Metzl thought it was funny. Anku came to him at this time, just like handing over another city to other greedy people.

Without Oz, I'm afraid those guys must be living a very carefree and happy life.

Hearing this, Anku had a sneer on his face.

"Even if those two guys created the Desire Devourer, there are no cell coins now. I will naturally go back to find them after I clean up all the Desire Devourers in this city.

The Desire Devourer you created has so many cell coins. I am very envious."

In Anku's eyes, the most important thing is the coins, and other things don't matter.

If there is a way to get a large number of cell coins, he doesn't care what the means are.

The conversation between the two was not behind Oz's back, so Oz naturally heard it clearly.

"Hey! Anku, how can you do this? I came here with you just to destroy the Desire Devourer, but I didn't say to wait until the Desire Devourer over there grows up before destroying it."

Before Oz finished speaking, the Electric Eel Desire Devourer had already pounced on him and wrestled with him.

He cursed without turning his head back. What Anku hated most was that Oz targeted the Desire Devourer.

"Shut up, idiot!"

Before, Anku had always tended to let the Desire Devourer grow up before dealing with it.

But how could Oz watch the Desire Devourer's host get into trouble?

His philosophy is that once the Desire Devourer appears, it must be destroyed as soon as possible.

The two still have differences in their concepts, and the temporary cooperation is just to get what they need.

"Metzl, you have been in Fengdu for quite some time, so you must have obtained a lot of cell coins. In that case, it should be no problem to give this Desire Devourer to me.

I promise that after I get rid of this Desire Devourer and take the cell coins, I will go back."

Anku looked arrogant, as if he had already defeated Metzl.

In his opinion, Metzl had already obtained a lot of cell coins, so he didn't need one or two dopants.

There was no need to fight him to death, as Oz was still a big threat to the Greedy.

In addition, he had three core coins of Kazali in his hand, which could be used to transform into a joint form.

If they really fought, Metzl would probably not feel good either.

"Anku, you have a nice idea. Why should I give you all the cell coins?

This is made by my Desire Devourer. Can you give it to me just because you say so?

How dare you? Do you really think you are still the greedy person you used to be? Don't be ridiculous. You can't do anything now.

Oh! By the way, you should have some core coins on you. Even if you don't have mine, it doesn't matter. Get them first."

As soon as the voice fell, Metzl rushed towards Anku instantly.

Anku was full of confidence, but he didn't expect Metzl to play by the rules.

How could Anku, who only had one arm left, be comparable to Metzl in terms of combat power?

In addition, Metzl got another core coin from Lu Li before, and his strength increased a lot.

In this case, Anku was completely suppressed unilaterally.

He was still using a human body. If he continued to fight, he might kill this human body.

As for the current situation, he still needed this person's body.

After dodging Metzl's attack, Anku shouted loudly.

"Eiji, use the combination!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of the animation-only Shabi Siheyuan! Yes.

Chapter 208 The core coin that was taken away! Princess Wakana fell? It's the same person again!

As soon as the voice fell, Anku immediately threw two yellow core coins from the arm of the greedy man.

That was the cat core coin belonging to Kazali.

Oz heard the sound and immediately kicked the electric eel devouring monster away.

At the same time, with the help of this reaction force, he flew into the air and grabbed the two cat core coins thrown over.

"Cat combination? I know!"

Quickly took off the eagle core coin and locust core coin on the drive, and replaced them with the lion core coin and cheetah core coin that he had just taken.

"Lion! Tora! Cheetah! LaTaLaTa~LaTorarTar!"

Kamen Rider Oz, lion, tiger and leopard combination!

The same series of joint groups can make Oz exert extremely powerful combat power.

The cat-type joint group has extremely strong speed, which is not inferior to the judgment form of the police rider.

Not only that, the lion-tiger-leopard joint group can also release high-intensity and high-heat attacks, which are extremely powerful.

However, using the same series of core coins such as the lion-tiger-leopard joint group will put a great burden on the body of the transformer.

After the transformation is lifted, the user's physical condition may not be much better.

Seeing Oz transformed into a lion-tiger-leopard joint group, Metzl's eyes suddenly changed.

She knew very well that the combat power of Oz in the joint group form was not comparable to that of Oz in the mixed core coin form.

If she is not careful, even she may capsize in the gutter.


Oz, who has transformed into a lion-tiger-leopard joint group, suddenly spread his hands and roared.

A dazzling golden light emanated from his head.

Under the shining of the golden light, the electric eel monster, which was about to launch an attack, was forced to retreat again and again by the terrifying golden light.


It was even more dazzling than looking directly at the sunlight.

Under the shining of the strong light, many cell coins fell from the electric eel monster, and it looked extremely embarrassed.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Oz quickly unfolded the tiger claws in his hand and moved quickly.


In a flash, he arrived in front of the electric eel monster and immediately launched a fierce attack.

The electric eel monster, whose eyes were pierced by the strong light, could not react at all for a while and did not notice Oz who was approaching him.

"Swish! Swish!..."

Every time the claws passed, a lot of sparks would splash from the electric eel monster.

Its body also dropped a lot of cell coins under repeated attacks.

Facing the terrorist attack launched by Oz, the electric eel monster had no power to resist.

Oz's speed was too fast, and the electric eel devourer couldn't even see the opponent's movements clearly.

Noticing that his devourer was bullied so badly, Metzl certainly couldn't stand by and watch.

You have to look at the owner before you beat the dog.

Anku was so disrespectful, so don't blame me for being rude.

Metzl was just trying to see who would be stronger, Oz or himself, using the power of the joint group.

As for Anku, this guy is no different from a cripple now, with almost no combat power, so there is no need to worry at all.

Immediately leaving Anku behind, Metzl rushed to the battlefield quickly.

Seeing Metzl leave, Anku finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What a close call!

If he hadn't handed the core coin to Oz in time, allowing Oz to transform into a joint group form to attack the electric eel devourer, I'm afraid I would have been in trouble.


He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, because he had other core coins in his hand.

If they are taken away by the other party, it will be even more troublesome.

After all, the number of core coins on hand is very limited. If they are taken away again, it will be a complete mess.

"It should be okay to give it to Eiji."

Hino Eiji is a person he values. As long as he uses him well, he can help him collect more cell coins, even core coins.

Even if he encounters danger, Anku will not choose to escape alone, but will find a way to help Oz.

"Oz, let me see how much strength you can exert."

The voice suddenly came from behind, and Oz, who was moving quickly, stopped immediately and dodged to the side.


A water whip passed by his previous position and hit the ground heavily.

The powerful water whip hit the ground, and immediately splashed a burst of flying stones.

This is not over yet. Metzl can manipulate the water flow at will, and the water whip composed of water flow is the same.

The long water whip on the ground swept across and attacked Oz again.


The tip of the tiger claws emitted bursts of cold light, and Oz launched claw attacks continuously.

Every time the tiger claws were swung, a section of the water whip was cut off.

Facing the rapidly approaching Oz, Metz was immediately panicked.

She didn't expect that Oz had mastered the power of the joint group so quickly.

Immediately controlling the water flow to form a water escape in front of her, Metz quickly chose to retreat.

Among the four greedy people, she is similar to Kazali, and mainly prefers to win by wisdom.

Knowing that it is difficult to deal with, it is naturally impossible to choose to confront Oz head-on.

There is no need for this.

However, she still underestimated Oz a little too much.

Seeing the sudden blocking of the water escape, Oz's blue eye armor burst into light, and the lion-like head suddenly emitted a high-heat light.


A roar like a lion sounded, and the golden light reached its extreme.

Under this high-temperature scorching light, the water shield was quickly pierced by the terrifying heat.

Metzl, who had just withdrawn, was also enveloped by the strong light and heat.


Under this scorching light, it was extremely uncomfortable.

Metzl, who was a water element, had almost no resistance to high heat.

Metzl, who was enveloped by the strong light, not only dropped a lot of cell coins on her body, but also had two core coins forced out.

"Oh no!!"

When Metzl reacted, she secretly said in her heart that it was not good.

Unfortunately, Anku, who had been prepared for a long time, had been waiting for this moment.

His arm quickly separated from his body and rushed to the two water-type core coins that were forced out.

He grabbed them in his hand.

This petty theft was so skillful.

Seeing his core coins being taken away, Metzl had no way to do anything at this moment.

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