thinking slowly.

If she continues to think, I am afraid that her core coins will be gone.

"Smart decision, since you have chosen to join the museum, don't do anything that is not good for the museum.

Otherwise... I will definitely make you regret it."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li's momentum suddenly changed.

An extremely terrifying sense of oppression came over, and after feeling this strong sense of oppression, Metzler's body suddenly trembled, and cold sweat immediately ran down.


She has never felt such a terrifying existence.

Lu Li, who is this man?

The terrifying aura emanating from her body was even more powerful than the aura emanating from the king eight hundred years ago.

It was beyond Metzler's comprehension. What kind of existence was the other party? !

If she agreed to Lu Li now, she would never go back.

Taking a deep breath, Metzler was deeply shocked by Lu Li's incomparable aura and strength. She didn't mind being loyal to such a powerful existence.

But she didn't want to be betrayed again.

Eight hundred years ago, the king used them and then abandoned them.

This kind of betrayal tasted once, she didn't want to taste it a second time.

"Okay! I promise, from now on I am a member of the museum! Mr. Lu Li, from now on I will obey you!"

This time she really wanted to join the museum and become a member of the museum.

With Lu Li's protection, no matter what difficulties she faces in the future, she will have enough confidence.

Saiko Sonosaki heard Metzler's loyalty to Lu Li, and she was not angry at all.

The museum originally belonged to herself and Lu Li. No matter who she was loyal to, she was always a member of the museum.

"Okay, remember what you said just now. From now on, you are officially a member of the museum.

I will not give you anything less than what I promised you."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li threw the core coin in his hand to Metzler.

Metzler caught the blue core coin and showed ecstasy on her face.

I finally found another core coin!

Metzler couldn't wait to put the core coin on her chest. The core coin emitted a faint blue light and then merged into her body.

After the core coin was integrated into her body, Metzl felt that part of her power had returned.


The return of power made Metzl feel very comfortable.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

The first thing Metzl did after opening her eyes was to thank Lu Li.

She had been looking for her core coin for a long time, but she couldn't find it. This time it was a pleasant surprise.

Even though she had joined the museum, Metzl knew that her behavior and freedom were not restricted in any way.

She just needed to ensure that she was loyal enough to Lu Li and the museum.

Chapter 191 Desire! In the quiet Rifu City, the Great Dao Self-Restraint is coming!

At this time, Lu Li suddenly raised the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile.

"Then... let's welcome the new cadre of the museum, Metzl!"

Hearing Lu Li's words, Sono Saki Saeko and the other two also raised their glasses to congratulate.

"Congratulations, Metzl, for becoming a cadre of our museum!"


"Please take care of me in the future."

Although Metzl had just recovered not long ago, she had not fallen behind in her knowledge of human society.

She wanted to raise her glass together, but found that there was no wine glass in front of her.

Noticing that Metzl was a little embarrassed, Lu Li smiled slightly and snapped his fingers gently.

The wine bottle on the side automatically floated up, and the cup on the plate automatically turned over. The wine bottle automatically tilted and poured the wine into the cup.

Then, the wine glass automatically flew to the table in front of Metzl.

This move shocked Metzl even more.

Sure enough, she still underestimated Lu Li.

This is a man with many secrets waiting for her to discover.

She was very curious about what kind of power Lu Li used just now to make these things move by themselves.

Will this power be the same as the power she saw before?

But obviously the time is not right now, and she can't ask what's going on.

Picking up the wine glass on the table, Metzl smiled sweetly.

"Thank you all, from today on I am a member of the museum, please take care of me."

Metzl drank the wine in the glass.

Although it was drinking, Metzl didn't feel anything at all.

The greedy didn't have much perception of this world, so Metzl had no taste at all, and naturally couldn't taste what the wine tasted like.

As for whether he would get drunk?

He was not a human at all, and his body was made up of cell coins, so how could he get drunk?

The three girls, Sonosaki Saeko, obviously didn't know this setting, but they saw that Metzl drank the wine in the glass, and they were embarrassed to leave any.

They drank the wine in the glass one after another.

However, the three of them were normal people. Although they could take a sip or two for tasting, it was the first time they drank so much.

The aftereffect of red wine was still very strong, but it hadn't shown yet.

But tonight, they should be able to sleep well.

Although Metzl couldn't tell what these things tasted like, she was full of desire for the taste of these things.

I want to eat!

Lu Li had just promised her.

He was willing to help her gain a sense of this world, and she had an unprecedented desire in her heart.

After seeing Lu Li's powerful strength, she still had doubts about Lu Li's promise, but she also felt that it was credible.

This man might really be able to help her gain a sense of this world.

The museum, which can create something beyond understanding like memory, might really help her.

Since she has become a cadre of the museum, Metzl naturally doesn't need to wander around.

She can live here peacefully, and this place has become her base camp.

Even if the greedy don't need to sleep, they still need a place to live.


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