
In the control room of the Wind Capital Tower.

The battle outside was clear to Maria.

When she saw her son, Da Dao Ke Ji, being completely wiped out and nothing was left, Maria's face suddenly showed a complex expression.

There was relief, sadness, self-blame, etc., which was very complicated.

Philip saw Da Dao Maria in such a state. Even if he didn't see the battle outside, he could probably guess that Da Dao Ke Ji must not be Lu Li's opponent.

Now he should have been defeated, otherwise Da Dao Maria wouldn't be as uncomfortable as now.

"Ms. Maria..."

Even now, Philip still didn't hate Da Dao Maria.

It was just because the other party had the shadow of his mother, he couldn't hate her in his heart.

As for everything he did to him, he blamed Da Dao Ke Ji.

If it wasn't for helping Da Dao Ke Ji, Da Dao Maria wouldn't do these excessive things.

Hearing the voice, Da Dao Maria came back to her senses, looking at Philip with a concerned look on his face, her heart was full of self-blame.

Such a good child, but she was used by herself, she... deserves to die.

Now everything is over, Katsumi has reached the end, it's time to end it all.

"Child, I'm very sorry, I'm afraid no matter what I say, it will be difficult to get your forgiveness.

But as a mother, facing the request made by my child, I can't refuse, I feel guilty for him.

Now, everything is over, I believe your companions should come to you soon.

Child, goodbye, I'm very sorry, I left you with very bad memories."

After the voice fell, Maria raised her pistol to her temple and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Slowly falling down, Maria also died after Katsumi.

Philip had a dull face, and after coming to his senses, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Ms. Maria!!"

Everything... is too late.


The matter finally came to an end, and the terrorist undead team that attacked Fuuto was wiped out.

No, to be precise, it shouldn't be wiped out, at least there is still a seed left, Yuhara Lai.

But the surviving Yuhara Lai has chosen to join Lu Li's camp, and is naturally no longer a member of the Undead Team.

After removing the transformation, Lu Li looked up at the Fuuto Tower.

Although he saved it, it also suffered some damage, and it would take at least some time to repair it.

He didn't need to think about these, someone would repair it.

Originally, Lu Li was going to study the relevant plans of the Undead carefully. As the project planner, Da Dao Maria should be very clear about this.

But just now, Lu Li clearly felt the death of Da Dao Maria.

She... followed her son Da Dao Ke Ji.

People are already dead, Lu Li has no choice but to give up.

"Let's go, we should go back."

After saying that, Lu Li turned and left the scene.

Hearing this, Yuhara Lai turned his head to look at the location where Da Dao Ke Ji exploded just now, and turned to follow Lu Li.

From the moment she was betrayed, she was no longer a member of the Undead Team.

Lu Li saved her when she was on the verge of death.

It was as if in the dark abyss, she was given light and hope, and a helping hand was extended to her.

Now the undead team has completely died out, and she has no destination.

Since there is no place to go, she decided to follow Lu Li.

Of course, she also has her own purpose.

When she was resurrected before, she felt that her body was a little different from her body as an undead.

It seemed that her body seemed to have vitality, not the feeling of being able to move, but... the feeling of being alive.

Although her body was still cold, that feeling gave Yuyuan Lai a glimmer of hope.

Maybe if she followed Lu Li, she would have the hope of coming back to life.

No one wants to die, even Yuyuan Lai, who has become an undead, is the same.

With the end of this battle, the eternal extreme drive exerted by the T2 eternal memory was also lifted.

This also means that all memories below the T2 version have restored their effects and can continue to be used.

Fuuto is still the Fuuto of the museum, and this has not changed because of this little episode.

After Lu Li left the scene, Zhao Jinglong came out from behind the stone pillar where he had been hiding before.

He witnessed the battle just now for the first time and was particularly shocked.

Facing Lu Li, who was so powerful that he was almost invincible, could he really defeat him?

Was that really a force they could match?

Zhao Jinglong, who never gave up, couldn't help but doubt at this moment, was there really a chance to defeat Lu Li?

The gap between the two sides was so big that it could not be made up, and the possibility of winning in this case could only be zero.

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Jinglong didn't think too much at the moment, covering his scarred body and walking up.

He didn't know what the situation was up there, and was going to find Zuo Xiangtaro and Philip, and he didn't know what happened to these two guys.

Every step up the ladder, he felt the pain caused by the entanglement of his body, and Zhao Jinglong gritted his teeth and persisted.

After finally walking up a factory ladder, he finally found Zuo Shotaro.

He saw Zuo Shotaro lying on the ground without any image at this time, and the whole person was unconscious.

In the energy burst just now, Zuo Shotaro's brain was hit by the energy, so he fainted on the spot, and he didn't know what happened afterwards.

"Hey! Zuo! Wake up! Zuo!"

He walked to his side and called him several times in a row, but got no response at all.

Terui Ryu frowned, hesitated for a while, and made a decision.


A big slap hit Zuo Shotaro's face fiercely, and a crisp sound came.

Zuo Shotaro, who was originally in a coma, woke up in a daze after being hit by this big slap.

He opened his eyes slightly and saw Terui Ryu who raised his hand, wondering.

"Terui? What are you going to do?"

Terui Ryu, who thought Zuo Shotaro hadn't woken up yet, withdrew his hand slightly embarrassedly.

Then he cleared his throat twice and said in a cold voice.

"Ahem! Don't question me! By the way, why did you faint?"

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro fell into memories.

"I just saw Lu Li and Da Dao Ke Ji fighting, and the result... the energy they burst out was too strong, and I fainted under the impact of this energy.

What happened afterwards, I... I don't remember at all."

After getting Zuo Xiangtaro's answer, Zhao Jinglong nodded secretly and told him what happened afterwards.

"Lu Li and Da Dao Ke Ji had a very fierce battle, and in the end Da Dao Ke Ji still lost, defeated by Lu Li.

Now the person has been reduced to ashes, and everything is over."

After learning that the battle was over, Zuo Xiangtaro was slightly stunned, and then he came back to his senses and nodded.

To put it bluntly, this battle had almost nothing to do with him.

Although he defeated the metal doping body and the hot doping body, he did not fight with Da Dao Ke Ji for the second time.

The real big boss is Da Dao Ke Ji, but he did almost nothing.

But no matter what, the final result is always good, and the matter is still resolved satisfactorily.

Suddenly, Shotaro Zuo regained some consciousness.

For some reason, he felt that his face seemed to be a little hot.


"Terui, do you know what's going on? Why does my face seem to hurt?"

He didn't react for a while, why did he feel pain in his face inexplicably.

Hearing this, Terui Ryu's face was very normal, he shook his head slightly, and answered seriously.

"I don't know either. I saw you lying on the ground when I came just now. I'm afraid you hit something when you fainted."

Terui Ryu's ability to lie with open eyes, he completely got it.

"Really? Hiss! Maybe."

Rubbing his face, although Shotaro Zuo still felt pain in his face, he didn't bother about it anymore.

Suddenly, Shotaro Zuo thought of the purpose of coming here, but to save Philip.

"By the way! Philip!"

Standing up quickly, Shotaro Zuo rushed to the control room of Fuuto Tower in a hurry.

His partner was still there, and he didn't know what was going on. He had to rescue him immediately.

Seeing Shotaro Sae running, Ryu Terui wiped the nonexistent sweat on his forehead.

What a close call!

Shotaro Sae almost found out that he slapped him, but fortunately he was smart and changed the subject in time.

With his injured body, Ryu Terui hurried to the control room of Fuuto Tower.

When he arrived at the control room, Shotaro Sae kicked the door with all his strength.

After several kicks, he finally kicked the door open.

As soon as he entered, he saw Maria Dodo lying in a pool of blood, with a bullet mark on her temple.

There was a pistol dropped next to him. Without a doubt, with his detective intuition, it was not difficult to find that Maria Dodo committed suicide.

At the same time, Shotaro Sae saw Philip, who was tied up there, and ran over quickly.

Philip was found to be lowering his head slightly at this time, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Shotaro Zuo, who was very worried about his safety, pressed Philip's shoulder and shook him vigorously.

"Hey! Philip, are you okay?"

Philip, who was originally distracted, came back to his senses after hearing the voice.

"... I'm fine."

Shaking his head, although Philip had been tied here, he was not hurt.

Knowing that Philip was indeed fine, Shotaro Zuo suddenly felt relieved.

This is his best partner, best friend, please don't let anything happen to him.

Looking at Maria Dodo lying in a pool of blood, Philip's eyes flashed with self-blame.

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