Although I know that the other person is not my mother, there is no doubt that the other person makes me feel like a mother.

After her son died, it was understandable that the mother chose to follow her son.

Perhaps he chose to commit suicide because he knew that he had done a lot of wrong things, helped Dao Keji hurt many ninjas, and wanted to atone for this.

No matter which possibility it was, Philip witnessed all this with his own eyes and felt very uncomfortable.

He watched Daodao Maria commit suicide, but he had no ability to stop her.

This incident finally ended here.

Then Terui Ryu arrived, and the three of them helped each other out of the severely damaged Fengdu Tower.

After walking out of the Fengdu Tower, Zuo Xiangtaro turned his head and looked at the Fengdu Tower with black smoke rising from it, not to mention that he was not happy.

"The Fengdu Tower is the symbol of Fengdu, but now it has become so scarred. I don't know when it will be repaired."

PS: Thanks————Fengling·Yiyi’s monthly ticket!

Thanks————仮麺ライダー for your monthly ticket! .

Chapter 204 Wakana: Here comes another one! Anku's discovery, go to Fengdu!

He did not doubt whether Fengdu Tower could be repaired, but it could definitely be repaired.

As a landmark building in the city, officials will definitely find ways to restore this building to its original state.

"Let's go, don't lament here, it's true that you should go back and treat your injuries as soon as possible." Terui Ryuu reminded vaguely.

It's not that he wants to remind him, but the current situation of Zuo Shotarou is very "not good".

The reason why he is said to be in a very bad situation is that there are obvious finger marks on his face.

This was caused by Ryu Terui's slap when he woke up Zuo Shotaro.

As time went by, the fingerprints on his face emerged little by little, and they didn't look too obvious.

Phillip naturally noticed the marks on Zuo Shotaro's face and was about to speak.


However, before he could say anything, Terui Ryuu pressed Phillip's mouth.

This also killed his words in the cradle on the spot.

Glancing at Terui Ryu in confusion, Philip couldn't understand why Terui Ryu suddenly stopped him at this time.

Terui Ryu frowned slightly and made eye contact with Phillip.

And Phillip understood what he meant instantly.

This was to prevent him from saying anything, because he was afraid that the traces of this slap had something to do with Terui Ryuu.

Zuo Shotaro turned around and looked at Phillip in confusion.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

Shaking his head vigorously, Phillip said it was nothing.

"It's okay. I accidentally said something wrong just now."

After hearing this, Terui Ryuu on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this matter was not exposed, otherwise, Zuo Shotaro would definitely not give up on this guy easily.

I can keep it secret for as long as I want. After I return to the detective agency, I will leave the overall situation in mind. If I come back after a while, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Then, the three people staggered away from here.

Soon, the police arrived quickly, immediately sealed off the Fengdu Tower, and dismantled the devices inside.

Return to the company.

After Lu Li went out, he actually brought someone back with him, and he also brought a woman with him.

Sonosaki Wakana stared at Hahara Lai, frowning slightly.

She had seen this woman before from her sister's information.

Habara Lai, a member of the undead team.

But why does it appear here? And he was still following Lu Li.

Not only was she confused, Sonosaki Saeko also didn't understand.

Noticing their gazes, Lu Li pointed at Hahara Laidao behind him.

"She is no longer the Hahara Lai of the Undead Team. Now, she is the Habara Lai who belongs to our museum."

When she heard that Hahara Lai had actually joined the museum, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly frowned.

She knew very well that the cold woman in front of her was one of the terrorists who invaded Fengdu this time.

Logically speaking, it should be eliminated, but in the end, Lu Li returned to the company and even asked him to join the museum.

For a moment, she couldn't figure out what Lu Li was thinking.

Even though he had doubts in his heart, Sonosaki Saeko did not question Lu Li face to face, but asked in a cryptic manner.

"Dear, why did she... join our museum."

Faced with this question, before Lu Li could answer, Hahara Lai replied with a cold face.

"Dao Keji betrayed me and watched me die, but Lord Lu Li saved me when I was about to be eliminated.

His kindness and kindness allowed me to survive again. I am willing to follow Lord Lu Li and serve him. "

After answering the question seriously, Hahara Lai said nothing more and stood quietly behind Lu Li.

Lu Li suddenly realized that it would be nice to have a beautiful bodyguard by his side.

At least there are some things that you don’t have to do yourself.

Although Hahara Lai was successfully revived by Lu Li using the power of restoring the camel, her body was still consuming this life force.

Life force must be replenished every once in a while, otherwise Hahara Lai may disappear.

She is still an immortal and has a fighting ability that is beyond that of ordinary people.

Even though the blazing memory is gone, Lu Li will find a way to give her other powers.

"That's the thing. I saved her life, so she is willing to join us.

Besides, the Undead Team has been destroyed now, and she has nowhere to go."

After learning about Lu Li's thoughts, Sonozaki Saeko naturally didn't say anything more.

She didn't doubt Lu Li's statement at all.

A person who was on the verge of death was saved, and he was naturally very grateful to the one who saved him. It was normal for him to be willing to work for him.

What's more, Yuhara Lai had no place to go, and the museum was currently her best destination.

As for Sonozaki Wakana, she stared at Yuhara Lai with unkind eyes.

This woman, no matter her appearance or figure, is great. Staying with Lu Li, wouldn't it add more enemies to herself?

Although Sonozaki Wakana didn't want Yuhara Lai to stay with Lu Li, Lu Li had already said it, so she couldn't object.

It seems that she has to hurry up a little, otherwise... she will be beaten to it by others.

Having made up her mind secretly, Sonosaki Wakana didn't want to fall behind too much.

Forget about her sister, the time that other people can contact Lu Li by themselves is shorter, and she must not let others get ahead of her.

Lu Li didn't notice that Sonosaki Wakana actually had such thoughts in her heart.

Of course, even if he knew that Sonosaki Wakana had such thoughts in her heart, he wouldn't say anything.

The relationship between this girl and him is all there should be.

She has reached first and second base, and she is just short of the final home run.


Such a big thing happened in Fuuto, and the neighboring cities naturally got the news.

Hino Eiji sighed when he saw the news report on TV.

"It's scary to think that in such a peaceful period, there are still terrorists causing trouble, and it's right next to Fuuto."

However, in response to his sigh, Anku, who had golden curly hair, also choked with disdain.

"Tsk! Isn't this normal? No matter where you are, there will always be struggles, and the emergence of terrorists is not something that cannot be expected.

By the way, have you felt that there are fewer Desire Devourers during this period, and... I can't feel the breath of Metzl."

As a greedy person, although Anku only has one arm now, he can also sense other greedy people.

During this period of time, he has not found the existence of Metzl at all, and he has not even seen the Desire Devourers created by Metzl.

Very strange!

Logically speaking, those guys should be very short of cell coins, but why are the number of Desire Devourers created now reduced?

It doesn't make sense, I always feel that there is something strange here.

Hino Eiji shook his head, how could he know such a thing.

"I don't know, but it seems to be a little easier recently, and there are not so many Desire Devourers attacking people."

What he cares about is protecting the city, and it is the best thing that there are no Desire Devourers.

It's a good thing for him, but it's not a good thing for Anku.

Since his resurrection, Anku has been very nervous, because he only revived one arm, but not his body.

This made him feel very uncomfortable. Why didn't his body resurrect?

Is there something wrong with his body? Or is it that his core coins are not enough.

Because of this, Anku is very eager to find his core coins.

If he gets his core coins, he may have a chance to recover his body, at least he doesn't need to attach to this human to move like now.

And to recover his body, he naturally needs more cell coins.

He has just reached a cooperation with Hongshang. Every time he kills the Desire Devourer, he needs to hand over a large part of the cell coins, and very few of them actually reach him.

But in order to use the other party's coin device and collect cell coins more advantageously, this is also a last resort.

Now, the Desire Devourer has suddenly become less, and Anku is of course unhappy.

This means that he has fewer ways to obtain cell coins, and he needs to consume them every day.

If he hadn't been unable to create a Desire Devourer now, he really wanted to create one by himself to get the Cell Coin.

Anku glared at Eiji Hino and said with an unhappy look.

"What a bullshit! It's good for you, but not good for me at all!"

At this moment, Anku suddenly noticed a corner on the big screen of the tall building.

In the corner of the big screen image, there was a very faint shadow. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all.

That's... Metzl? !

Although it was only a small half of the back, how could Anku not recognize Metzl.

He saw it at a glance, that was Metzl.

Grabbing Eiji Hino, Anku couldn't wait to criticize the picture on the big screen.

"Hey! Eiji, what's this part of the picture?"

"Be gentle! It hurts me, let me see...Isn't this Fuuto? This picture is taken after the terrorist attack on Fuuto.

What? Is there a problem?"

Rubbing his arm that was pinched just now, Eiji Hino looked at Anku in confusion.

He didn't understand what Anku meant by asking this question just now.

"Fudu? I see! I finally understand, hahahaha!"

Suddenly bursting into laughter, Anku gave people the feeling of a madman.

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