No matter what the situation, he will seize all the weaknesses of the target, and then...defeat the opponent!

Facing Yong Qi's sudden attack, Lu Li slowly distanced himself.


A strange force pulled Lu Li, allowing him to float in the sky.

Yong Qi, on the other hand, quickly fell towards the ground.


The white figure hit the ground, and puffs of smoke and dust formed, blocking the white figure.

Terui Ryu, who was panting and resting, was instantly awakened by the sudden roar.

He had been fighting the enemy for a long time with his physical body, and he had also eliminated some costumed adulterants, which was already very difficult.

I just wanted to take a little rest, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even rest well.

Hiding behind the stone pillar, Terui Ryu slightly poked his head out and looked at the place where the smoke and dust were swirling.

Then, he saw the very familiar figure slowly falling in the sky.

"Land from!"

When he was dealing with Isaka Fumirou, he was beaten unconscious by Lu Li, so naturally he never saw Lu Li in his ultimate form.

But seeing the awakening device on his waist, he was already very sure that this person must be Lu Li.

There is no doubt about this.

The person floating is Lu Li, so could the person who fell just now be Dao Keji?

Just when Terui Ryuu was thinking about this problem, a figure suddenly came out of the smoke and dust, and quickly rushed towards Lu Li.

Lu Li, who had just landed, noticed Yong Qi rushing up again with lightning speed.

He threw out the eternal dagger used by Yongqi.

It seems to be thrown out very casually, but it itself carries terrifying power.

"call out!"

The powerful eternal dagger went straight to Yong Qi's heart.

The blade shone with a cold light. After Yong Qi experienced the battle just now, he did not dare to underestimate Lu Li.

Adjust your position immediately to avoid the Eternal Dagger.

The eternal dagger flashing with silver coldness brushed against Yong Qi's body, and the sharp blade left an obvious mark on the white knight armor.

Yong Qi could not give his own weapon to Lu Li again, no matter what.

The moment he dodged the eternal dagger, he instantly grasped the end of the dagger.

However, Yong Qi still underestimated Lu Li too much.

Lu Li in his ultimate form looked like he was throwing the eternal dagger casually, but it actually carried very terrifying power.

The power brought by the Violent Awakening Card made Lu Li's wrist strength terrifying.

"Can't catch it?"

Feeling the strong drag force coming from his hand, Yong Qi slammed his foot on the ground.


Powerful power poured into the ground, causing a crack in the ground.

With the help of this power, Yong Qi successfully held the eternal dagger that he almost missed just now.

"Be sure to hold your weapons firmly. Next time, I won't give them back to you so easily."

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Yong Qi had no intention of turning back. He held the eternal dagger in his backhand and stabbed behind him without hesitation.

However, the sharp eternal dagger did not hit his target, it just cut through the air.

Yong Qi was very vigilant. The guy who was behind him just now suddenly disappeared.

"Don't be so impatient. You can't eat hot tofu if you're impatient."

Lu Li's figure appeared in front of him.

Such rapid speed made Yong Qi extremely wary.

If the other party had chosen to sneak attack me just now, I'm afraid I would feel uncomfortable now.

At this moment, a staggering figure suddenly walked over from a distance.

This person is none other than Hahara Lai, who was previously hit by the ace transformed by Shotaro Zuo using the ace ultimate drive.

After being hit by Ace's Ultimate Drive, Habara's body experienced great changes.

The active enzymes in the body are constantly being consumed, and the body is dying rapidly.

If it weren't for the temporary active enzyme she carried with her, she would have died long ago.

After finally persisting until now, I finally came to Fengdu Tower and finally saw Dao Keji.

Hahara Lai was in a daze, swaying unsteadily, and walked towards Yongqi with a staggering step.

"Kenji, help me! I don't want to die yet! Help me!"

Her tone was full of pleading, she didn't want to die like this.

Hahara Lai, who had experienced death once before, did not want to experience death again.

Even though she is already dead and immortal, she does not want to die again.

However, faced with her plea, Yong Qi remained unmoved at all.

At this time, all his attention was focused on Lu Li, fearing that if he was distracted, he would lose the battle.

"Katsumi! Help me! It's strange, my body can't hold on anymore."

Habara finally grabbed Daidou Katsumi's arm and begged him to save him.

However, Nagaki's next answer instantly made Hahara Lai's mood fall to the bottom.

"There is no hope, of course. Who made you lose?"

As soon as she finished speaking, under Hahara Lai's surprised eyes, Yong Qi punched her in the abdomen.


This made Hahara Lai, whose body was already on the verge of collapse, even worse.

With this punch, Hahara Lai was knocked away several meters and fell in front of Lu Li.


Hahara Lai fell to the ground and looked at his former companion Nagaki in disbelief.

She was filled with anger, but there was nothing she could do.

Never would I have imagined that at the end of the day, I would often be betrayed.

Although he knew that his body was probably on its last legs, he never expected that Yong Qi would give him another punch.

“Even the undead, if hit by the Ultimate Drive, will still return to dust.

There are as many substitutes as you need, and it’s almost time to retire. "

His words were full of indifference, and there was no emotion at all as a companion.

Raising his head slightly, Hahara Lai didn't expect that he would be betrayed.

And the person who betrayed him was the same person who had resurrected him.

Seeing Habara Lai whose body seemed to be gradually dissipating, Lu Li shook his head and said regretfully.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! You are so cold and heartless. You are truly worthy of being an immortal."

Over time, the human side of the undead may become weaker and weaker, eventually losing all human emotion.

Of course, this also has a certain relationship with its own will. If it does not want to retain its humanity, then its humanity will naturally be wiped out.

Just like Yong Qi now, he is completely a machine without any emotions.

Regarding the undead, Lu Li was somewhat interested. After all, it was once an investment plan of Consortium X.

Thinking of this, Lu Li took out an awakening card.

Although his body is about to collapse, if enough life force is injected into it, it can still ensure that Hahara Lai's body will not disappear.

"Recover (camel)!"

This card is exactly the Restoration Camel of the 9 of Hearts.

The greatest ability of a restored camel is its ability to restore vitality.

The undead relied on active enzymes to maintain their own activities, and Lu Li could also rely on the restored camel to help him maintain his body's functions.

Moreover, the power of restoring the camel will probably be stronger. Even if it cannot be brought back from the dead, it can at least be given the physical functions of an ordinary person.

A green energy symbolizing life covered Hahara Lai's body.

Hahara Lai, whose body was constantly collapsing and could disappear at any time, stopped collapsing.

The body is recovering bit by bit, and eventually it returns to its original appearance.

Originally thinking that he was about to die, Hahara Lai was about to give up.

However, she was surprised to find that she was still alive. Not only was she alive, but she seemed to be in better condition than before.

"Since he abandoned you and I gave you a chance to live, how... should you choose?"

The voice came from behind, instantly bringing Hahara back to his senses.

Suddenly looking back, I saw a more special Yongqi.

The opponent held a card in his hand, as if he had saved himself just now with this card.

Feeling that he had returned to his peak condition, Hahara Lai easily turned over and stood up.

Kneeling on the ground on one knee, Hahara Lai didn't hesitate at all.

"Sir, from now on I will just follow my orders!"

When she was about to die, the other party pulled her back from the abyss of death. How could she not be grateful in her heart.

As for the great path of self-denial, he had long forgotten about it.

Now that the other party has betrayed him, it is impossible for the two parties to become partners again.

From now on, the two have gone their separate ways and she is no longer a member of the Undead Squad.

Seeing Hahara Lai being so polite, Lu Li nodded slightly and waved his hand gently.

"Okay, now that you have joined my side, please retreat first and don't hinder my fight."

Hearing this, Hahara Lai stood aside without hesitation. The next step was really not something she could participate in.

After leaving the battlefield, her eyes focused on Yong Qi, with undisguised hatred in her eyes.

I thought I had found a companion, but I didn't expect that I would be betrayed by my companion in the end.

Habara already knew that he could not stay in the same camp as Dao Katsuki. Since he could not stay in the same camp, he had no choice but to part ways.

From now on, the two sides have nothing to do with each other, and Hahara Lai may want to seek revenge from him at some point.

Of course, this premise is that Yongqi can still survive.

At this moment, Yong Qi was also quite surprised.

It is really incredible that Habara Lai, who had been sentenced to death by him, could still survive.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to survive after being attacked by an extreme drive.

But why is Hahara Lai still alive now?

Yong Qi was very curious about what kind of power Lu Li used just now.

But now is obviously not the time to be curious, the two sides are still in the middle of a battle.

Without any obstacles to hinder the fight, the fight between the two will continue.

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