
At this time, Lu Li immediately activated the power of the Luna awakening card.

The next second, three Lu Li suddenly appeared beside Yongqi, surrounding him in the middle.

The power of the Luna awakening card is that it can create clones, and the clones also have extremely strong combat power.

Immediately afterwards, Yongqi experienced what a mixed three-hit attack is.

The three Lu Li used the power of three different memory awakening cards.




As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands, not to mention that Yongqi now needs to face three Lu Li at once.

The most important thing is that the attack methods of these three people are completely different, and they use three different attack methods respectively.

This rogue-style group fight made Yongqi unable to resist for a while, and he became a passive target.

Although he has filled up his memory, Yongqi has no way to exert the power of all his memories.

Even though he has become very powerful, it is still not enough compared to Lu Li who has truly integrated the memory awakening card!

Facing Lu Li's triple attack, Yongqi was beaten and defended at the same time, wanting to counterattack, but he was interrupted before he started.

This way of fighting is very frustrating. Yongqi is now holding back a rage in his heart, and there is no place to release it.

Take out the eternal memory and insert it into the slot of the eternal dagger in his hand.

"Eternal! Maximum. Drive!"

That's right, in order to immediately resolve the current trouble, Yongqi directly activated the eternal maximum drive.


A violent energy attacked, and the three Lu Li who were originally besieging Yongqi were blasted back by this violent energy.

The two clones created by the Moon Goddess turned into bubbles after being affected by this violent force.

Yongqi's yellow eye armor suddenly lit up, and a very terrifying energy gathered on his body.

Raise the eternal dagger in your hand, which is wrapped with a powerful energy.

"The winner is decided!!"

Taking a step forward, Yongqi slashed out the Eternal Dagger in his hand.

A terrifying knife-shaped energy flew over.

This knife not only slashed out the energy of the Eternal Memory Extreme Drive, but also the energy obtained after the other 25 memories were driven to the extreme.

This power was integrated together, and the power was extremely terrifying.

The terrifying knife-shaped energy was green, and wherever it was said, gravel flew. As for other obstacles, they were directly cut into two pieces in the face of this terrifying energy.

Easily cut off all obstacles, and the target was directly aimed at Lu Li.

Seeing the terrifying knife-shaped energy, Lu Li moved.

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed it on the sharp and cold blade of the Eternal Dagger.

A dazzling golden card suddenly appeared in front of Lu Li.

This golden card was the card after the fusion of 26 memory awakening cards.

At the same time, using this card means that Lu Li will release his ultimate move at this time.

Catching the card, Lu Li quickly swiped it over the Eternal Dagger in his hand.

"Eternal! Extreme.Maximum.Drive!"

The terrifying golden energy suddenly erupted, and Lu Li was bathed in golden light.

The golden light rushed into the Eternal Dagger in his right hand frantically.

The Eternal Dagger, with its blade flashing with cold light, was now shrouded in golden light, as if attached to a golden flame.

The yellow eye armor suddenly turned golden, and Lu Li suddenly slashed out the Eternal Dagger.


Just as the green knife-shaped energy attacked, the golden light blade was also unmatched and instantly broke the green knife-shaped energy.

Easily broken!

And when breaking the green knife-shaped energy, the broken energy was instantly absorbed by the golden light blade.

It flew to Yongqi with even more terrifying power.


I thought the victory was decided and I had won this battle.

You have to know that this was the strongest attack he had ever made with all the energy in his memory, but it was easily crushed.

Yongqi couldn't accept it for a moment.

How could it be possible? !

Why did this completely unexpected situation happen?

Shouldn't he kill Lu Li in an instant? !

He had been completely locked in, and Yongqi had no way to avoid it.

The golden blade of light came with terrifying energy, and Yongqi knew he couldn't dodge it.


He roared and blocked the Eternal Dagger in front of him.

His left hand struggled to block behind his right hand, trying his best to stop the terrifying golden blade of light.

PS: Thanks to Mo Jie for the monthly ticket! Yes.

Chapter 203 The second part of the sure kill! The end

However, the Eternal Dagger, which should have been extremely tough, had cracks on its sharp blade under the attack of the golden blade of light.

Under this terrifying energy, Yongqi resisted desperately, but his body still slid a long way away.

How could the fatal attack released by Lu Li be so easily countered?

Two long drag marks were left on the ground, splashing with flying stones.

Yongqi desperately welded his legs to the ground, trying not to shake himself at all.


But then, the cracks on the Eternal Dagger continued to spread.

In the end, it was completely broken.

Without the Eternal Dagger to resist, the terrifying golden energy slammed into Yongqi.


Once again, Yongqi felt that death was so close to him.

The terrifying energy poured madly on him, and Yongqi's body was worn away bit by bit under this energy.

He hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time, and he was even about to forget it.

The feeling from the depths of memory came over.


At this moment, death was only one step away from him.

However, it was just close, not to the point of touching death.

"Not enough! This is not enough! This kind of power is not enough to kill me! Lu Li!!"

Yongqi roared hysterically.

This was telling Lu Li that this kind of power could not kill him.

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head slightly, squatted down slightly, and took a posture of charging.

"Don't worry, this... is not all."

At Lu Li's right foot, a very violent energy has been gathered.

The eternal extinction that was released just now is only a part of the energy.

Lu Li deliberately split the special move into two parts.

If one part can destroy the enemy, then the second part is naturally unnecessary.

But if the first part is not enough to destroy the enemy, then the second part can play a decisive role.


The figure disappeared on the spot, and the next moment, Lu Li appeared in the sky.


Leaping in the air, Lu Li turned into a golden bullet and fell to the ground.

This dazzling golden "bullet" fell from the sky, aiming directly at Yongqi who was still resisting the golden light blade.

Yongqi: You are so unethical! You actually fooled me? !


When the dazzling golden "bullet" hit Yongqi, the whole earth seemed to tremble suddenly.

A violent explosion resounded through the world.

The flames shot up into the sky, dazzling and dazzling.

Not far behind Yongqi, a white figure appeared.

The golden stripes on the white body 347 exuded a stream of light.

"It's over."

Lu Li did not look back at Yongqi. He knew very well that the battle was over.

Eternal extinction is divided into two parts.

Yongqi was able to barely resist the first impact, and he had already tried his best. What could he use to resist the second part?

And when Lu Li just released the second kill, Yongqi actually felt that the eternal memory seemed to want to leave him.

I have never felt this way before.

It was as if the eternal memory wanted to abandon himself and fly towards Lu Li.

Could it be that...the other party is more suitable for eternity than himself?

With such doubts, in the eruption of raging flames, the white body gradually dissipated.

"Haha! Is this...death? I haven't felt the feeling of death for a long time, hahahaha, so scary!!"

Accompanied by his laughter, his body completely dissipated in the flames that shot up into the sky.

And with his disappearance, the 26 T2 memories naturally lost their restraints.

Feeling the 26 T2 memories scattered with the explosion, Lu Li certainly couldn't let them disappear from his sight.

He stretched out his right hand, and a terrifying force instantly enveloped the flames of the explosion.

The T2 memories that were about to be blown away by the explosive energy were brought forward by this energy, gathered together again, and returned to Lu Li's side.

Looking at the 26 T2 memories quietly placed in front of him, Lu Li's goal this time was also achieved.

T2 memories, whether in terms of capacity or ability, are relatively better than previous versions of memories.

Collecting T2 memories, Lu Li intends to merge them with the memories he currently has.

Of course, Lu Li has not yet mastered the memory fusion technology.

Everything can be done slowly, Lu Li is not in a hurry.

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