It had already turned into a complete monster.

During the day, she thought she was dead.

Her body was about to collapse and dissipate, but Lu Li pulled her back from the edge of collapse.

She had an indescribable trust in Lu Li.

Therefore, when Lu Li said that he needed some time to help her live like a normal person, she had no doubt in her heart.

After figuring out the situation, Sonosaki Saeko and the others realized that the undead did not need to eat at all.

Before, Sonosaki Saeko only knew the existence of the undead, but she had no idea about the specific situation of the undead.

She only knew that when Consortium X invested in the Gaia Memory Project and the Undead Project, it conducted a two-way comparison, and finally abandoned the Undead Project and kept the Gaia Memory Project.

This was mainly because Sonosaki Ryubei was the one who was in contact with these things before. If he didn't say it, Sonosaki Saeko would naturally not know.

After talking about it, the solemn atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

The reason why Lu Li chose to keep Yuyuan Lai during the day was mainly because he wanted to study the undead.

Although Maria, a project researcher, has studied to a certain extent, his wisdom may stop there.

Lu Li is different. He has the smartest mind, and he is also an undead creature.

Lu Li is very curious about whether he can transform the undead into an undead creature.

Yes, Lu Li has a very bold idea.

That is to transform Yuyuan Lai, who is an undead, into an existence similar to an undead creature.

Doing so may allow Yuyuan Lai to live a normal life.

As for resurrection.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Lu Li has no means to resurrect people for the time being.

Just as everyone was enjoying a delicious dinner, Metzl pushed open the door of the living room and walked in from outside.

Seeing Metzl who came back suddenly, Sonosaki Wakana said a little unhappy.

"I really don't know where you went? You're in such a big trouble, but I can't see your shadow."

Due to the influence of the Eternal Ultimate Drive, all memories except T2 have lost their effects.

At that time, the only two people in the museum who could use their power were Metzl, besides Lu Li.

But they could never find out where Metzl had gone.

At such a critical moment, when she was needed to do something, she disappeared.

Hearing this, Metzl smiled slightly.

"Sorry, I just happened to deal with something today. There are already quite a few cell coins in the body of the Desire Devourer, so I went to search for them."

Compared to when she just joined the museum, Metzl is no longer as restrained as before.

Besides, she collected cell coins not only to satisfy her own desires, but also to send more research materials to Lu Li.

This was the task Lu Li had given her before, to collect as many cell coins as possible, which would be useful to him.

She gave one-fifth of the collected cell coins to the Greedy Man who was still in another city.

As for the remaining four-fifths, half was left for herself, and the other half was left for Lu Li's later experiments.


For the woman Metzler, Sonozaki Wakana could not like her for the time being.

However, with so many women gathered in the room at this moment, Sonozaki Wakana suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

She glanced at Lu Li with a veiled look, and her eyes gradually became firm.

She decided to speed up and take Lu Li as soon as possible.

Otherwise, as time goes by, there will be more and more women in this room, which will be more troublesome.

Fortunately, the newly taken in Yuyuan Lai is unlikely for the time being. After all, a dead person's body is not only cold, but also hard.

Lu Li should not be interested in this aspect.

After dinner, Metzler took the initiative to tell Lu Li the news she knew.

"Lu Li, I got the news from Kazali that Oz and Anku suddenly left the city during the day and are heading towards Fengdu.

Calculating the time, I'm afraid they should have arrived in Fengdu now."

Learning the news, Lu Li paused slightly while holding the cup of tea.

"Oz and Anku?"

Lu Li was quite surprised. He didn't expect these two guys to suddenly come to Fengdu.

Perhaps they noticed something and suddenly came to Fengdu.

"Well, I know."

Nodding calmly, Lu Li didn't take this matter to heart at all.

It's just a Kamen Rider, and a Greedy Man with only one arm left. What can he do in Fengdu?

Seeing that Lu Li didn't take this matter to heart at all, Metzl's face was a little solemn, but he still reminded him.

"I feel... they are probably coming for me. If they know the relationship between me and the museum, they will probably cause trouble for the museum.

Anyway, Oz's power is still very strong, so it's better to be a little careful."

After joining the museum, Metzl did not feel any inconvenience, but felt very convenient.

As long as she wanted to know the news and information she wanted to know, she could find it quickly.

This is the effect of power and status, which is much more convenient than in the previous city.

Finding a host has become relatively easy, not as troublesome as before.

With a faint smile, Lu Li turned his head to look at Metzler and asked back.

"Looking for trouble? Let them come and find it. Do you think our museum will be afraid of trouble?"


Metzler didn't know how to answer for a moment.

It seems to be true. The museum itself has strong strength, and there is a powerful existence like Lu Li sitting in charge. Will it be afraid of trouble?

There is no need to be afraid of trouble.

"Let them come. I am still curious about Oz and Anku. Such a combination of two strange guys is very exciting."

Hino Eiji and Anku, these two guys can only be said to be a pair of miserable "mandarin ducks".

In the drama, Anku finally broke the core coin with consciousness in order to help Hino Eiji.

But in the movie version, Anku was resurrected, but Hino Eiji was killed again.

It's really better to miss each other than to meet. It has been wandering about life and death...

It's either this death or that death. (The thief planned and sharpened his knife for ten years, but in the end, he just wanted to stab him again!)

Since Lu Li had already said so, Metzl naturally stopped refutation.

He had already made a decision, so it was useless to say more.

Fengdu Detective Agency.

Before entering the room, you can hear the wailing coming from the detective agency.

"Ouch! Be gentle! It hurts! Philip!..."

You don't need to listen to this voice to know that it comes from that reckless idiot Zuo Xiangtaro.

In the agency, Philip threw an ice pack to Zuo Xiangtaro.

"You should take your time to serve yourself, and this red mark should disappear soon."

The red mark he was referring to was naturally the slap mark on Zuo Xiangtaro's face.

After returning, Zuo Xiangtaro found it when he looked in the mirror.

There was such a scar on his face that inexplicably stopped here, and it felt very painful.

It hurt like a burning fire!

At that time, he realized that the slap mark on his face must have been left by Terui Ryu.

"Damn Terui, he slapped me when I was unconscious, it's too much!"

He was unhappy and continued to apply the ice pack on his face. He really wanted to beat him back, but he couldn't find anyone.

No one knew when Terui Ryu left, and there was no way to find him.

He hated it!

If he had realized earlier that he was slapped by the other party, he might have been able to return it, but now it was too late.

He didn't know where the person had run to, and he still wanted to slap the other party, it was just a foolish dream.

Seeing Shotaro Zuo complaining constantly, Philip shook his head helplessly.

Shotaro Zuo needed to defend himself while writing a work report seriously.

Although this thing was not meant to be handed over to anyone, it could be used as a file for storage, and he might be able to use it in the future.

Shotaro Zuo: What a miserable life! After being beaten, he still has to work hard. No one can do that.

There is no moon tonight, and the night makes the Wind City dim. Far away from the city center, there are only some dim street lights on the streets.

It is late at night now, and there are very few people on the street. Two figures are moving along the street.

These two people are naturally Hino Eiji and Anku who have just arrived in the Wind City.

A breeze blew, and Hino Eiji felt very comfortable. The breeze seemed to be caressing his face.

"This city seems to be pretty good, and the wind is also very comfortable."

However, just when Hino Eiji was enjoying this prestige, Anku smiled and laughed.


This sudden laughter made Hino Eiji come back to his senses immediately, and looked at Anku in confusion.

"Hey! Anku, what are you laughing at?"

He didn't understand. He just said that this city is pretty good and the wind is very comfortable. What's so funny?

Besides, what he said was not wrong. This city does look pretty good.

Hearing this, Anku shook his head and explained lightly.

"I'm not making fun of you, but I feel that there is a very strong atmosphere in this city, the Desire Devourer!

And... there are quite a few, not just one or two.

It's exactly the same as I guessed before. Metzl is here, and he has created so many Desire Devourers.

It took so long to find out, and I don't know how many cell coins this guy has harvested.

Damn it! If I had found out earlier, all these cell coins would be mine!"

Anku was unhappy and full of regret. If he could find the problem earlier, he would have come here earlier.

However, although he came here now, it's not too late.

After getting rid of all these Desire Devourers, you can still get a lot of cell coins.

The most important thing is that as long as the old guy Hong Shang doesn't find these cell coins, they are all yours.

Thinking of this, Anku suddenly pulled Hino Eiji in front of him, grabbed his collar and said.

"Yingsi, I warn you first that you must not tell that old man Hongshang about what happened here, do you hear me?

This is not his territory, and we are not using his props. All the cell coins are mine! "

This time they came here, but they did not borrow any coin devices provided by Hongshang.

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