When he saw the other person's back clearly, he already knew who this person was.

"The great road of self-denial!"

Ace suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy and looked at this figure warily.

Slowly standing up, Daidou Katsumi turned to look at Ace.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you. You sent me the ace memory specially."

As his voice fell, Dao Katsumi immediately took out the eternal memory.

Wear the Lost Drive around your waist.



Under the blue light, Dao Keji has transformed into Yongqi.

He must defeat the ace as quickly as possible, get the ace memory first, and then find a way to get the last queen memory.

But so far, there seems to be no news about the Queen's plan, and it's hard to say who is in charge.

The extremely terrifying Lu Li has arrived, and we must hurry up and find a way to get the last one.

Only by gathering all the T2 memories can he be qualified to fight Lu Li.

Without saying much, Yong Qi rushed forward and started a fierce battle with Ace.

Although the ace has good fighting power, it is still inferior to the eternal power.

In addition, Yongqi himself has extremely rich combat experience, how can the ace be his opponent.

I thought that if I rushed here, I would have a chance to save Phillip.

Only now did Ace realize that it would not be easy for him to cross this final hurdle.

Yongqi is a very difficult enemy.

Among the enemies he encountered, except for Lu Li, the only one who was as difficult and powerful as him was Dao Keji.

Facing the opponent's violent attacks, Ace had almost no power to parry and was retreating steadily.

Even in the ultimate form of W's Gale Ace, he has never been able to defeat Yongqi before. Even if he is using the ace of T2 memory now, the possibility of winning is slim.

Coupled with the fact that he had experienced another battle before and his physical strength had not been fully restored, the ace was once at a disadvantage.


Yong Qi knocked away the trump card with one punch, and then immediately took out a memory and inserted it into the memory slot on the right side of his belt.

"UnicornMaximum.Drive! (Unicorn Extreme Drive)"

A white spiral energy condensed on Yong Qi's right arm.

Yong Qi, who clenched his fist tightly, punched out without any hesitation.


The ace hit by this explosive energy had almost no resistance and was blown away on the spot.


The ace who fell far away released his transformation, and Zuo Shotaro appeared in front of Yongqi with scars.

Slowly walking over, Yong Qi picked up the ace memory that was bounced off.

Looking down at Zuo Shotarou who was still struggling, Yong Qi directly kicked him far away.


Shotaro Zuo, who often calls himself a tough guy, couldn't help but scream at this incident.


Excruciating pain!

With a pale face and covering his abdomen, Shotaro Zuo had cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Looking down at the ace memory in his hand, Yong Qi murmured.

"Now, all we need is the queen's memory."

However, in the next second, a sound suddenly interrupted Yong Qi's thinking.

"Oh? Are you sure...it's just the queen's memory that's missing?"

The voice was so familiar that Yong Qi has never forgotten it.

That guy who was so powerful that he felt powerless, Lu Li!

Suddenly looking back, Yong Qi saw Lu Li walking up from the bottom of the ladder.

Wearing pure white knight armor, behind him is the same black eternal ceremonial robe as himself.

The biggest difference is that the drives on both sides are different, and there is no memory slot visible on Lu Li's body.

Other than that, the two are almost identical.

The company's side.

In the president's office.

Sonosaki Saeko was standing by the window sill looking at the Fudu Tower in the distance.

Although she couldn't see what was going on over there, Sonosaki Yueko couldn't help but feel worried about Lu Li.

Lu Li is indeed very powerful, and can be said to be the most powerful person in Sonosaki Saeko's mind.

But even knowing this, Sonosaki Saeko would still worry about Lu Li's comfort.

Of course, she was worried in her heart, not on the surface.

My sister and Mina were still there. If I, as the elder sister and senior, showed a nervous and worried expression, others would also feel uneasy.

As the queen of a museum, she must remain calm no matter what she faces.

Looking at the Fengdu Tower in the distance, Sonosaki Wakana's eyes flashed with worry.

"Sister, tell me, Lu Li, why do you have to go through this muddy water? Couldn't you just leave it to the Kamen Rider?

Haven't they always claimed to be the heroes of Fengdu? Leave this matter to them and let them solve it! "

Even though Sonosaki Wakana knew that Lu Li had unfathomable strength, she was still worried about Lu Li's safety.

After all, she is one of the closest people. If something happens, she will be very sad.

She had already experienced the sadness of her father and mother leaving once, and she didn't want anyone else close to her to leave her.

Even though Mina didn't say anything, there was no need to explain the worry in her eyes.

Patting Wakana's shoulder, Saeko said with cold eyes.

"Wakana, I believe in Lu Li. Besides, Fengdu is our base camp. In our own base camp, if we can't handle this matter well, what prestige will we have in the future?

Now that these terrorists have come to your door, let's get rid of them!

Let these guys know that the wind belongs to our museum.

It's a pity that our memory is currently invalid, otherwise I would have gone with Lu Li. "

If it weren't for the impact of T2 Eternal Memory's release of the Ultimate Drive, which invalidated the power of all lower-version memories, she would be in the Wind Capital Tower now.

After a slight hesitation, Sonosaki Wakana nodded weakly.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Lu Li's power, it's just that she is simply worried about Lu Li.

As a sister, of course she knows her sister's current state, and she has fallen deeply into it.

Unexpectedly, the two sisters ended up falling in love with the same man.

Sonosaki Saeko, who had known about this for a long time, was not angry. She had expected such an outcome before.

This just shows that Lu Li is indeed good enough.

How could a man who could make both sisters fall in love with him at the same time not be excellent?

Of course, not only my sister, but also Mina is like this.

The wind has become chaotic now, but for some people, it has not been greatly affected, and of course it is not completely unaffected.

This person is Metzl.

This week, she has been busy looking for the right person and choosing the right target to become a host.

Without any hindrance, she had found several suitable targets in the past few days and planted the seeds of desire one by one.

Under the influence of desire, the seeds will take root and sprout, giving birth to desire-devouring monsters.

Without Kamen Rider OOO and Anku, no one would find out what they were doing.


She is simply in love with this city now...

There's no Kamen Rider OOO, no Anku, and not even the other three Greedy Ones, so it's simply not too comfortable.

The only bad thing is that a group of terrorists came to the city in the past two days.

It is precisely because of the arrival of these terrorists that it caused some unnecessary panic, which made it impossible for the hosts that Metzler was looking for to properly provide for his desires.

If she cannot properly provide her desires, her desire-devouring monster will naturally not be able to grow.

She originally wanted to participate, but when she thought that if OOO's attention was attracted, her plan here would probably fall short.

Think about it and forget it.

There is absolutely no problem in this city with someone as terrifying as Lu Li.

Metzler believes so.

Turning his head to look at Feng Du Tower, he noticed that a battle seemed to be breaking out over there, and Mezel murmured.

"End it as soon as possible, don't continue to affect my appetite monsters."

The outer layer of Fengdu Tower.

The sudden sound instantly aroused Yong Qi's vigilance.

Turning around suddenly, he saw Lu Li walking up from below.

The knight's armor was almost identical to his own, all covered in black eternal ceremonial robes. Apart from the driver, there were only some minor differences.

"Lu Li! I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

Although Yong Qi said this verbally, he was actually full of fear in his heart.

He knew what kind of guy Lu Li was and how powerful he was, so how could he not be afraid in his heart.

It hasn't actually been that long since the last time the two met in Congress S.

The reason why Dao Keji chose to return to Fengdu was to start his own revenge.

In addition to learning that Consortium X has completed the manufacturing of T2 memory, another thing is to find Lu Li.

He wanted to avenge his past humiliation and retaliate for the last time.

The last time he was defeated miserably at the hands of Lu Li, this time, he must find a way to win back.

Simply relying on permanent memory may not achieve much. .

By collecting all the T2 memories, he will become stronger and have the strength to fight Lu Li.

"What did you mean by what you just said? The only memory I don't have in my hand right now is the T2 Queen memory."

Yong Qi spoke with a very firm tone.

He was very sure that what he said was correct. The only T2 memory he currently had on hand was the Queen memory.

After all, he had just obtained the ace memory.

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head with a smile and took out the Moon God Memory and Trigger Memory he had just obtained, as well as the Queen's Memory he had brought.

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