Inside the Minghai Detective Agency.

Shotaro Zuo was speechless when he saw the dripping ceiling.

"Ah! Really, why is there a hole in the ceiling?! The office building was renovated by Mr. Nian!"

While complaining, he sorted out the documents on the table.

The rain has been going on for almost a day, but it has not stopped yet.

His only workplace was occupied. Shotaro Zuo was speechless and could only move his things aside temporarily and take a bucket to catch the water.

"Ah! Stop it quickly! Don't rain!"

This ceiling was not broken early or late, but a hole leaked out when it was raining, which made things worse!

Compared to Shotaro Zuo who was complaining, Minghai Akiko was completely immersed in fantasy at this time.

She was still fantasizing about going to Fuuto Tower with Terui Ryu to watch the fireworks show.

However, it was raining so hard outside, which was a completely unlikely luxury.

Not long after, the sound of rain gradually became smaller, and it seemed to finally stop.

And just after the rain stopped, the wind suddenly became noisy.

Many dopants appeared in various places.

After these dopants appeared, they directly attacked the surrounding targets regardless of any situation.

For a time, the whole city was filled with smoke.

On the street, you can clearly hear the voices of some people running for help.

"Help! There is a monster!"

"Help me! Ah!"

"Hurry up, don't block the road!"

"Ah ah ah! The monster is coming!"


There were bursts of cries for help from all over the street, and everyone fled frantically. .

Philip, who happened to be around, heard the success behind him and saw the initiator of the riot at a glance.

The two dopants that appeared in front of Philip were the Ice Age dopants and the Violent dopants.

"Those two dopants should have been defeated before, how could they appear again?!"

There was a little surprise in his tone, and Philip didn't understand for a while what the sudden appearance of the dopants that had been killed meant.

Now is not the time to think about these things. Philip saw a mother and son in trouble, and there was no time to say so much.

He rushed forward and stood in front of the mother and son.

He couldn't bear to watch the two women get hurt, and didn't think about the consequences of his actions.

The violent mixed body raised his fist and was about to launch a fatal attack on Philip.

Seeing the violent mixed body approaching him step by step, Philip was nervous, and he didn't know what to do at this moment.

Transform into W's fang ace form?

He had thought about this, but he couldn't transform directly in front of so many people.

Being seen by so many people would definitely make his identity known, and it would be very troublesome at that time.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, a burst of shooting sounded.

Hearing the sudden gunshot, Philip immediately came back to his senses.

Then, he saw a woman wearing a hat, a windbreaker, and sunglasses appeared in his sight.

The whole outfit looked like one person. When Philip saw the back, he immediately recognized it as Shroud.


His eyes were full of disbelief, because he knew that Shroud was gone.

Before, Zhao Jinglong said that Shroud had disappeared in the morning sun.

It was impossible to be alive!

The woman in the black windbreaker took off her hat and sunglasses, and fired several shots, accurately hitting the violent doping and the ice age doping.

There was white smoke coming out of her chest, but human weapons could never effectively attack the doping.

"Quick! Take them and hide!"

Philip also knew that now was not the time to think about these things, so he quickly took the mother and son to hide.

The woman in the windbreaker was Maria.

The reason why she appeared here was because she had known about Philip for a long time, and the information about Philip had been made clear long ago.

Choosing such a dress was also to evoke Philip's memories and let him imagine herself as his mother.

All this was done to help her son, Da Dao Ke Ji, collect all the T2 memories.

As long as it was for her son, she was willing to do anything.

It had always been like this.

She would not hesitate to use other people.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

At this time, a roar of a motorcycle suddenly came.

It was Shotaro Sa who arrived in the Tough Guy.

Then, the two immediately transformed into W and fought with the violent dopants and the Ice Age dopants.

Such battles did not only happen here, dopants appeared in various places in Fuudu.

Today can be said to be the busiest day for the Fuudu Police Station.

Almost all the forces of the entire Fuudu Police Station were dispatched, rushing to various streets to stop these dopants from causing trouble.

Terui Ryu naturally followed the police station.

Just when he was acting with the police, he saw the weather dopants again.


He even thought that the weather dopants were dead. He still had the hat left by Isaka Shinkoro.

But he didn't expect that the weather dopants would appear again.

Even though he didn't know what was going on, Terui Ryu directly mistook the weather dopants for Isaka Shinkoro.

He immediately transformed into the police rider to fight.

Next to the weather dopants, there was another dopants, the Nazca dopants.

The police rider didn't even use the judgment form, but could fight two with the ordinary form.

Finally, he used the extreme to instantly solve the two dopants, achieving a one-on-two.

However, when the two dopants were hit by the extreme drive and untransformed, there was no Isaka Shinkoro inside.

The most important thing is that the corresponding weather memory and Nazca memory are not like the memory made by the museum.

Instead, they are more like the pure memory made by Shroud.

And after the memory was stripped off, the memory was not damaged.

Picking up the two memories on the ground, Terui Ryu fell into deep thought.

This incident is definitely not simple, but the specific situation is still unclear.

However, it is certain that this batch of memories has little to do with the museum.

Shroud has been gone before, who else can make this kind of memory?

At this moment, Terui Ryu realized that there might be a more powerful force behind these memories.

The other party not only has the information of the museum, but also has Shroud's technology!

There is a melee inside the city at this time.

Anyone who matches the memory will be found by the memory and then transformed into the corresponding doping body.

These doping bodies are not controlled by the user, but only know how to destroy.

Because of this, it has brought a huge impact to the city.

The whole city is filled with gunpowder smoke, and the whole city has become devastated.


Compared with the noisy city, Lu Li, who is now in a remote research institute, has completed the fusion of Sonozaki Wakana and Gaia processor.

It is indeed a big project. It took a whole day to completely integrate Sonozaki Wakana and Gaia processor.

It's not that Lu Li is too slow, but to ensure that there will be no unexpected situations, and at the same time, it is necessary to ensure the perfect integration of the Gaia processor.

The genetic memory has lost its use, and Lu Li casually turned it into the corresponding awakening card.

It is really convenient to be able to convert the awakening card and the memory back and forth at will.

At this time, Sonozaki Wakana, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened her eyes, and a faint green light emanated from her eyes.

The body slowly floated up, and then suspended in the air and remained motionless.

The body also emitted a faint green light, which flickered very regularly, as if it was echoing with something.

At this moment, the spring under the Sonozaki family, the green light inside was also flickering very frequently.

That's right, Sonozaki Wakana is now echoing with the earth's memory.

When a complete agreement is reached, Sonozaki Wakana will gain the power of extreme evolution.

"Wakana, slowly feel this power, and gradually synchronize with the earth's memory, and you can complete the extreme evolution."

Lu Li had entered the extreme evolution before and could guide Sonosaki Wakana.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana nodded slightly, closed her eyes, and began to resonate with the earth's memory.

Lu Li, who had already resonated with the earth's memory, naturally understood what Sonosaki Wakana was doing now, and did not disturb her again.

At this time, it still depends on Sonosaki Wakana herself, and no one else can help.

Not long after, Sonosaki Wakana suddenly opened her eyes, and the green light in her eyes became stronger.

She took out the clay doll memory and Gaia driver.


After transforming into a clay doll hybrid, green light kept flashing on her body.


A voice came from above, and the clay doll hybrid was wrapped in green light.

The body gradually stretched and changed, and was evolving towards the limit.

Seeing this, Lu Li nodded with satisfaction.

The clay doll hybrid that has turned into an extreme form has power comparable to or even exceeding the ultimate form of Kamen Rider W.

When the green light came up, the clay doll hybrid had completely changed.

It is hard to imagine that this is the clay doll hybrid from before.

Clay doll. Ultimate form!

Feeling the limited power coming out of the body, the clay doll hybrid is very satisfied at this moment.

She never thought that her power could be so strong.

Compared with her previous self and her current self, the power is very different.

"Lu Li! I have become stronger too! I will never lose to my sister now!"

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