After careful observation, he could find that there was a big difference between the Yongqi he transformed into and the Yongqi transformed by Lu Li.

For example, the other party had no memory slot at all, and he did not use the Lost Drive.

This was the difference between the two.

He had thought that Lu Li would use the terrifying golden power he had used in the experimental village before, but he did not expect that the other party would use the eternal power.

It was indeed a bit unexpected.

This aroused his fighting spirit even more.

Yongqi vs. Yongqi!

Da Dao Keji was even more excited. Who would be stronger? .

Chapter 199 Crazy plan, the undead will also die

He must collect all the T2 memories in the next period of time, otherwise, there is no way to compete with Lu Li.

And the first thing to get is Zuo Xiangtaro's trump card memory!

"I'll go down first."

After saying that, Da Dao Keji walked directly to the outside of the control room.

At this time, the only thing to do is to seize the time.

Seeing the hurried Da Dao Ke Ji, Da Dao Maria's eyes flashed with worry.

Only Da Dao Maria and Philip were left in the control room.

Putting his eyes on Da Dao Maria, Philip asked directly.

"Ms. Maria, what is your purpose?"

Hearing this, Da Dao Maria looked up at the device behind Philip, then put her eyes on Philip, with a flash of pain in her eyes.

"This is Exbi Ka, this device is designed by me to insert twenty-six T2 memory sticks.

Then use you to amplify the T2 memory stick, and finally rely on Exbi Ka to emit light.

In this city, everyone who is exposed to the light will become undead."

When Philip learned about this plan from Da Dao Maria, he was shocked.

He never thought that Da Dao Ke Ji would have such a crazy plan.

This guy is a lunatic!

He actually wants to turn all the people in the city into undead monsters!

"Ms. Maria! Why are you doing this?!

You also have children. How many families are there in this city?

Do you really want to turn all of them into monsters like Dadao Keji?!"

Faced with Philip's questioning, Dadao Maria's face flashed with pain.

She didn't want to do this, but this was what her only child asked.

As a mother, she couldn't refuse the request made by her child.

This is no longer normal love, but stupid doting, and of course there is also the mother's guilt for her son.

"Enough! Child, Keji is my son.

It has a lot to do with me that he is like this now. No matter what he does, I... will support him."

Before she finished speaking, Dadao Maria turned around and left the room.

She didn't dare to continue to face Philip.

Because when facing Philip, she always felt that she was facing her former son.

"Ms. Maria!"

Philip's loud shouting did not call back Dadao Maria.

Philip was the only one left in a control room. He leaned weakly on the chair, hoping that Zuo Xiangtaro could stop it now.

Or... Lu Li.

Putting his eyes back on the surveillance screen, Philip could probably guess why Lu Li came here suddenly when he saw Lu Li who had completed his transformation.

The Undead Squad suddenly invaded Fengdu, and Da Dao Ke Ji used the power of eternity to invalidate the low-version memory. This would inevitably have a huge impact on the museum.

You know, Fengdu is the museum's base camp.

Now it is suddenly invaded by others, and it has caused such a big trouble. As a museum cadre, Lu Li will definitely not sit idly by.

Even though Philip believes in his partner Zuo Xiangtaro very much, it is not an easy thing to win from Da Dao Ke Ji in the current situation.

To defeat Da Dao Ke Ji, perhaps Lu Li's powerful strength is really needed.

At present, the only person in Fengdu who can compete with Da Dao Ke Ji is probably Lu Li.

"Lu Li... Can you stop Da Dao Ke Ji?" Philip murmured.

He was not sure whether Lu Li could stop Da Dao Ke Ji.

Philip still remembered the powerful strength of Yongqi, who had transformed before.

Even W in the ultimate form is no match for Yongqi.

In Philip's opinion, Lu Li and Da Dao Keji should be at the same level.

Of course, that's just him.

At this time, Lu Li, who had transformed into Yongqi, approached the Moon God mixed body step by step.

" can you be the same as Xiao Keji?!"

That ambiguous voice made Lu Li's heart tremble.

Xiao Keji, it must be Xiao Keji!

"I've said it, I hate people talking in ambiguous words in front of me."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li disappeared from the spot.


When he appeared again, the Moon God mixed body was grabbed by the neck by Lu Li without any reaction.

"Uh! could it be?!"

The Moon God mixed body, which was picked up, stared at Lu Li who was so close.

He couldn't understand how Lu Li appeared in front of him in an instant.

The Trigger Dopant, who was originally dealing with Terui Ryu, noticed that the Moon Body Dopant, his companion, was being controlled by Lu Li, and immediately launched an attack.


The hand cannon in his right hand fired a terrifying energy bomb, heading straight for Lu Li.

Trigger Dope is still confident enough in the energy bombs he fired.

Even if there was no way to harm Lu Li, the powerful impact caused by the explosion should not be a problem to repel the opponent.

Noticing the incoming energy bomb, Lu Li casually tugged on the eternal ceremonial robe behind him.

The black eternal robe swayed rapidly in Lu Li's hand. The energy bomb seemed to be pulled by some force and was easily stopped by the eternal robe.

The next second, under Lu Li's deliberate control, the energy bomb quickly flew in the opposite direction.


The trigger dopant looked at the reflected energy bomb in horror. He didn't have time to think too much and immediately ducked to the side.


The terrifying energy bomb hit the stone pillar where the Trigger Dopant had just fought, and a huge hole instantly exploded in the stone pillar.

This power is quite good.

If the body is hit, there is no guarantee that the trigger doping body can withstand it.

The trigger doping body itself is good at long-range shooting, rather than meaningless close combat, and it cannot fully utilize its own advantages.

The trigger dopant who quickly dodged helped this opportunity, and quickly launched a second wave of attacks on Lu Li while jumping up.

Then there was no difference before, all the energy bullets were blocked by the eternal robe.

Not only did no one cause Lu Li any trouble, but he also caused a lot of trouble for himself.

The Moon God Dopant kept struggling as his neck was being strangled, but his pair of long tentacles were unable to pry Lu Li's arm away.

In desperation, the Moon God Dopant immediately created another batch of cosmetic dopants.

Although these are just trash fish, as long as the number of trash fish is enough, they can also cause certain troubles.

Looking around, Lu Li found that he was surrounded by costumed people.

His eyes were still very calm. In Lu Li's eyes, these costumed adulterants were just insignificant fish, no matter how many there were, it was useless.

Throwing down the Moon God Dopant, Lu Li quickly pulled out a memory awakening card.


That's right, this awakening card was transformed from the memory of the Puppet Master, and its power is to control objects like puppets.

The object being manipulated was naturally the doped body of the Moon God that was thrown to the ground.

"Let's play a little game."

After speaking, Lu Li moved his fingers slightly, and the Moon God Dopant stood up uncontrollably.

"What's going on?! Why is my body out of control?!"

Feeling that his body was no longer under control, the Moon God Dopant was also panicking and didn't understand what was going on.

Then, Lu Li gently stepped on his feet and stood directly on the shoulders of the Moon God Dopant.


"Turn around!"

With a snap of his fingers, under Lu Li's control, the Luna Dopant was like a huge golden top, spinning crazily.

Those two long arms were like two huge leaves, spinning rapidly.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

The rapid rotation causes gusts of wind to blow around.

The costumed dopant that was about to approach was directly thrown away by the spinning terrifying force.


Even the doped body of the Moon God, who had become an immortal, felt dizzy and uncomfortable under such rapid rotation.

"Hurry up! I can't stand it anymore! Hurry up! I'm going to vomit!!"

However, the sound emitted by the Moon God Dopant at this time had already been drowned by the howling wind.

Terui Ryu on the side witnessed this situation with his own eyes and was stunned for a moment.

He didn't understand what was going on at all. Can the battle still be played like this?

Just treat the opponent like a top and spin it so fiercely that after it ends, your skin will peel off even if you don't die.

Normal people simply can't stand it, and that's because the Luna Dopant is not a normal person.

Trigger Dopant really wanted to help Luna Dopant, but couldn't find any chance to take action.

No matter how he aimed, there would always be deviations when facing the rapidly rotating Luna Dopant and Lu Li.


There was really no way to aim at Lu Li, and Trigger Dope felt annoyed.

"Ahhh!! I can't help it, I can't help it, I'm about to faint, please help me!"

The screams of the Luna Doped Body were heard, the sound was very loud, and the miserable screams made people shudder when they heard them.

Even though the undead are truly human, they still have sentience.

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