Minghai Detective Agency.

It was late at night, and Terui Ryu did not leave the detective agency today, but stayed.

Of course, it was not that he did not leave, but that this guy was completely drunk.

After what happened during the day, Terui Ryu was in a very low mood.

Especially when he knew that his enemy, Izaka Shinkuro, was killed by Lu Li, he felt even more frustrated.

He could not kill his enemy with his own hands, but was killed by another guy. How could he feel balanced?

Terui Ryu, who was full of frustration and dissatisfaction, bought a lot of wine and sat there alone to drink.

As a result, this guy was not very good at drinking. He was drunk and fell asleep on the table without drinking much beer.

Seeing Terui Ryu like this, Zuo Xiangtaro was quite emotional and gently patted Terui Ryu's shoulder to comfort him.

He understood the feeling of having an enemy in front of him but not being able to kill him. He had experienced it before.

However, he is different from Terui Ryu.

Terui Ryu's enemy, Inosaka Shinkuro, has been killed and will never appear again.

But his enemy, Lu Li, is still alive.

He still has time and a chance to take revenge.

Just as he was sighing about this, the door of the basement suddenly opened and a call came from inside.


The body paused slightly, and Shotaro Zuo turned around and saw Philip running out in a hurry.

"Philip, what's wrong?"

"Shotaro, I found the information about the coins you dragged back today!"

"Found it?!"

Shotaro Zuo instantly became interested.

During the day, the monster suddenly disappeared and many coins appeared. He was very curious about what was going on.

Now that it has finally been figured out, Shotaro Zuo can't wait to know what is going on.

Philip came over and took out the cell coins he had been studying and began to explain.

"It's like this, this coin is called the Cell Coin, and it is a coin born from human desire."

"Human desire?"

Shoutaro Zuo frowned slightly, and for a moment he couldn't understand why it was born from human desire.

How can such a coin be born through desire?

Noticing that Shoutaro Zuo frowned, Philip knew that he didn't understand, and continued.

"In a city next to Fuuto, a monster called Greedy was revived. They came from eight hundred years ago and are now revived due to unexpected circumstances.

The Greedy can liberate people's desires through Cell Coins and give birth to corresponding monsters. This monster is the Desire Devourer.

The purpose of Greedy to create this Desire Devourer is to obtain more Cell Coins through human desires.

The Cell Coin can constitute the body of the Greedy and can provide them with more powerful power, which is why they want to collect more Cell Coins."

After listening to a series of explanations, Shoutaro Zuo finally understood what the situation was.

Unexpectedly, there is such a situation here.

Greedy, Devourer, they are obviously guys from the neighboring city, but they actually came to Fuuto to cause trouble.

Then, Shotaro Sa had another question in his mind.

Touching his chin with his fingers, Shotaro Sa couldn't understand why Greedy came to Fuuto after thinking for a long time.

"Philip, do you know why Greedy came to our city?"

Hearing this, Philip nodded without hesitation.

"After my analysis, I came to a conclusion that there are also Kamen Riders in the city next door.

Kamen Rider OOO is a knight born eight hundred years ago. He has a very deep connection with these Greedy. New transformers have been preventing the development of Greedy.

The appearance of Greedy in Fuuto is probably because these Greedy want to start developing towards other cities to reduce the possibility of being discovered by Kamen Riders in the neighboring city."

No matter when, Philip's analysis is very pertinent.

Shotaro Sa can finally understand why he suddenly encountered Devourer.

It turned out that before he knew it, Fuuto had been invaded by other unknown monsters.

It was already very difficult to protect the city from the organization, and now there was a greedy person who could use human desire to create a desire-eating monster. Isn't this adding insult to injury?

For a moment, Shotaro Zuo felt a headache.

"Alas! I haven't solved my own problems yet, and now a new guy suddenly came. It's too troublesome."

Rubbing his hair hard, Shotaro Zuo just wanted to protect the city, but he didn't expect that there would be more and more troubles now.

At the same time, Shotaro Zuo was still considering another problem.

That is, will there be cooperation between the organization and the greedy person?

Once there is cooperation, the trouble may be even greater.

Philip has no way to draw a conclusion about this issue for the time being.


In Fuuto.

The Snow Servant of Wan Deng, dressed in a white suit, was standing on a tall building at this time.

When he came back before, he keenly noticed the changes here, and the breath in the air disappeared.

Now, he hasn't come back at this time, I'm afraid that guy is already... in danger.

I finally found a cadre, but I didn't expect that he would be killed without my knowledge.

Wan Dengxueshi was in a bad mood at this time, his face was cold and gloomy.

He couldn't find someone to vent his anger on for the time being. If he had someone to vent his anger on, he would have exploded now.

Looking at Lifengdu, Wan Dengxueshi grabbed the railing tightly.

"Stupid idiot! I have already told you not to go out, but you still insist on going out. Isn't this asking for death?"

He recruited a cadre, but he didn't ask the other party to help him complete anything. He was killed inexplicably. Anyone would be very unhappy.

As for who killed Jingzaka Shenhonglang, Wan Dengxueshi knew who it was without thinking.

Lu Li!

Apart from Lu Li, Wan Dengxueshi couldn't think of anyone else who could easily solve Jingzaka Shenhonglang.

After venting his anger briefly, Wan Dengxueshi tidied his coat.

At any time, you need to ensure your own elegance. Wan Dengxueshi always remembers one thing.

Since the guy Jingzaka Shenhonglang is now missing, he can only cross his name out of Lifengdu.

He still needs to continue to find more cadres to help Lifengdu become stronger.

Finding suitable cadres is not an easy task in itself, and the sudden death of Jingzaka Shenhonglang can be said to be adding insult to injury.

All the previous efforts have now become nothing, and Wan Dengxueshi’s inner dissatisfaction can be imagined.

"It seems that we can only change the plan temporarily. Lu Li may have discovered the existence of Lifengdu. It’s better to be quiet next time."

Wan Dengxueshi’s face was serious.

He was not sure whether Lu Li had discovered the existence of Lifengdu at this time.

No one can guarantee whether Jingzaka Shenhonglang leaked the news here before he died.

It’s better not.

Otherwise, Wan Dengxueshi will be in big trouble.

Lifengdu has been built with great effort for so long, and he doesn’t want too many unexpected situations to occur.

In the next period of time, Wan Dengxueshi plans to hide and is not going to Fengdu for the time being.

That place is too dangerous now. With Lu Li there, it is not suitable for him to go there again.

Turning his head slightly and looking at the instruments and equipment left by Jingzaka Shenhonglang, Wan Dengxueshi left a sentence lightly.

"Get rid of this thing, it is no longer useful."

He knew what Jingzaka Shenhonglang was researching. Apart from that guy, no one would be willing to do such research.

It was mainly too crazy. He applied the power of various memories to himself to make himself stronger.

This is no different from a madman. People with normal thinking ability probably won't do such a thing.

There is no point in leaving the instruments and equipment. Wan Dengxueshi does not need to use this method to enhance his power.

Just after Wan Dengxueshi left, a shadow flashed.

The next second, there was an explosion.


The place where Jingzaka Shenhonglang used to study memory was destroyed by a powerful force.


Time flies.

A week has passed.

Today's sky is very dark, as if it means something big is about to happen.

Suddenly, a helicopter passed through the sky.

Inside the helicopter, a man in white clothes was holding a briefcase in his hand, and mercenaries were all around him.

That's right, the man in white clothes was from Consortium X.

As for what he was holding, it was the T2 memory developed by Consortium X based on the information provided by the museum.

Compared with the T1 memory, it has more powerful power.

And the purpose of their group was to send the briefcase in their hands back to Consortium X.

The completion of the research on the 347T2 memory represents a further improvement in the research progress of the Gaia memory.

This is a major breakthrough for Consortium X, which has invested a lot of money.

With this major breakthrough, Consortium X can also further control a more powerful military force.

However, the people on the helicopter did not notice that a transport plane had already targeted them in the sky not far behind their helicopter.

The hatch of the transport plane opened, and a figure appeared at the hatch.

Da Dao Ke Ji!

That's right!

It was the immortal-Da Dao Ke Ji.

It has been a long time since the last incident in Country S.

After much inquiry, he learned about the research progress and plan of T2 memory.

Before, he used the eternal test product. After using it once, in order to protect himself, the eternal memory test product was eventually destroyed.

Only the Lost Drive was preserved, and Da Dao Ke Ji has been trying to find the eternal memory.

Finally got this opportunity, of course he would not let it go.

Looking down at the helicopter below, Da Dao Ke Ji's mouth curled up a smile.

He could clearly feel that in the helicopter, a familiar force was calling him.

This familiar force did not come from anywhere else, but from... the eternal memory!

"Eternal, finally see you again!"

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