Strong people can exert almost all the power of T2 memory, so they are naturally very powerful, while weak people can do almost nothing except basic attacks.

"Give me this memory first, I just happen to have some use for it."

The use Lu Li mentioned was to help Yongqi achieve the strongest form.

He wanted to have a decisive battle with Yongqi in his strongest form.

Mina completely followed Lu Li's idea and handed over the T2 Queen memory in her hand without hesitation, without any nostalgia.

Looking at the pink memory in his hand, Lu Li couldn't wait to see who was better, Yongqi's final form or his ultimate form.

At this time, Sonosaki Wakana suddenly asked.

"Lu Li, the wind is so chaotic now, should we stop it a little bit?"

As soon as he heard this, Lu Li understood.

This girl didn't want to stop the chaos in the city. It was obvious that she had just gained powerful power and wanted to go out and show it off.

However, Lu Li would certainly not agree.

The T2 Eternal Memory used by Yongqi can directly invalidate all low-version memories.

Even Sonozaki Wakana, who has completed the Ultimate Evolution, cannot avoid the gap brought by the memory version.

Once the power of the memory is lost, Wakana, who only has superpowers, has little resistance to danger.

Of course, Lu Li would not let this girl take risks.

Walking over, Lu Li unexpectedly flicked Wakana's forehead again.

"Don't even think about it! The situation outside is very dangerous now, you are absolutely not allowed to go."

Suddenly attacked, Sonozaki Wakana covered her forehead with a depressed look.

"It hurts! Why can't you let me go? I have completed the Ultimate Evolution now, and my strength is very strong.

Even if it is the Ultimate Form of W, I should be able to deal with it!"

She is still very confident in her current strength and it is impossible for her to lose to the Ultimate Form of W.

Seeing that this girl is so stubborn, Lu Li explained.

"It's not that I don't want you to go, but the situation this time is not what you think.

There is a very special memory in the T2 memory, the eternal memory, I think... you should be familiar with it."

When she heard about the eternal memory, the white memory that Lu Li used before automatically appeared in Sonosaki Wakana's mind.

Nodding repeatedly, Sonosaki Wakana said as a matter of course.

"I know, I know, it's the memory you used before, of course I know."

You know nothing!

Lu Li patted his forehead helplessly, this girl didn't seem to know the power of eternity very well.

"Forget it, I'll tell you this, the Eternal Memory is very special and can nullify the power of the target memory.

And now, one of the terrorists has mastered the power of the T2 Eternal Memory, which is even more powerful.

Once he uses the Eternal Ultimate Drive, he can nullify the power of all lower-version memories, including your clay doll memory.

Once you lose the power of the clay doll, even if you have completed the ultimate evolution, you are not much different from ordinary people. You should understand this, right?"

After learning this from Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko widened her eyes in surprise, not to mention Sonosaki Wakana and Mina.

Sonosaki Saeko didn't doubt why Lu Li knew this information.

Since Lu Li said it, it must be true.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)...!"

Sonosaki Wakana was speechless.

"No way?! There is such a perverted ability?! The power to invalidate all low-version memories is too much!"

I was thinking of joining in and trying my own power.

Now it seems that the risk factor of joining in is really high and it is not suitable.

You may die if you try.

After thinking about it, Sonosaki Wakana decisively gave up the idea of ​​trying.

She didn't want to put herself in a dangerous situation. Isn't it good to live with confidence?

Why bother yourself.

"Then this time, I'm afraid we can't help much."

Mina lowered her head in disappointment.

I thought that after I had the power, I could help Lu Li at any time as long as he needed it.

But I didn't expect that this time I would encounter a terrorist with such special power.

Seeing Mina's lost look, Lu Li gently rubbed her head and smiled.

"The situation this time is special, you don't have to get involved in it, don't worry, I can solve it."


Under the Fuuto Tower

The Undead Squad had already entered here and occupied it immediately.

Facing this group of battle-hardened mercenaries, the security forces of the Wind City Tower could not resist at all.

Soon, the entire Wind City Tower fell.

The reason for choosing to occupy this Wind City Tower is that Da Dao Ke Ji wants to carry out the next plan here.

However, before executing this plan, other T2 memories must be recovered first.

After collecting all the T2 memories, the plan is almost halfway completed.

Da Dao Ke Ji looked at his mother Maria on the side.

"Mother, it's your turn to perform. Lead them all out. It's time to recover other T2 memories."

Hearing this, a flash of struggle flashed in Dao Maria's eyes, but when she saw Dao Kenji, the struggle in her eyes disappeared again.

In order to achieve her son's goal, she, a mother, is willing to do whatever it takes.

As long as her son is happy, she can do anything, even if it means taking advantage of other people.

Afterwards, Maria took out her mobile phone and took the initiative to call Phillip.

At this time, Philip, who was in the basement of the detective agency, was still feeling that Maria was a very conscientious Interpol police officer.

Regarding Maria, Philip had a different emotion in his heart.

Although the other party is not his mother, he still remembers the scene of the other party's appearance to this day.

She was so similar to his mother Shroud that he unknowingly regarded her as his mother.

"Beep beep beep!"

Phillip answered the phone immediately.

"Listen, kid."

Hearing the voice coming from the phone, Phillip unconsciously smiled on his face.

"Lady Maria."

"I have now joined the reinforcements from the investigation agency. We need to recover the memories immediately, so please bring the collected memories to the development zone of Fengdu."

After receiving the news, Philip didn't even have any doubts at all, and immediately agreed confidently.

"No problem, I'll be right over now."

Afterwards, after hanging up the phone, Philip immediately packed up the T2 memories on the table and prepared to take them all to the development zone.

The content of the call just now was clearly heard by Shotaro Zuo and others nearby.

For some reason, Zuo Shotaro always felt that this matter was not that simple, and he was worried about letting Phillip go alone.

As an excellent police officer, Ryu Terui also has extremely sensitive intuition.

The two looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Phillip, let's go too."


Phillip didn't think too much and nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, the group went directly to the development zone of Fengdu.

When he arrived here, Philip saw Avenue Maria at a glance, and his face suddenly showed a look of joy.

"Lady Maria."

However, Maria's face was serious and she did not respond to Phillip.

He turned his head slightly and looked to the side.

Phillip and others also followed her gaze, and saw Katsuki Daido walking towards this side step by step.

"The great road of self-denial!"

Due to the emotions in his heart, Philip was blinded and still did not realize that all this was designed by Maria.

Seeing Philip, Katsuki Daidao seemed to see his past self. When they were young, they looked exactly the same...

Although Katsumi Daido has no memory of his past, he has seen a photo of himself that was left behind by his mother, Maria Daido.

"Hi! Good brother, I'm talking about you, Philip."

As soon as he came up, Dao Keji called Philip his good brother very affectionately.

Both sides are monsters created by science and have very similar lives.

"Destiny makes people, monsters created by science. We are both the same. We are both monsters."

However, these words were naturally not recognized by Shotaro Zuo. He had never regarded his good friend and partner as a monster.

"Don't talk nonsense, he is different from a dead person like you."

Hearing this, Dao Keji smiled coldly.

"Haha! It seems that you have already investigated it, so I won't say more. I will let you see... the power of the undead now."

Before he finished speaking, Dao Keji immediately took out the eternal memory.

When he saw the eternal memory in his hand, Zuo Shotaro was no longer surprised.

After all, they had already met three undead before, all of them were doped bodies. If this one was a doped body, there would be nothing surprising.

"No, I'm not a dopant, I'm... a Kamen Rider."

As soon as he finished speaking, Daidai Katsumi took out the Lost Drive and put it on his waist.



He pushed the Lost Drive away gracefully, and under the blue flames, countless fragments enveloped Katsuki Daido.

When the blue flames went up, a warrior dressed in pure white and wearing a black eternal robe appeared in front of everyone.

"Kamen Rider...Eongki!"

The eternal ceremonial robe behind him moved automatically without any wind, and his body exuded a powerful aura.

When they saw Katsumi Daido who had completed his transformation, shock flashed in the eyes of Zuo Shotaro and others.

This guy is almost the same as the white warrior Lu Li transformed into before.

But then Shotaro Zuo frowned and said.

"What the hell! Kamen Rider represents the hope of the residents of Fengdu, and a fighting tool like you is worthy of it!"

In Zuo Shotaro's eyes, Kamen Rider is a hero belonging to Fengdu. It is an honorary title, but not everyone can deserve it.

The guy in front of me is just a terrorist. What qualifications does a person like this have to be called a Kamen Rider?

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