There was excitement in his tone, and the powerful power brought by extreme evolution made the clay doll dopant qualified to say these words.

Slowly falling from mid-air, the clay doll's doped body was now much larger than before and looked taller.

Lu Li stepped forward and patted her body gently.

"Your power is indeed very strong now, but don't be too happy too early. You have just reached your ultimate form. It will take some time to fully master this power."

Hearing this, the clay doll hybrid immediately thrust his waist in displeasure and said softly.

"I know, I know! Don't worry, I will seize the time to become familiar with this power."

With such a huge body, his words sounded like coquettishness. Lu Li felt very uncomfortable when he saw it.

"Wakana, otherwise... you should change back first. I feel so uncomfortable with you talking like this."

Upon hearing this, the clay doll hybrid noticed that Lu Li seemed to be shorter than him.

"Haha! Lu Li, am I too tall now? When I stood next to you before, I was quite short, but now I am taller than you."

Even though he said so, the clay doll dopant still decisively canceled the transformation.

After canceling the transformation, Sonosaki Wakana returned to her previous appearance.

After completing her extreme evolution, she felt like she was in better shape than ever.

"Lu Li, tell me...who is stronger between me and you now?"

After experiencing the ultimate power, Sonosaki Wakana can be very sure that her strength may not be inferior to that of her once powerful father, or even stronger.

The extremely powerful power of the Fear Dope has always been beyond the reach of Sono Saki Wakana.

But now, after completing her extreme evolution, her power has been increased to an unprecedented level, and she has become stronger than she imagined.

She was very curious in her heart, who was more powerful now compared to herself or Lu Li.

Lu Li couldn't help but laugh.

Does this girl really think that after completing extreme evolution, her power will be comparable to her own?

Lu Li lightly flicked her forehead and said with a chuckle.

"What? Do you want to try it? I don't mind hitting you, but you have to be mentally prepared."

PS: Thanks————ilq.. for your monthly ticket! .

Chapter 194 This... the memory I got flew away? An unexpected memory

Being suddenly hit on the forehead, Sono Saki Wakana bared her teeth in pain.

"Tsk! If you are better than me, you are better. Why would you slap someone on the forehead? It's really... excessive!"

As he said that, he lightly rubbed the forehead that was hit just now.

This is obviously someone who has been bullied and has become completely accustomed to it.

"Bang bang bang!!"

At this time, there was an urgent knock on the door suddenly.

"Come in."

After receiving Lu Li's approval, the door opened and the former head of the research institute hurriedly walked in.

As soon as he came in, the person in charge of the institute went straight to the topic.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Wakana, just before, Miss Saeko suddenly called and asked me to inform you after you are done.

It is said that there is an emergency in Fengdu, and I want you to go back immediately after finishing your work. "

After hearing the news, Lu Li and Sonosaki Wakana looked at each other.

Both of them saw confusion in each other's eyes.

"Okay, let's go back first."

Lu Li didn't know yet what happened to Fengdu. He would naturally find out when he returned.

Afterwards, the two of them took the time to leave the Memory Research Institute and rushed back to Fengdu.

On the way back, Lu Li turned on his cell phone and called Sonosaki Saeko.

"Zezi, just now the person in charge of the new research institute said that you have an emergency there. What's going on?"

Sonosaki Saeko's voice came from the other end of the phone. She told Lu Li what happened in Fengdu.

“Dear, a group of terrorists appeared in Fengdu, and they attacked Consortium X’s helicopter.

As a result, there are now many strange memories scattered in Fengdu, and there has been trouble. "

From terrorists to strange memories, Lu Li already knew what was going on.

Immortal, the road to self-denial!

Unexpectedly, this guy was already here.

Those strange memories are naturally the T2 memories manufactured by Consortium X based on Shroud technology.

"I understand. Wakana and I are already on our way back. Don't get involved in this matter. It will pass."

From beginning to end, this incident did not have much impact on the museum.

The only impact is that when Yongqi uses T2 eternal memory to use the eternal ultimate driver, all memories under the T2 version are invalidated.

This power had no effect on Lu Li.

But for other memory users, it has a huge impact.

After hearing Lu Li's instructions, Sonosaki Saeko was curious, but she still obeyed Lu Li's words.

She didn't ask any more questions, and she didn't need to ask any more questions.

No matter what time, she always believed that what Lu Li said must make sense.

"Well, since you said so, I will not take the initiative to participate in this matter."

She is not interested in the incident that broke out in Fengdu. She just hates that the current situation in Fengdu is affected.

After hanging up the phone, Sonosaki Wakana asked impatiently.

"Lu Li, what did my sister mean just now? What strange memory, what is that?"

Her eyes were full of curiosity, she was very curious, what is the so-called strange memory.

"Guess." Lu Li smiled.

He had let Da Dao Ke Ji go when he was in the superpower test village of S country before, just to wait for this day to come.

Which one is more powerful, Yongqi who uses the T2 eternal memory to transform, and Yongqi who uses the awakening device to transform, and uses the final form at the same time.

There is another point, Lu Li is very curious, when he and Da Dao Ke Ji get the eternal memory at the same time, who will the eternal memory choose.

This time, it is just right to resolve the doubts in his heart.

Of course, Lu Li is not just for curiosity, he naturally has other purposes, that is, to get all the T2 version of memory.

The power difference between T2 and T1 is not too far, but the ability will be improved to a certain extent.

By fusing the T2 memory with the corresponding memory in his hand, and then turning it into an awakening card, how much will the power be improved?

Seeing that Lu Li didn't tell her, Sonosaki Wakana pouted unhappily.

She folded her hands in front of her chest and turned her head.

"Hmph╭(╯^╰)╮! Forget it if you don't want to tell me. I don't have to know."

However, the eyes full of curiosity can show that what you say is not necessarily the same as what you think in your heart.


In Fuuto.

Zuo Shotaro still has his own intelligence channels. After searching for a while, he finally found a lot of T2 memories.

In the process of continuing to recover memories, Zuo Shotaro finally encountered members of the Undead Team.

Yuhara Lai stopped on a red motorcycle and caught the Queen's memory thrown by Zuo Shotaro and his group during the scramble.

When she took off her helmet, Zuo Shotaro's eyes suddenly lit up.

It turned out to be a big beauty!

Zuo Shotaro, who only noticed Yuhara Lai's appearance, did not look closely at the other's clothes.

Walking over confidently, Shotaro Zuo fully demonstrated his ability as a social cow.

"This beautiful lady, can you give that thing back to me?"

He was about to grab the Queen's memory.

However, Yuhara Lai did not intend to hand over the Queen's memory in his hand to the other party.

Shotaro Zuo did not get the memory, but instead grabbed Yuhara Lai's wrist.

"So cold?!"

When he felt the other party's body temperature, he frowned immediately.

Logically speaking, normal humans cannot have such a low temperature.

And what Shotaro Zuo just said obviously touched Yuhara Lai.

Turning his head, the cold eyes stared at Shotaro Zuo and said coldly.

"I don't like to hear that."

Then he pushed Shotaro Zuo away and kicked him away with two feet.


Shotaro Zuo never thought that he would be kicked so far away by a woman so easily.

The most important thing is that there are other friends watching next to him, which is too embarrassing.

When he was asked to observe Yuhara Lai carefully again, he suddenly remembered the information that Maria had shown them before.

"Ah! I remember, this guy is in the same group as Daido Katsumi!"

Ming Hai Ya Shuzi on the side patted her forehead weakly.

Was your eyes blind just now?

You just realized it now, what are you talking about after the fact?

Yuhara Lai didn't care about Zuo Xiangtaro's gaze at all, and picked up the Queen's memory by himself and pressed the button on it, but there was no response.

No response, which also means that the memory is not suitable for herself.

"This one doesn't seem to be suitable for me either, what a pity."

As she said, she threw the Queen's memory in her hand aside.

For her, useless things are just garbage, and there is no point in keeping them.

Then, Yuhara Lai took out the memory he got at the beginning from his pocket.

"The most suitable memory for me is indeed the one I got at the beginning."

As she said, she put the hot memory in her hand to her lips and kissed it gently.


When he learned that the memory in the other party's hand was a feverish memory, Shotaro Sa widened his eyes slightly, his eyes full of disbelief.

You know, the fever memory has always been the memory used by W, and now it is the most suitable for this woman.

Habara Lai, who was already prepared, threw the fever memory casually. The memory rolled in the air, and then, as if affected by some kind of traction, it was directly inserted into her left chest.

The red flame covered Yuhara Lai, and the next second, her body suddenly changed.

Fever doping!

When he saw that the other party had become a doping body, Shotaro Sa had already understood that it would not be an easy task to recover this memory.

The fever doping body lightly snapped her fingers, and a ball of red flame emerged on her fingers.

Although it looked very small, it contained very violent energy.

Aiming at the position where Shotaro Sa was, the fever doping body was thrown over without any mercy.

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