If you don't use the opponent's coin device, then there is nothing wrong with swallowing all the harvested cell coins.

However, as a good old man, Eiji Hino is still a very honest and trustworthy person.

Knowing that Anku wanted to monopolize the cell coins obtained in Fengdu, he suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Ah this...? Anku, isn't it a little bad to do this?

After all, you promised him back then that you would hand over 60% of the cell coins you obtained.

Although we are in another city, if we don't give it, is this... not a bit bad? "

The verbose look of Hino Eiji made Anku feel like someone was chanting sutras in his ears, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

PS: Thanks————13597.. for your monthly ticket! .

Chapter 206 Anku...you big liar! Wakana: You are mine tonight

Anku said in a deep voice as he tightened his collar suddenly.

"Ah! That's enough! Whatever I say is what I say. You just need to listen to me. Do you understand?

By the way, don't tell anyone about this, especially not to that treacherous and cunning old guy. "

Seeing Anku's cold expression, Huano Eiji hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

He reluctantly compromised.

Thinking about it, Anku couldn't be pushed into a hurry.

If you really push this guy, you don't know what he will do.

Hino Eiji decided to appease Anku a little first and give priority to wiping out all the appetite monsters in the city.

Seeing that Hino Eiji finally agreed to his request, a smile appeared on Anku's face.

He released his hold on Hino Eiji's collar and reached out to help him tidy it up.

Then Anku patted his shoulder again and nodded with satisfaction.

"Eiji, that's right, don't be too rigid, we haven't used that guy's coin device, why should we give him cell coins this time.

And as long as you don't tell me, how could he know about this if I don't tell you, right?

Okay, okay, it's getting late today, let's find a place to rest first, and then we'll take care of those Desire Devouring Monsters tomorrow. "

Anku suddenly felt very happy when he thought that he would be able to get many cell coins tomorrow.

You can't tell at all. He looked angry just now, and now he is turning his face faster than turning the pages of a book.


Hino Eiji looked around and touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Anku, I don't seem to have any money on me. Do you... have any money on you?

If we don’t have money, then we may have to sleep in the park tonight. "

He promised that it was definitely not that he didn't bring any money on purpose, but that he left in a hurry and forgot to bring it.

Anku, who was originally smiling, suddenly turned stiff.

He turned back and looked at Hino Eiji in disbelief, his face a little ugly.

"Huh?! Sleeping in the park?! Eiji, are you making a mistake?!

Knowing that we are coming to other cities, don’t you even know how to bring money? "

"Don't be angry, Anku. Didn't I forget? Do you have any on you? Didn't all your money... go to eat popsicles?"

Huano Eiji placed his hope on Anku, hoping that he still had money.

However, Anku nodded matter-of-factly.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? My money has basically gone to eating popsicles, so I don't have any money for accommodation in 22."


Good guy!

Both of them are talented people, Wolong and Phoenix are squeezed together.

There is no way, now both of them have no money, which means they really have no place to live.

In desperation, the two had no choice but to go to the park.

Squeeze on a park bench and make do with it all night.

While lying on a park bench to rest, Hino Eiji looked at the dark sky and suddenly asked.

"Anku, how long are we going to stay here? You know we are penniless now and can't even afford breakfast."

Hearing this, Anku was speechless.

But what he just said is also true. If you want the horse to run, you must give it grass.

If you don't have money, even eating will be a problem. Without food, you won't have the strength to deal with the Devouring Monster.

Thinking of this, Anku was embarrassed for a while.

I have no choice but to temporarily contribute the money I used to buy popsicles.

"Don't worry, I still have some money to buy popsicles, which is enough for us to eat.

However, you have to pay it back to me when you go back. This is the money I spent to buy popsicles. "

When he learned that Anku still had money, Hino Eiji immediately turned over and sat up, looking at him with a resentful look.

Didn’t you just say you had no money? Why do you suddenly have money?

Anku...you big liar!

Sonosaki's house.

Before going to bed at night, sisters Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana went out to communicate for a long time before coming back.

Both sisters looked mysterious, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Anyway, when the two sisters came back, Lu Li felt that Sono Saki Wakana looked very happy.

The smile on his face was overjoyed, and it seemed like something good was going on.

"Is there any good thing about smiling so happily?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana's face suddenly turned red, she quickly lowered her head and muttered softly.

"No, it's just a little thing. It's nothing."

It's so strange to look at it like this, it doesn't look like a trivial matter at all.

Seeing that Sono Saki Wakana was completely uncooperative, Lu Li could only focus on Sono Saki Wakana.

Unexpectedly, Sono Sakiko turned her head away, not looking at Lu Li at all.

Neither of them wanted to say anything, and Lu Li naturally wouldn't force it, so he shrugged helplessly.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, then let's not say it."

That being said, he was still very curious in his heart about what the two of them had just talked about.

The night is already deep.

When Lu Li was about to go back to his room, he had just arrived upstairs and was about to walk towards the room when he was suddenly pulled by a tender jade hand.

Even without looking at the person holding this hand, Lu Li knew who it was.

"Wakana, what else do you want to do?"

Turning his head slightly, Lu Li saw Sono Saki Wakana with a hint of shyness on his face.

Looking at Lu Li's deep black eyes, Sonosaki Wakana quickly lowered her head and acted like an ostrich.

"It's just...it's..."

This coquettish look is completely unlike her usual self.

Raising his brows slightly, Lu Li gently lifted Sono Saki Wakana's smooth chin with his fingers.

"What? Can't you let me go so late at night? How about... let me sleep in your room tonight?"

Lu Li was just teasing Sono Saki Wakana.

In the past, as long as Lu Li said these words, Sono Saki Wakana would definitely run away.

Today, however, the situation seems to be slightly different.

Sonosaki Wakana had no intention of running away. Instead, she raised her head and looked at Lu Li with burning eyes.

Immediately, Sonosaki Wakana nodded her head heavily.



This time it was Lu Li's turn to be stunned.

He originally thought that Sonosaki Wakana would run away, but he didn't expect that this time he would actually confront him.

Seeing Lu Li's slightly surprised look, Sono Saki Wakana immediately blushed and scolded.

"What? Come with me quickly! I told my sister just now that tonight, you...you belong to me!"

As he said this, the girl actually hugged Lu Li's arm and pulled him towards her room.

Good guy!

So proactive? !

When Lu Li came back to his senses, he felt the soft touch on his chest. He didn't know that this girl was so bold.

"Just leave. Do you think I'm afraid of you? You should be the one who's afraid. I've been watching you little sheep for a long time."

Sooner or later, he will be his own. Although he has not hit a home run yet, will Lu Li be afraid?

Sonosaki Saeko walked up the stairs at this time, and when she saw the two people walking in the opposite direction, she shook her head slightly with a faint smile on her face.

She slouched slightly, and her exquisite figure was clearly visible.

"It seems... I can have a good sleep tonight."

Living with Lu Li, it was difficult to go to bed early, which also caused her to wake up late in the morning sometimes.

Tonight I have a rare rest alone, so I can have a good sleep.


Sonosaki Wakana was like a sneaky kitten. After making sure there was no one else outside the room, she quickly closed the door.

This sneaky look made it feel like he had done something bad.

"Uh! Wakana, this is in your own home, why are you so sneaky?"

Hearing this, Sono Saki Wakana finally reacted and her face was slightly stunned.


This is your room, this is your home, why do you have to be secretive when doing things?

is it necessary?

It seems...that's not necessary.

Seeing Sono Saki Wakana in a daze, Lu Li stepped forward and pressed his hands on the door, trapping Sono Saki Wakana in front of him.

Faced with this sudden attack, Sonosaki Wakana reacted immediately.

Seeing the face so close, a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

The previous boldness was completely gone. At this moment, Sonosaki Wakana transformed into a docile little sheep.

"What? You specially dragged me into your room, and now you are...scared?"

With a smile on his face, Lu Li whispered in Sono Saki Wakana's ear.

Feeling the clear heat coming from her ears, Sonosaki Wakana swallowed a mouthful of scented wine.

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