Before he finished speaking, Da Dao Ke Ji opened his hands and fell straight down.

At such a high distance, he actually rushed over directly. Even with a parachute on his body, it was a very dangerous thing.

But for the undead, fear is meaningless and does not exist in their actions at all.

Grabbing the side door of the helicopter accurately, Da Dao Ke Ji jumped lightly and entered the helicopter directly.

The helicopter shook a little after being hit suddenly. Fortunately, the pilot reacted quickly, otherwise it would have crashed directly.

The mercenary on the side noticed Da Dao Ke Ji who suddenly appeared and immediately took out a pistol and shot at him.

"Bang Bang Bang!!"

After a round of shooting, except for the curling white smoke on Da Dao Ke Ji's clothes, he had nothing at all.

There were several obvious bullet holes on the clothes, and the bullets had entered the body, but it had no effect on the undead at all.

"It's pretty powerful."

Da Dao Ke Ji's voice had just fallen, and he solved the mercenary in a few seconds.

Then he knocked out the man in white holding the suitcase with another punch and snatched the suitcase away.

His goal was only the memory in the suitcase.

When he opened the suitcase, he saw the 26 Gaia memories quietly placed inside, and he immediately spotted the one that belonged to him.

Picking up the white memory, Da Dao Keji smiled.

From the moment he held the Eternal Memory, that familiar feeling came again.

The power of eternity will reappear on him at this moment.

Chapter 192 Come on, enjoy the fun of hell! Let's see who will give up first?

He immediately took out the Lost Drive and put it on his waist, and quickly pressed the Eternal Memory in his hand.


When the memory was inserted into the drive, a powerful force instantly poured into the body.

It was still that familiar power, no, it was even more powerful!

A dazzling white light flashed, and the white light was mixed with a blue glimmer.

The yellow eye armor was highlighted, and a white warrior in a black robe appeared in the helicopter.

The mercenary driving the helicopter naturally knew about Kamen Rider.

The mercenary driving the helicopter said with a gloomy face.

"Kamen Rider."

Obviously, he knew what Kamen Rider meant.

Although they were mercenaries, they were just ordinary people. Facing Kamen Rider, there was no comparison at all.

At this time, the man in white who had just been punched and almost fainted was grinning at Yongqi.

The T2 memory was taken away by the other party, which was absolutely not allowed.

Once he went back, what kind of fate would be waiting for him was almost foreseeable.

He must not let the other party leave, and immediately destroy the T2 memory, and let the other party stay.

His face was full of anger and unwillingness, but the man in white still took out the detonator.

Under the suitcase, the bomb had been installed in advance to prevent the collective from being taken away.

This is the most extreme method, destroying all the memories and dragging the other party to be buried with them.

Without any hesitation, he immediately pressed the detonator in his hand.

A dazzling red light suddenly burst out from under the suitcase that had just been opened, and a terrifying energy burst out instantly.


A loud noise came from the sky, and the bursting fire was very dazzling.

Countless helicopter fragments, along with the memories in the suitcase, were blown away by this terrifying energy.

A figure in the sky quickly fell to the ground.

The black robe behind him was like a pair of wings.

Yongqi landed smoothly on the roof of a tall building.

In the sky, all the other memories flew in all directions towards the wind, like meteors.

And on the tall building where Yongqi just landed, all the other undead had been waiting here for a long time.

"It's great! Xiao Keji has got what he wanted."

Quan Jingshui looked completely the same as before, still effeminate.

Domoto Tsuyoshi, who has a strong physique, was not in a good mood at all, and slapped Izumi Kyosui's hand away.

"Kyosui! Keji himself has a memory, but where are our memories?"

Hearing this, Yongqi pointed to Fuuto.

"We will be able to see it soon."

Hahara Lai raised his hands helplessly.

"He asked us to find it ourselves."

Nodding slightly, Yongqi continued.

"The game begins, yes, go treasure hunting, and turn this city into hell."

Under the wind, the eternal robe behind Yongqi kept swaying.

The other four undead left one after another, and their purpose was naturally the T2 memories scattered in this city.

Among the remaining 25 memories, there is always a memory suitable for them.

Standing on the high building, looking at Fuuto, Yongqi came here this time to destroy this city.

As for the reason, it is because this city is his hometown.

Of course, this also contains his hatred.

The Undead Project and the Gaia Memory Project were once competitors, but the Undead Project lost to the Gaia Memory Project, and he has no good feelings towards the museum at all.

In addition, the wind of his hometown has become the experimental site of the museum's memory. In this case, it is better to destroy it.

It is better to be destroyed in his own hands than to continue to be the museum's test site.

Raising his right hand and giving a thumbs up, Da Dao Keji said slowly.

"Come on, enjoy the fun of hell!"

As he said, he turned his thumb upside down.


At this time, at the more remote memory research institute.

Today, Lu Li and Sonosaki Wakana came here.

As for why they suddenly came to such a remote memory research institute, of course, it was for the Gaia processor.

After this period of research and repair, the Gaia processor has now been fully manufactured and adjusted to the optimal state.

This also means that Sonosaki Wakana can usher in further evolution.

When she learned the news, Sonosaki Wakana was in a very good mood and couldn't wait to see the so-called Gaia processor.

Before coming to the institute, this girl had already asked a hundred thousand whys.

She kept talking in Lu Li's ear all the way, and his ears were almost calloused.

"Lu Li, what do you think will happen after I complete the evolution with the Gaia processor? How strong will I become?

Do you think I will be as strong as my sister? Or stronger than my sister? ...¨ "..."

This girl was so excited.

Lu Li patted his forehead helplessly, turned around and covered her mouth with one hand, pressing her against the wall next to him.

The posture between the two people gave people the feeling that Lu Li was wall-banging Sonosaki Wakana.

Of course, if he took the hand covering Wakana's mouth away, it would be more like it.

Fortunately, there was no one else here for the time being, so naturally no one saw this scene.

"I say, aunt, can we be quiet for a while? You kept talking all the way, and I am tired of listening to you.

We will be there soon. When you see the Gaia processor, you will know what is going on.

As for what it will be like after evolution, why not wait until you evolve and slowly explore it?

Don't keep talking in my ear, otherwise... I won't cover your mouth with my hand next time. Do you understand? Blink if you understand."

Such an ambiguous posture made Sonozaki Wakana blush slightly.

It was the first time for her to be pushed against the wall, and she always felt a little weird in her heart.

Even if Lu Li's real purpose was not to push her against the wall, it was just to stop her from continuing to talk.

The beautiful eyes blinked gently, as if she agreed.

Seeing that Sonozaki Wakana had understood what he meant, Lu Li let her go.

Who knew that as soon as Lu Li let go, he heard the girl muttering in a low voice.

"If you don't use your hands, then use your mouth? Or... try it?"

When Lu Li heard this, he staggered on the spot.

Good guy!

I didn't expect this girl to think so much, and even wanted to try it.

Can this kind of thing be tried casually?

Pretending not to hear, Lu Li continued to walk along the corridor into the institute.

And Sonozaki Wakana naturally noticed that Lu Li ignored her words and walked forward, and pouted unhappily.

"Humph! You always know how to bully me, why are you scared now? I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of!"

This girl, clearly knew that she was playing with fire, but she played it very vigorously.

Lu Li suddenly stopped, turned his head, and stared at Sonozaki Wakana.

Being stared at by those deep eyes, Sonozaki Wakana suddenly became nervous.

Then, she saw Lu Li walking towards her step by step.

Sonozaki Wakana was very nervous, and at this moment, she was like a helpless little lamb, shrinking back timidly.

The next second, Lu Li appeared in front of Sonozaki Wakana and hugged her.


The sudden situation frightened Sonozaki Wakana so much that she screamed immediately.

However, she just screamed when she felt her lips were blocked.

Seeing the familiar face and deep eyes close at hand, she finally confirmed that this was Lu Li, wasn't it?

She opened her eyes in disbelief, and for a moment she couldn't understand why Lu Li kissed her so suddenly.

She just said that, and she didn't expect it to be real.

After a long while, Sonozaki Wakana's brain finally came back to her senses.

Her face flushed, and she gently pushed Lu Li with both hands.

She did it subconsciously.

Her face flushed, in addition to her shyness and nervousness, part of the reason was that her brain was lacking oxygen.

From the time they kissed until now, she had been holding her breath, how could she not blush?

Lu Li almost laughed when he realized that this girl hadn't even breathed and had been holding her breath.

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