It would be very uncomfortable in such a fast rotation, and it was normal for the Moon Goddess doped body to not be able to accept it.

Lu Li, standing on the shoulder of the Moon Goddess doped body, was still as steady as a mountain.

"Can't you bear it?"

I thought the Moon Goddess doped body could hold on for a little longer, after all, it was an immortal.

But now it seems that even an immortal would be very uncomfortable or even unable to bear it in such a high-speed rotation.

The makeup doped bodies that were created before had long been completely destroyed by the Moon Goddess doped body itself, and there was no need for Lu Li to do it himself.

At some point, Lu Li had an awakening card in his hand.

"Ice.Age! Maximum.Drive!"

Lu Li exuded a burst of cold air, especially at his feet, which was particularly cold.

"So cold!!"

The Moon Goddess doped body, which was spinning rapidly, felt as if its body was frozen, and its rapidly spinning body was freezing bit by bit.

·· ··Please give me flowers·· ······

Bursts of cold air enveloped Lu Li and the Moon Goddess hybrid.

The surrounding air condensed rapidly under the power of the extreme drive of the Ice Age, forming a white mist.

"Can't see?!" Zhao Jinglong was stunned.

Staring closely at the mist, the Trigger Hybrid raised the hand cannon in his right hand, ready to attack at any time.

The next moment, the white mist surged wildly, as if something was about to rush out of it.


Then a figure flew out of the white mist.

The Trigger Hybrid, who was already very alert, didn't even think about it, and directly raised the hand cannon to attack.


The light bullet with terrifying power shot at the figure flying out of the white mist.

But after firing the light bullet, the Trigger Hybrid instantly regretted it.


He thought it would be Lu Li who came out from inside, but he didn't expect that the figure flying out from inside was actually the frozen Moon Goddess hybrid.

The Moon Goddess hybrid, which had been completely frozen, had no power to dodge the terrifying light bullet.


The light bullet directly hit the ice sculpture of the Moon Goddess hybrid, and it exploded instantly.

Countless ice chips exploded and scattered, and the sky was full of ice chips for a while.

Under the sunlight, the ice and snow in the sky reflected colorful colors, which was very beautiful.

The Trigger hybrid had no time to appreciate these. Due to the sudden explosion of ice chips, he completely lost his vision and could not see anything at all.

"Accel! Maximum. Drive!"

... .... .......

"Are you looking for me?"

The voice suddenly came from behind, and the Trigger hybrid did not even have time to react. A cold chill came from behind.


Lu Li, holding the Eternal Dagger, activated the Accelerated Maximum Drive at this time, and the speed he showed was even comparable to teleportation.

The Eternal Dagger in his hand was wrapped with a blazing red light, and instantly slashed on the back of the Trigger hybrid.


Even the Trigger Hybrid, feeling the huge force coming from behind, couldn't help but groan.

One knife!

Lu Li only used one knife to make the Trigger Hybrid almost lose its combat power.

The body staggered forward a few steps, and the Trigger Hybrid flashed a series of data on its body. The next moment, it turned back to human form, and the Trigger Memory fell to the side.

When all the ice chips that had exploded before disappeared, Quan Jingshui, who had the Moon Goddess Memory, also appeared.

Lying on the ground in a mess, the Moon Goddess Memory was quietly placed beside him.

"What happened to me?!"

Quan Jingshui felt that his body was very bad at this time.

It felt like the active enzymes in his body had all been used up, and his body was decaying rapidly.

For a moment, he couldn't understand why he was still dead even though he was already an undead.

Like Quan Jingshui, Ashihara Ken's body also showed the same decay at this time.

After being attacked by the extreme drive, even the undead will die again.

"I don't want it! Ah! Xiao Keji!..."

With unwilling cries, Quan Jingshui and Ashihara Xian turned into particles and disappeared.

Leaving behind the Moon Goddess Memory and Trigger Memory, proving that the two had existed.

Zhu Jinglong, who witnessed all this happening in front of him, was shocked.

He had fought against the Trigger Admixture head-on before, and the opponent was very strong.

Even the Trigger Admixture that could fight him evenly, seemed like a small fish in front of Lu Li.

Seeing the Moon Goddess Memory and Trigger Memory "986" falling on the ground, Lu Li used telekinesis to receive the two memories in his hands.

Including the Queen Memory in his hand, Lu Li now has a total of three T2 memories.

Of course, he does not need T2 memories for the time being, these are all prepared for Da Dao Keji.

After the battle with Da Dao Keji is over, Lu Li will naturally recycle these T2 memories.

Glancing at Zhao Jinglong who was still in shock, Lu Li said nothing and turned to walk towards the Fengdu Tower.

Two floors above the Fengdu Tower.

After Ace escaped from below, he finally suppressed the fear in his heart, and his trembling hands were finally soothed.

Before he could relax, he heard a whistling sound.


I saw a metal iron bar hitting me hard.

There was no time to think so much, so he quickly blocked it with his hands.


Fortunately, he was in a state of transformation. If he hadn't transformed, his own arms would have been broken.

Taking a closer look, isn't the person who attacked me the same guy who got the metal memory before?

Domoto Tsuyoshi twisted his neck and made a clicking sound.

He violently pulled off his clothes, revealing his strong muscles, and punched his pectoralis major twice.


Then he immediately transformed into a metal dopant and started a fierce battle with Ace.

The metal-doped body, apart from being a little bulky, has quite impressive attack and defense capabilities.

Chapter 200 The ace crushed by Yong Qi, Lu Li, are you crazy? !

Fortunately, the opponent's direct attacks are what Ace happens to be best at.

As long as you can understand the opponent's attack mode, it is relatively easy to solve it.

"Bang! Bang!..."

The iron rod hit the wall hard, or maybe it hit the ace.

Even the ace felt the bursts of pain coming from his body.

But now is not the time to think about that.

At this time, if there is no way to defeat the metal dopant, he will not even be able to see Dao Keji.

How can we save Philip?

Having withstood the metal dopant's attack, Ace had already figured out the opponent's attack pattern.

The opponent's main attack method is the iron rod.

So first we need to find a way to take off his weapons.

The ace who was forced into a corner deliberately sold a flaw to the metal dopant.

Sure enough, the metal dopant immediately seized this opportunity, raised the iron rod in his hand and stabbed it fiercely.

It's now!

The ace instantly dodged sideways, quickly grabbed the iron rod, and kicked out quickly at the same time.

The metal doped body hit in the abdomen by this kick fell to the ground. He had lost his weapon and did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

"It's now!"

He immediately pulled out the ace memory, inserted it into the memory slot on the right, and pressed the button on the slot hard.

"Joker! Maximum.Drive! (Ace Ultimate Drive)"

As the power of Ace's memory reaches its maximum, Ace's dark right fist is covered by a ball of purple energy.

"Rider. Punch!"

Clenching his fist tightly, the power of Ace Memory poured into his right fist crazily.

The metal-doped body was naturally unable to admit defeat at this time, so he clenched his left fist tightly and mobilized his whole body's strength.



The two of them punched their fists at the same time.

However, the ace immediately lowered his head when he saw the fist of "Three Four Seven" hit by the metal dopant.

Because of this, he accurately dodged the full force punch of the metal dopant.

Compared with the cunning ace, the metal dopant did not avoid this knight's punch at all.

The fist with terrifying power hit the metal dopant's head hard.


Terrifying power poured into his body, and amidst the screams of the metal doping body, his body exploded instantly.


Domoto Gozo, who was forced to cancel his transformation, lay weakly on the ground, and the metal memory also fell aside.

Affected by the ultimate driving force, Domoto Gozo's body was in the same state as Izumi Kyōsui's just now.

The body gradually dissipates and finally turns into nothing.

Seeing Gozo Domoto disappearing in front of his eyes, Ace was filled with sadness.

Unexpectedly, the undead defeated by the Ultimate Drive would disappear without even leaving a body.

Looking at the metal memory that fell to the ground, Ace was about to pick it up first.

Before he could pick it up, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side and picked up the metal memory on the ground.


Ace was also very nervous about this sudden figure.

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