Killing is just a common occurrence for the undead.

As mercenaries all year round, they traveled around the world, took on various dangerous tasks, and killed countless people.

Killing people doesn't even cause them any emotion at all, because they are undead.


After seeing this situation, Zuo Shotarou immediately shouted and hurriedly took Narumi Asukiko beside him to escape.


The small flame triggered a violent explosion. If they hadn't reacted quickly and hid quickly, the two of them would have been in trouble by now.

After the attack, Hahara Lai did not choose to stay. Instead, he got on his motorcycle and drove quickly towards the distance.

Faced with this guy who suddenly attacked him, Zuo Shotaro couldn't let go easily and immediately chased after him.

However, he apparently forgot to recycle the Queen's memory that was just thrown away.

What is more important now is, of course, to capture the fiery dopant. If this guy makes a big fuss, the city may not be able to stop.

"Hey! Shotaro! You guy actually left me here alone! Hey!"

No matter how much Narumi Yasuki shouted, W had no intention of turning back and turned the accelerator to accelerate to catch up with the hot dopant in front.

At this moment, the queen's memory, which had been thrown aside before, was guided by some kind of force and suddenly rose into the air, flying towards the distance at a very fast speed.

It has now found a suitable adapter and is flying towards its destination.

"I'm going! Come back with the memory! Stop flying!"

Narumi Asukiko felt a little annoyed. She felt like something bad had happened to her, and she had a headache.

She had clearly agreed that it would be a fireworks display, and she was going to watch the fireworks display with Terui Ryu, but now it seemed like she was just dreaming.

Not only was the date gone, but even one of the recovered memories was missing.


Roaring to the sky, Narukiya Shuko vented his dissatisfaction.

Afterwards, Narumi Asukiko packed other recycled T2 memories in her backpack, turned around and left gloomily.

W and Blazing Memory launched a fierce chase.

In this chase, W also encountered the moon god dopant transformed by Izumi Kyosui, and the metal dopant transformed by Domoto Gozo.

····Asking for flowers·· ·······

All of them were memories he usually used. Unexpectedly, now he would have to face adulterations corresponding to the memories he had used.

For a time, W was besieged by three powerful doping bodies and fell into a bitter battle.

The combat effectiveness of the dopant transformed using T2 memory cannot be underestimated. It is much stronger than the dopant transformed from the memory that W encounters.

The Weather Dopant and Nazca Dopant that were previously solved by Terui Ryu were not powerful because their users themselves were not powerful.

For example, the Nazca dopant is only in the first stage, and even the power of the first stage is not fully controlled.

Whether the dopant is powerful or not has a great relationship with the memory user himself.

The three members of the undead team are all mercenaries who have experienced hundreds of battles and have powerful combat skills. In addition, they are still undead themselves, which has an added bonus in this regard.

The doped body transformed by the three people is naturally more powerful.

Facing the three powerful dopants, W immediately switches to a hot metal form.



The fiery metal form with powerful attack and defense power can perform better in the face of this kind of siege.

To put it bluntly, W has no way to avoid three doping bodies attacking at the same time. He can only choose to survive and use the method of exchanging injuries for injuries.

To use this method, you naturally need to have a strong defense.

But he still underestimated the doped bodies of these three undead transformations.

Facing the siege of the three, even in the form of hot metal, this is simply not possible.

These undead cannot feel any pain at all, and even if they are hit, they can immediately launch the next wave of attacks.

... .... ...........

It didn't take long for W to be completely passive and the metal iron rod in his hand was knocked away at some point.

Another ball of flames with violent energy burst out from the fingers of the fiery dopant.

"Bye now."


The flames shot out quickly.


Only a loud bang was heard and the fire exploded.


Immediately afterwards, W's screams were heard, and he was instantly thrown away by the violent energy.

He turned 360 degrees in the air and fell to the ground in a panic.

"These guys... are so powerful!"

The battle just now made W realize that the three doping bodies in front of him were extraordinary.

If you continue to fight, you will not have any advantage.

W is preparing to summon the ultimate memory.

In this current state, perhaps only extreme memory can help him defeat these three guys.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

At this moment, a tornado suddenly struck.

A tornado with a hint of emerald green took W directly away.

Seeing the tornado that had disappeared in the distance, the three Blazing Dopants did not choose to chase it.

It is enough to do this. They know exactly who is in the tornado.

This... is also part of the plan!

The three launched a fierce attack on W in order to create this opportunity for the other party to rescue W and gain further trust.

Everything is as planned.

And at a distance from the battlefield just now, a tornado fell to the ground and left W.

Philip had seen the wind mixed body before, and he was very confused.

Why did the wind mixed body save them?

What is the purpose?

However, the wind mixed body did not mean to say anything. It waved its hand lightly and turned into a gust of wind and left.

The chess pieces have been laid, and the next step is to just let W enter the trap.


At the same time, in the company.

Mina, who was working in the general manager's office at this time, suddenly heard the sound of a broken window.

The instinctive reaction made her immediately use the power of telekinesis to block something that wanted to attack.

And when she saw clearly what was coming from the broken window, she was surprised.

Because the thing that broke through the window was none other than the Queen's Memory.

However, this Queen's Memory was different from the one in her hand.

One was the Gaia Memory made by the museum, and the other was the T2 Memory made by Consortium X.

Feeling that the Queen's Memory seemed to be responding to her, Mina loosened her control over the Queen's Memory.

The Queen's Memory fell directly into Mina's hands, as if it had found its owner.

Looking at the Queen's Memory in her hand, Mina temporarily put down her work and went to the president's office.

Soon, Mina, who came to the president's office, told Sonosaki Saeko everything that had just happened.

Looking at the Queen's Memory in Mina's hand, Sonosaki Saeko could be very sure that this was the so-called T2 Memory.

Consortium X actually mastered the technology left by her mother and created a memory with a higher generation.

It seems that Consortium X was still underestimated. It is indeed a group of death merchants.

These guys not only support the museum, but also must have supported my mother's research before.

It's really a very cunning organization! Shi.

Chapter 195: Die if you try! New hope for Fuuto

After thinking calmly, Sonosaki Saeko did not rush to make a decision.

"Mina, you keep the Queen's memory for the time being. Lu Li and Wakana will be back soon. He will make the decision at that time."

Hearing this, Mina nodded slightly. She already knew what to do.

In addition to the higher version of the T2 memory, the power is not much different from the Queen's memory that Mina is using now.

Naturally, she doesn't think much of the T2 Queen's memory.

Everything will be decided after Lu Li comes.

After about half an hour, Lu Li and Wakana finally returned to the company.

When the two came to the president's office, Sonosaki Saeko and Mina had been waiting here for a long time.

"Sister! I have completed the ultimate evolution, and now I am not weak at all!"

While saying this, Sonosaki Wakana waved her little fist.

Seeing her sister like this, Sonosaki Saeko smiled helplessly.

Before, she always heard Wakana complaining in her ear.

The clay doll's memory is too weak, and she hopes it can become stronger or something.

Now it has finally become stronger, which can be regarded as the fulfillment of this girl's wish.

"Saeko, what is the situation in the city now?"

Lu Li came to the window and looked down at Fengdu, which seemed to have calmed down.

Although it has calmed down, Fengdu has still suffered some damage in various places.

If you look closely, you can find that there are still wisps of black smoke rising in some places.

"It's quiet for the time being. If nothing unexpected happens, these terrorists should have the next move soon.

By the way, Mina, show Lu Li what you just took."

Said, Sonosaki Saeko moved her eyes to Mina.

Hearing this, Mina nodded quickly and took out the T2 Queen Memory she had obtained from her pocket.

With a flash of surprise in his eyes, Lu Li said in surprise.

"Oh? T2 Queen Memory? I didn't expect that this thing "347" would find Mina.

But that's right, Mina's adaptability to the Queen Memory is very high."

But this is not something that is worth being surprised about, everything is reasonable.

T2 memories will look for their own adapters.

When they find an adapter, if the adapter is not strong enough, they will directly force their way into the other party's body and become a dopant.

However, the power of T2 memory in the hands of a strong person is completely different from that in the hands of a weak person.

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