"Can you handle it alone?"

Although his body did not tremble, the voice of Ace was slightly trembling.

If you don't pay attention, you won't notice it.

He really wanted to escape from here immediately, but he couldn't abandon his comrades.

Blocking Ashihara Ken's fist, Terui Ryu shouted loudly.

"Don't question me! Go!"

Noticing Terui Ryu's determined eyes, Ace couldn't help but choose to believe him.

"Okay! Then I'll go save Philip first!"

After saying that, Ace turned around and looked at Lu Li, who was approaching here, with great fear, and turned to run towards the Fuuto Tower.

He would rather face Yongqi than Lu Li.

The fear in his heart had grown up a long time ago, and it was almost impossible to remove it.

At this time, Zuo Xiangtaro realized that he seemed to have a big problem now.

Even if he realized that he had a problem, he had no time to think about these things now. Philip was still waiting for him to save him.


Lu Li, who had just arrived here, saw the Ace running directly towards the Fengdu Tower and did not stop him.

The other party was going to deliver the T2 Ace memory, so Lu Li certainly would not stop him.

Without the T2 Ace memory, Yongqi could not become the strongest form.

Lu Li really did not necessarily look down on Yongqi who was not in the strongest form.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" The Moon God mixed body pointed at Lu Li and asked loudly.

Before in S country, except for the captain Da Dao Ke Ji, no one else in the Undead Squad had seen Lu Li.

But even Da Dao Ke Ji had only seen Lu Li transformed into Leangle's form, and had never seen his human form.

The Moon God mixed body naturally did not know that Lu Li was the one who hit Da Dao Ke Ji into the wall of the experimental village.

Hearing the voice of the Moon God mixed body, Lu Li felt very awkward anyway.

The voice of this guy gave people a feeling of neither yin nor yang, which made people feel uncomfortable.

What Lu Li disliked most was this kind of guy who was obviously a grown man but behaved like a sissy.

He had goosebumps all over his body. It was really uncomfortable if he didn't get rid of this guy.

Seeing that Lu Li had no intention of answering his opinion, the Moon Goddess Hybrid didn't care about it and immediately threw out his tentacle-like arm.

The golden arm quickly extended and turned into a very long tentacle, instantly wrapping around Lu Li.

"Hehehe! You've been caught by someone, now let me love you well."

This voice was simply amazing.

Lu Li couldn't stand this sissy voice anyway, and his dark eyes sank slightly.

He took a step forward, and a terrifying aura emanated from Lu Li.

When the Moon Goddess Hybrid felt this terrifying aura, his heart suddenly tightened.

For some reason, he had a very bad feeling that he... seemed to have provoked an incredible guy.

It shouldn't be, this guy is just bluffing!

That's right!

It must be like this!

Keeping comforting himself in his heart, the Moon God mixed body exerted force violently, hoping to strangle Lu Li with his tentacles.

However, when he exerted force, he found that his tentacles seemed unable to continue to tighten further.

Obviously, the other party was indeed tied up by himself, but when he exerted force, there was no reaction at all. How could this be? !

At this time, Lu Li finally spoke.

"You know? I really, really hate... shemales!"

As soon as he spoke, he hit the pain point of the Moon God mixed body.

He is not a shemale! He is just a cute (ccch) girl!

"Asshole! Go to hell!"

The Moon God mixed body violently smashed out another tentacle of its own, which was like a golden long whip and attacked Lu Li's head directly.


Suddenly, a terrifying force broke out instantly.

The tentacles that originally bound Lu Li were also instantly bounced away by this terrifying force.

As for the tentacles that fell like a long whip, they also fell to the side powerlessly.


Obviously, the Moon Goddess hybrid did not expect this situation to happen, and was a little at a loss for a moment.


Inside the Fengdu Tower.

Dao Keji, who was watching the situation outside through the monitor, naturally noticed Lu Li's existence.

When Philip saw Lu Li, he immediately became confused.

"Lu Li?"

He didn't understand why Lu Li suddenly came here at this time and what his purpose was.

He said this name unintentionally, but to Dao Keji, it was like thunder exploding in his ears.

Immediately came to Philip, grabbed his collar, pointed at the figure on the monitor screen and asked loudly.

"Lu Li?! You just said he was Lu Li?!"

Seeing Dao Keji so excited, Philip didn't understand what he was excited about.

"Yes, he is Lu Li, a cadre of the museum."

After getting the answer he wanted, Dao Keji immediately let go of Philip's collar and looked at the figure on the monitor with surprise.

His memory suddenly went back to the previous time, when he was carrying out a mission in Country S.

He obtained the Eternal Memory for the first time and gained powerful strength, but he encountered an unbeatable opponent.

Isn't that person Lu Li? !

In addition to turning the experimental field of this museum into hell, he came to Fengdu for another reason, which was to seek revenge on Lu Li.

Before, he was defeated by the opponent and was even punched into the wall by the opponent.

This time, he got a more powerful T2 memory and had other memory powers to use.

He... might not lose!

Since that time, he has always regarded Lu Li as his goal.

He wanted to find Lu Li after completing his plan, but he didn't expect the opponent to come to him on his own initiative.

Just right!

However, Da Dao Keji was not absolutely sure in his heart for the time being, as he had not collected all the T2 memories.

There was no way to exert the most powerful power of Yongqi. The T2 ace memory was in the hands of the detective. After getting it, he only needed a T2 queen memory.

He just didn't know where the last T2 memory was.

Then, Da Dao Keji saw the tentacles that bound Lu Li being instantly spread out by a strange force.

His first reaction was superpowers.

He still remembers the experience in the experimental village vividly.

Jia Toushun, the project leader of Consortium X, has a very strong awakened telekinesis.

Lu Li had been to the experimental village before, so it was not difficult for him to awaken superpowers.

Noticing the slightly excited Da Dao Ke Ji, Philip obviously didn't understand what the relationship between him and Lu Li was.

From the other party's tone just now, it can be known that he was looking forward to meeting Lu Li.

Da Dao Maria, who was leaning against the wall, saw her son's excitement and a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes.

When he came back from the experimental village last time, Da Dao Ke Ji didn't explain in detail what happened that time.

She and other members of the Undead Team naturally didn't know about the battle between Da Dao Ke Ji and Lu Li.

Da Dao Ke Ji stared at the figure on the screen.

And what happened next was so shocking that his eyes exploded.


Outside the Fengdu Tower.

The Moon Goddess mixed body had reacted at this time, and he was very surprised.

The main reason was that he didn't understand how Lu Li did it.

Why can he easily bounce off his tentacles?

"Who... who are you?!"

"Me? I'm just a caring citizen passing by."

Before he finished speaking, an awakening device appeared on Lu Li's waist.

Then Lu Li took out the Eternal Awakening Card.


"Change! Enteral!"

When the power of the Eternal Awakening Card was released, a strange power wrapped around Lu Li.

A dazzling white light flashed, and the black Eternal robe suddenly appeared in the white light.

The white light dissipated, and a white warrior appeared in front of the Moon Goddess mixed body.

Kamen Rider Eternal Rider (Awakening Device Transformation)!

"What?! It's Enteral?!"

Seeing Lu Li transform into Eternal Rider with his own eyes, the Moon Goddess mixed body could not accept such a result for a while.

Obviously, the T2 Eternal Memory is in the hands of Da Dao Ke Ji, how could the other party transform into Eternal Rider.

Not only the Moon Goddess mixed body, but also the Trigger mixed body on the other side was very surprised.

"He is also...Eternal Rider?!"

The two were confused at the moment, and they couldn't react at all.

The power of memory in this city should be blocked, and it is impossible for anyone to use the power of memory.

But Lu Li has now transformed into the familiar Eternal Rider. No one can imagine what is going on.

Da Dao Ke Ji and Da Dao Maria, who were watching this scene in front of the monitor, also widened their eyes at this moment.

Even the two of them couldn't accept the fact that Lu Li turned into Eternal Rider for a while.

Especially Da Dao Ke Ji, who was the person involved, was full of disbelief.

Why can other people transform into Eternal Rider? This is unreasonable!

Recalling that Lu Li used not the power of memory just now, but the power of the card.

He suddenly remembered that when he was in the experimental village before, Lu Li also used the power of the card.

Perhaps, this card contains the power of eternal memory.

This can also explain why the other party's transformation is so similar to his own.

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