The golden light emanating from Oz's body and the intense heat are currently something Metzl can't resist.

I thought that just a human being could not exert the power of the alliance yet, but I didn't expect that I underestimated the opponent too much.

For a greedy person, the core coin is equivalent to a part of his body.

If it is suddenly taken away, the body will suddenly become weak and its strength will decline.

Under the current circumstances, Metzl clearly knew that he was not suitable to stay any longer.

"Damn it! Anku! Remember, you can't do whatever you want when you come to Fengdu!

I will leave the core coins with you for now. I will definitely get them back soon! "

After leaving behind a harsh word, Mezier instantly turned into a stream of water and fled towards the distance at a very fast speed.

Seeing Mezier who had escaped, Anku did not let Oz chase him.

He knew very well that although Oz was now able to use the power of the alliance, it would put a huge burden on his body and he would not be able to sustain it for too long.

"Eiji, hurry up and get rid of the desire-devouring monster. As for Mezel, don't worry about her for now."

Hearing this, Oz nodded. He could also feel that his body was very tired now.

Immediately pulled out the O-scan ring and scanned the drive.


The lion, tiger and leopard pattern on the chest bloomed with dazzling golden light, and triple golden rings appeared between Oz and the electric eel.

Squatting down slightly, Oates mobilized all his strength.



He quickly launched his thrust, and his body glowing with golden light quickly passed through the three golden rings.

Without passing through a ring, the golden light bloomed more intensely.


Quickly approaching the Electric Eel Devourer, Oz used the tiger claw in his hand to cut an X-shaped letter, and he stood up and instantly pierced the body of the Electric Eel Devourer.


There was a faint roar of a lion.

The electric eel that was hit head-on had a golden word OOO appearing behind it.



The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed Oz. After the Electric Eel Devourer exploded, many cell coins flew away.

With so many cells, there are hundreds of coins, so don’t be too proud.

Seeing so many cell coins, Anku quickly flew over and quickly absorbed all the fallen cell coins into his arm.

When the fire that shot up into the sky dissipated, Oz automatically resolved (ccch) his transformation.

After Huano Eiji staggered two steps, he collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Hoo! Hoo!..."

There were big beads of sweat on his forehead, and it was indeed obvious that he was very tired.

Every time you use a combination, it means a heavy burden on your body. It is normal for it to look like this after the transformation is released.

However, Anku only had cell coins in his eyes at this time, and as for the others, he didn't care at all.

At present, the relationship between him and Hino Eiji is just to use each other, and there is no deep friendship for the time being.

Hieno Eiji, who was lying on the ground, felt a little sore all over and shouted loudly.

"Hey! Anku, why don't you come and help me!"

Hearing this, Anku replied very perfunctorily.

"Why do you, a grown man, need to help? Get up on your own, I'm not free now."

Good guy!

It was obviously the combination he asked me to use, but now I was tired and lay down, but this guy didn't care about me.

Looking at Anku who was busy, Huano Eiji immediately frowned.

"Hey! Anku, come and help me. If you don't come, I'll tell President Hongshang about your cell coin. He will ask you for it then."

Anku, who was picking up the cell coins when he heard this, immediately paused.

Is this threatening yourself?

However, Anku really had no way to ignore such a threat.

It wouldn't be too painful if 60% of these cell coins were divided.

There was no other way, Anku could only help Hino Eiji first, and after helping him sit aside, he could continue to collect his cell coins with peace of mind.

Sitting on the ground, Huino Eiji just wanted to lie down and not move at all.

If possible, I really don't want to use the ganged form.

The company's side.

Sonosaki Wakana is late today.

Since she came to work at the company, she has never been late.

This is the first time I've been late since working in the company.

On top of that, she walks in a slightly weird way.

Even if you really want to restrain this weird walking posture, many people may notice it.

Many people were discussing this matter in low voices, with disbelief in their eyes.

"I'll go! Who captured Princess Wakana?!"

"How is it possible?! How can such a perfect idol as Princess Wakana fall in love with a man!"

"Isn't this nonsense? Isn't it normal for women to like men? Guess who the man she likes is?"

"Haha! Is there any need to guess? Of course it's our General Manager Lu. Besides this one, could it be anyone else? Didn't you see the way Princess Wakana looks at the General Manager in normal times? That's called a sentimental person. Maimai!”

"I'll wipe it! It's really possible. Wouldn't it mean that...the two sisters, the president and Princess Wakana, were..."

Sonosaki Wakana didn't pay attention to the comments of these people at all.

So what if she just likes Lu Li? Didn't anyone rule that she couldn't like Lu Li?

Sonosaki Wakana, who was in a good mood, was too lazy to interact with these gossipy housekeepers. She took the elevator to the top floor and quickly went to the president's office.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw her sister working hard. Sonosaki Wakana quickly went to her seat.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko, who was working, put down what she was doing and raised her head to look at her cautious sister.

"Wakana, forget it the first time, I don't want you to be late next time.

Since you have chosen to participate in the company's operations, you should take responsibility. "

The so-called first time in her mouth seemed to be a pun.

Hearing this, Sono Saki Wakana suddenly blushed and nodded weakly.

"Yes, sister, I understand."

If her sister hadn't agreed last night, she wouldn't have been able to monopolize Lu Li.

Due to Lu Li's presence, the relationship between the two sisters not only stopped being tit-for-tat, but actually became closer.

At this time, Mina came in from outside, ready to report on work.

When she saw Sonosaki Wakana, who had just arrived here not long ago, strong envy flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She naturally knew what happened last night, and her heart was full of envy. How she wished that she was the one who had Lu Li all to herself last night.

But she knew that since she was a latecomer, it was naturally impossible for her to get in front of Sono Saki Wakana.

I was envious, but I didn't feel any jealousy or resentment.

She knew that sooner or later it would be her turn, so there was no need to worry, just handle the things Lu Li told her well.

As if noticing Mina's eyes, Wakana's head immediately lowered.

The two parties have long been familiar with each other and have become sisters.

Being looked at by the other party with such eyes, it is normal for Wakana to feel shy.

Mina did not forget his mission and immediately reported to Sonosaki Saeko.

"President, this is feedback from memory users. Currently, all memories have been restored to use without any problems."

Yes, Mina mentioned here the problem of memory recovery.

It was precisely because Dao Keji used the eternal memory to activate the ultimate drive that all memories lost their effect.

But with the defeat of Yongqi, who was transformed by Daidou Katsumi, everything has returned to normal now.

The memory returned to normal use without much impact.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko nodded, all this was within her expectation.

However, an investigation was conducted just to be on the safe side.

Although it is a memory business, no matter what, it needs to be credible, otherwise no one will come to buy memories in the future.

Afterwards, it was a routine report on normal work.

After listening to the work report, Sonosaki Saeko fell into deep thought.

She was thinking about a question.

The company is currently operating normally.

There is no problem at the Memory Research Institute. The only problem is that due to the loss of the experimental subject, there is currently no way to produce new memories.

Sonosaki Saeko felt it was necessary to discuss this issue with Lu Li.

If you can, bring people back.

The museum’s memory research will not stop, and new memories must be developed at a faster pace.

Otherwise, the previous memories alone will lose their market sooner or later.

Even though the museum is currently the only memory business, Consortium X also has memory data anyway.

Under Lu Li's intervention, the company has gradually begun to branch out into various industries in order to be self-sufficient without relying on funding from Consortium X.

PS: Thanks————葑嬅 for your monthly ticket! .

Chapter 209 Mezier: If I can’t win, why don’t I still know how to win?

With strong strength, you can naturally easily obtain a large amount of financial resources.

But you might accidentally make too many enemies, but for now, it's not necessary.

Step by step development is the most important and can ensure long-term sustainable development.

Museums are destined to go further.

Beside a certain river in Fengdu.

Suddenly, the water surged.

Immediately afterwards, Metzl was seen jumping out of the water.

After a short period of recovery, Mezier's feeling of weakness caused by losing two core coins temporarily faded away at this moment.

Clenching his fists, Metzl was filled with unwillingness.

"Damn it! Oz, Anku!"

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