People around him stopped and looked at Anku.

They all showed caring eyes, which made his companion, Eiji Hino, feel uncomfortable.

"I don't know him, I don't know him."

He quietly pulled away a little, because Eiji Hino didn't want to be looked at with the same eyes.

After noticing the eyes of the people around him, Anku frowned, glared at them fiercely, and scolded.

"What are you looking at? What's so good about it?!"

He didn't know what politeness was. He dared to rush up and beat anyone who was unhappy with him.

The people around him were stared at by his fierce eyes, and they didn't dare to stay any longer, and left quickly.

Especially a little kid, who quickly got into his mother's arms.

·· ··Please give flowers·· ·······

"Mom, that big brother is so fierce."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, that person must have a problem with his brain, don't pay attention to him."

After saying that, he left quickly with his child for his mother.

When he heard someone say that he had a problem with his brain, Anku was furious and immediately planned to rush over to settle accounts with the other party.

Fortunately, Hino Eiji noticed it in advance and stopped him.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. Who told you to laugh here? It's strange that people misunderstood you."

Seeing Hino Eiji blocking his way, he knew that it would be too troublesome to find that person.

Who made him run into such a guy who likes to meddle in other people's business no matter if there is anything.

"Tsk! Forget it, I'm too lazy to bother with them, let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, he grabbed Hino Eiji's collar and prepared to go somewhere.

"Ah? Go? Where are you going?"

"To Fuuto!"

"What?! Fuuto!"

Hino Eiji realized that Anku was not going back, but to Fuuto.

"Anku, why do you suddenly want to go to Fengdu? There are no Desire Devouring Monsters there, right? What can we do there?"

He couldn't understand why Anku suddenly wanted to take him to Fengdu.

Anku smiled and said confidently.

"Who said there is no Desire Devouring Monster? I saw Metzl in the picture of Fengdu City just now.

That must be Metzl, I am not mistaken.

No wonder I haven't seen her for a long time, and I haven't even seen the water Desire Devouring Monster she created.

It turned out that she ran to Fengdu. This guy really has a way to avoid my perception in this way."

... .... .......

The Greedy are very sensitive to the breath of Desire Devouring.

As long as the distance is right, it can be easily felt, but it may not be detected if the distance is a little further.

Metzl, who is no longer in this city, is now creating Desire Devouring Monsters in the so-called Fengdu.

Even Anku can't detect it from such a distance.

Everything can be explained!

"Fuuto? Metzl?! Anku, are you kidding me? At least we should tell the boss lady and Hina if we are leaving.

They took such good care of us before, but they suddenly disappeared without saying goodbye. Isn't it a bit bad?"

Hino Eiji is not a heartless person.

On the contrary, he is a person who values ​​feelings very much and is loyal.

Whether it is Shiraishi Chiyoko who took him in or Izumi Hina, they are both his good friends now. It is really unreasonable to leave without saying goodbye.

Hearing this, the figure of the super-powered girl Izumi Hina suddenly appeared in Anku's mind, and he shuddered uncontrollably.

If he suddenly left inexplicably without even saying goodbye, Izumi Hina would probably not let it go easily when he came back.

What's more, he was using her brother's body, and it would be hard to explain it at that time.

After thinking about it, Anku decided to compromise and follow Hino Eiji's idea.

"Okay, let's go back and tell others first, hurry up.

Metzl must have created a lot of Desire Devourers in Fengdu now. If we go too late, we will get fewer cell coins!"

When he thought of how Metzl had already created a lot of Desire Devourers and obtained a large number of cell coins, how could he not be jealous?

With enough cells, the coins can become stronger. Even if he only has one arm left, Anku can exert stronger power.

The most important thing is that this time he is operating in other cities. After he obtains a large number of cell coins, he does not have to hand them over to the profiteer Hong Shang Guangsheng.

As if he suddenly thought of something, Anku thought to himself.

No, this time I must make Yingsi shut up. I will never share so many cell coins with Hong Shang.

It's not easy to get it all to himself once, he doesn't want to be hindered.

As for how to make Hino Yingsi promise himself not to tell this matter, and wait until he gets those cell coins.

Afterwards, the two turned back to the multinational restaurant Kuscuchi.


In the abandoned bar.

At this time, Kazali, Wufan, and Gamel were standing in front of a pile of cell coins.

There were at least hundreds of cell coins here.

And so many cell coins did not come from them, but from Metzl.

That's right, Metzl had obtained a lot of cell coins during this period.

Most of it was left to me, and a small part was naturally divided among the other three.

The three guys helped me share some of the troubles, at least I didn't let Oz and Anku find me, so I could develop safely.

If you want the horse to run, you have to feed it.

Therefore, these hundreds of cell coins are the rewards given to them by Metzl.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow!! So many cell coins!"

Gamel exclaimed, and happily jumped on the pile of cell coins like a small mountain.

Seeing so many cell coins, Wufan no longer complained before, but praised Metzl.

"It's really worthy of Metzl, he really has the means to get so many cell coins." Shi.

Chapter 205 Wakana: I'm under so much pressure! The strange combination that came

Compared with the other two, Kazali, who was more thoughtful, was squinting at this time.

I don't know what bad idea he is coming up with.

Hundreds of cell coins are really not a small amount, and it's only been a short time.

But Kazali still cares about one thing.

That is the cell coins that Metzl obtained. There must be more than this. These cell coins must be only a small part.

Metzl could not give them all the cell coins she obtained. She must have left some for herself.

As for how many she left, it is still unknown.

But the heart of the greedy is always full of desire, and it can never be filled.

This means that the greedy must be selfish.

Metzl must have left enough cell coins for herself.

The hundreds of cell coins given out may be just a small part of them.

At this time, Kazali suddenly realized that he might have underestimated Metzl too much.

I didn't expect that just by going to another city, he could get so many cell coins.

However, although cell coins can enhance their strength, they are still not as good as core coins.

Since there is no shortage of cell coins, the most important thing now is to find core coins.

Kazali will not waste time here. He will go to find his own core coins.

Only by finding the core coins can he restore his own strength.

Now, Metzl is busy getting more cell coins, so naturally he has no time to look for core coins.

And I just have this time now.

As long as I find the remaining core coins, I can become a complete body, and the strongest... is still me.

After getting his share of cell coins, Kazali turned and left the abandoned bar.


Night falls.

Sonozaki family.

Today, the museum welcomes a new cadre candidate.

This cadre candidate, naturally "three four seven", is Yuhara Lai who was rescued by Lu Li during the day.

During the time as a mercenary, Yuhara Lai has also seen many luxurious villas.

But like Sonozaki family, it is indeed very rare.

Owning such a large area of ​​luxurious villas in the city, and a very spacious garden, this is not something that can be done with money.

This also reflects the important position of Sonozaki family in the wind city.

As long as the Sonozaki family is unhappy, stomping their feet can make the wind city shake three times.

Yuhara Lai sat on the chair, looking at the food on the table, but she had no intention of eating.

She had already been dead for a long time, and her body could not digest these foods at all.

When she was a mercenary, she only needed to inject active enzymes at a fixed time.

When facing food or wine, she had no interest at all.

She could only look but not eat.

Everyone was eating, but she was the only one who didn't eat.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the table was a little solemn.

Seeing Yuhara Lai motionless, Lu Li knew that she couldn't eat.

Taking the napkin beside him and wiping her mouth, Lu Li said casually.

"I know you can't eat in your current state, but you can give me some more time.

I will study how to make you live like a normal person, but resurrection... can't be done at present."

Although Maria Dadao had committed suicide, Lu Li couldn't get any information about the Undead Plan from her.

But it didn't matter. For Lu Li, as long as it was on Earth, he could find relevant information.

The information of the Undead Project is naturally recorded in the Earth Library.

With his excellent mind, Lu Li can perfectly replicate the active enzyme and even make the Undead more perfect.

Yuhara Lai didn't say much, just nodded slightly, but there was a hint of excitement in her eyes.

After becoming an Undead, her body became cold and she didn't need to eat anymore and didn't feel hungry.

Even if she was injured, she would recover quickly under the action of the active enzyme.

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