After coming to Fengdu, she did a good job.

Not only did she get a lot of cell coins, but she also got back a core coin of her own.

But she didn't expect that she would lose the core coin again before she could warm it up.

And she lost two at a time, and lost one of her original core coins.

In this case, who can Metz talk to?

Now, she is very upset and wants to go back immediately to take revenge and get back her core coin.

But she didn't do it immediately.

In her current state, even if she goes back to take revenge, she may not be Oz's opponent.

If she loses other core coins at that time, it will be a loss.

Taking a deep breath and calming herself down, Metz knew that she was not Oz's opponent now.

But don't forget that she is not alone now, but a cadre of the museum.

If she can't solve the problem by herself, let the museum help solve it.

The tall figure, Lu Li, appeared unconsciously in her mind.

The man with extremely strong strength.

She believed that as long as Lu Li took action, she would be able to successfully snatch back her core coins.

Thinking of this, Metzl had already made up her mind.

Go find Lu Li.

As for where Lu Li is now, Metzl certainly knows.

Before, Metzl would regularly send some cell coins to a place.

These cell coins are for Lu Li to use for future research.

Metzl naturally knew where the laboratory was.

After changing back to human form, Metzl walked towards the laboratory.

This place is not far from the laboratory. She knows that Lu Li is now in the laboratory.

"Anku, wait and see, how did you take my core coins this time? I will make you spit out the principal and interest!"


This is the laboratory where I used to study Gaia's memory.

In the laboratory, on a bed.

Yuhara Lai lay on the bed with her eyes open, feeling nothing at all.

Next to her was an instrument, and she was attached to the instrument with a wire everywhere on her body.

Through this instrument, Lu Li learned about Yuhara Lai's current physical condition.

She is indeed dead.

The reason why her body is still active is that the active enzymes are gone, and it is completely dependent on the vitality given by herself before.

Under normal circumstances, vitality needs to be replenished every twelve hours, otherwise the body will feel tired.

If the time is longer, it may even cause the body to gradually collapse.

The power of the recovery camel can indeed help Yuhara Lai maintain her current vitality, and even after reaching a certain level, it can gradually help her restore her body's activity.

But it is very difficult to restore her life and completely revive her.

With the ability Lu Li currently has, he can only use the recovery camel to help Yuhara Lai gradually restore her body's activity.

After the body's activity is restored, he will find a way to revive her in other ways.

This process takes a lot of time.

But for Yuhara Lai, who is an undead, time does not mean much.

As long as she can continue to use the power of the recovery camel to restore her vitality, she can always maintain her current condition.

Lu Li's voice suddenly came, awakening Yu Yuanlai who was originally thinking about the problem.

"The examination is complete, you get up."

Yu Yuanlai got up and put on her clothes after coming to her senses, and asked directly.

"How is it? You have completed the examination, what is the result?"

She was mentally prepared.

She was already dead, how much extravagant hope could she have?

Even before, Lu Li used the recovery camel to restore her body to a certain degree of activity, but it was not obvious, so she once thought it was just an illusion.

"The result is that I can indeed help you maintain immortality. At that time, I gave you vitality, which can gradually restore your body to activity.

But if you want to completely revive you, it is not possible for the time being."

"Revitalize my body? What does this mean?"

She didn't understand what this sentence meant for a while.

Lu Li explained it briefly.

"Helping your body to regain activity means that your body will not be stiff. Except for the inside, the rest is almost the same as that of a normal person."

Hearing this explanation, Yu Yuanlai nodded slightly.

It sounds much simpler and clearer.

In the past, when she relied on active enzymes to maintain her body functions, Yuhara Lai's body was relatively stiff, after all, it was the body of a dead person.

But she had become accustomed to this state after a long time.

When her body regains its activity, her combat effectiveness will be further improved.

"Then... do I still have a chance to be resurrected?"

There seemed to be a hint of expectation in Yuhara Lai's voice.

For a living dead, it was actually a very uncomfortable thing to be alive.

Because she couldn't eat or drink, and her body was even colder.

She naturally wanted to be resurrected.

But she knew in her heart that it was not easy to be resurrected.

Will resurrection, which only appeared in legends, really happen to her?

Regarding this question, Lu Li nodded without hesitation.

"Of course you can be resurrected, but I don't have the means to revive you yet. I still need to study it."

Such an answer only gave Yuyuan Lai a chance to look forward to the future, but that was enough.

For Yuyuan Lai, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, she wanted to live.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside.

"Mr. Lu."

The voice recognition was very high, and Lu Li immediately knew who the other party was.

"Metzler? Go open the door and let her in."

Hearing this, Yuyuan Lai didn't say much, and came to the door and opened it.

The person standing outside the door was Metzler.

I couldn't wait to walk in, and seeing Lu Li sitting on the chair, Metzler said directly.

"Mr. Lu, there is bad news. Anku and Oz, who have been against us greedy people, have suddenly come to Fengdu.

They killed a greedy monster that I was about to receive, and also injured me and robbed me of two core coins."

When it came to the fact that two core coins were robbed from her, Metzler seemed to be in a particularly bad mood.

"Anku and Oz?" Lu Li muttered.

It was indeed a bit unexpected. I didn't expect these two guys to suddenly come to Fengdu.

I'm afraid they noticed something, so they suddenly came to Fengdu.

Anku has the ability to sense the Desire Devourer. After coming to this city, he can naturally feel the existence of the Desire Devourer.

Seeing what Lu Li was thinking, Metz continued to strike while the iron was hot.

"Mr. Lu, we must not let these two guys continue to do whatever they want.

The Desire Devourer I deployed in Fengdu has now become the target of these two guys.

If they are not stopped, I'm afraid these Desire Devourer will be eliminated soon.

By that time, I won't be able to deliver cell coins to you.

It's a pity that my strength is too weak to deal with Oz's joint group, otherwise I wouldn't bother Mr. Lu."

To put it bluntly, Metz came here to seek Lu Li's help.

With Metz's current strength, there is no way to deal with Oz and Anku.

And now she has no other helpers in Fengdu for the time being. In addition to being able to rely on Lu Li, there is no one she can rely on.

Only Lu Li can help her take back the core coin.

Lu Li clearly heard that Metzl wanted to persuade her to help.

But what she said was also true. Once Oz uses the power of the combination, the power will become very strong, but this is relative.

The biggest reason why Metzl can't compete is that she is currently in an incomplete state.

Once she collects nine core coins and becomes a complete body, she naturally doesn't have to be afraid of Oz's combination.

Of course, there are no so many core coins now, so Metzl naturally can't become a complete body.

She does have some thoughts, wanting to instigate Lu Li to help her get revenge and take back the core coins.

Greedy people have extremely strong desires, and unlike people, they can only be restrained by strong strength.

It's normal to have some thoughts, and Lu Li didn't find it strange at all.

Lu Li still needs to study the cell coin, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by Anku and Oz in his research.

Since he has come to his own territory, he has to coil up if he is a dragon and lie down if he is a tiger.

Metzl is still one of his subordinates, a cadre of the museum.

He has been bullied to the point of being bullied, and it happened on his own territory.

If he doesn't teach the other party a lesson, he really doesn't know who he is.

"Metzl, gather all the Desire Devourers. Anku, who can sense the Desire Devourers, will naturally bring Oz with him.

I will solve this problem when they come. Don't worry, I will get your core coin back."

After getting Lu Li's affirmative reply, Metzl finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I will gather all the Desire Devourers right now."

She knew that her little thoughts could not escape Lu Li's eyes.

But she also knew that it was okay to have some little thoughts, but she must not do anything that was not good for Lu Li, otherwise... no one could protect her.

Even though she was very confident that she would be very powerful once she became a complete body, Metzl knew very well that Lu Li was much more powerful than herself.

Lu Li was even more powerful than the king eight hundred years ago.

·· ··Please give me flowers·· ·······

For such a strong man, it is nothing to submit to him.

Besides, Lu Li has made a promise that he is willing to satisfy her wishes and help her fill the vacancy of desire.

To achieve this goal, it is naturally necessary to complete the corresponding research.

Metzler has plenty of time, she can wait.

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