After using the combination, Hino Eiji felt that his body was hollowed out, and he had just eaten breakfast, and soon he became hungry again.

Having collected so many cell coins, Hino Eiji doesn't mind giving Anku a good squeeze.

Usually when the other party exploits him, he has to exploit the other party well.

While walking on the road, Hino Eiji rubbed his hungry belly.

Suddenly, he noticed a mobile stall appeared in front of him, with two words written on it, Fengmian.

"Anku! There is a noodle shop there. I remember seeing it on TV before. It seemed to taste very good. Let's go and try it together."

Anku, who was originally in a good mood because he got many cell coins, frowned immediately after hearing this.

But when he thought that Hino Eiji could help him collect more cell coins in the future, it was impossible for him to stop Hino Eiji from eating.

"Okay! Seeing how hard you worked this time, let's go and eat."

It was a rare opportunity for him to become a rich man, and Anku finally took out his own small treasury.

Of course, whether the money is his own is another matter.

When the two came to Feng and ordered two Feng noodles, someone happened to bump into them.

This person is none other than Shotaro Zuo.

Having just received the breaking news from Phillip earlier, Shotaro Zuo felt that his head was getting big, so he went out for a walk and prepared to sort it out.

... ... ... ...

Seeing the windy side of the mobile stall, I ran over without thinking.

Two Kamen Riders who protect their respective cities met in front of a small stall.

Noticing that there were two other people next to the stall, Shotaro Zuo smiled friendly at them and said to the boss.

"Boss, give me some Feng Noodles too."

"No problem, just wait a moment."

Later, Zuo Shotaro came to the side of the two people and found that they were strangers, so he took the initiative to initiate communication.

"Hello, I am Zuo Shotaro, a detective from Fengdu. Who are you...?"

Anku couldn't show any interest in this sudden arrival, so he snorted and turned his head aside.


He has little interest in people. The only things that interest him are core coins and cell coins.

And Hino Eiji himself is a very good old man. He has already greeted the other party when he saw him, and of course he will not fail to give face.

"Hello, my name is Hino Eiji, and the person next to me is Anku. We are not locals. We usually work in a restaurant. This time, we came to Fengdu because of something.

Don't mind it, Anku's temper is like this. "

Originally, Zuo Shotaro was a little unhappy when he saw Anku being so disrespectful.

But Hino Eiji's seemingly very friendly smile made the discomfort in his heart disappear immediately.

"It's okay, it's okay. It turns out you are not locals. No wonder I feel unfamiliar."

Afterwards, the two had a very friendly and cordial exchange.

As for Anku, while they were chatting, he went straight to buy a popsicle to eat.

Since possessing Izumi Shingo, he has been able to taste it.

I have always liked the taste of popsicles and have one from time to time.

If it weren't for Hino Eiji's supervision, this guy could even keep eating.

Soon, three portions of Feng Noodles were ready, and they sat next to each other and chatted while eating.

And while they were chatting, Anku, who was eating popsicles and wind noodles, suddenly stopped moving his hands.

Suddenly raising his head, Anku's face immediately became serious.

Noticing Anku's suddenly serious expression, Hino Eiji wondered.

"Anku, what's wrong with you? What's the matter?"

Hearing this, Anku turned back to look at Huano Eiji and said in a deep voice.

"The Desire Monsters in this city seem to have gathered together."

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be something related to the Devouring Monster, and Huano Eiji's face suddenly froze.

He cautiously glanced at Zuo Shotaro, only to find that he was also staring at Anku.

Then he heard Shotaro Zuo raise a question.

"Devouring monster? What is that?"


"Faced with this question, Huano Eiji couldn't answer it for a while.

It's impossible for him to tell the other party that the Devouring Monster is a monster produced by devouring desire?

Of course he didn't want to tell ordinary people about such a dangerous thing.

Anku's face became excited, and he immediately urged.

"Let's go, Eiji, there are a lot of cell coins!"

Originally, the Devouring Monsters in the city were in different locations, and it was still very troublesome to solve them.

But now, all the Desire Monsters are gathered together, which actually saves a lot of effort.

If you can get them all in, you will definitely be able to drop a lot of cell coins.

Anku could even hear the jingle of cell coins already.

Chapter 210 Anku: That man is so dangerous! Shotaro Zuo: Are you still shaking? Did you step on the switch?

After finishing all the noodles in the bowl in a few mouthfuls, Hino Eiji hurriedly said.

"Sorry, Shotaro, we still have things to deal with, so I won't chat with you. We'll chat next time."

Before he finished speaking, he got up and left after Anku.

As a detective, his keen awareness told Zuo Shotaro that this matter was definitely not that simple.

So, he quickly ate everything in the bowl, and after giving the money, he hurriedly followed Huino Eiji and the others.

Of course, in order not to be discovered, he followed him from a distance.

On the basic qualities of a detective, tracking!

On an abandoned construction site.

There are seven or eight appetite-eating monsters, and they are all gathered here at this time.

The combined fighting power of seven or eight appetite-devouring monsters is a powerful force.

This does not include the three people standing behind the seven or eight Desire Devouring Monsters.

The three of them were naturally Lu Li, Mezier and Hahara Lai.

"I don't know when the person you mentioned will come. Waiting here is just a waste of time."

Hahara Lai was playing with the dagger in his hand, his eyes slightly dissatisfied.

Of course, the dissatisfaction she expressed was not directed at Lu Li, but mainly at Metzler.

He obviously has power, but he is very timid.

In her opinion, if she could control these desire-devouring monsters, even if her opponent came, she would be confident that she would win.

There was no need to ask Lu Li for help and drag him over, delaying Lu Li's and his time.

Before Metzler could say anything, Lu Li spoke up.

"Don't underestimate Oates, he has pretty good strength. These Desire Monsters are not particularly powerful in combat.

When it comes to fighting, they are nothing at all. "

Lu Li thought of Oz's spade mantis and locust combination, which was a very powerful combination.

It can create a large number of clones. Although it is a heavy burden, it is very powerful and suitable for multi-person battles.

The most outrageous thing is that if "Three Six Three" has enough core coins, it can even rely on these clones to transform into various combined forms.

Let all the combined forms appear at the same time to exert a more terrifying combat effectiveness.

I just don’t know how many usable core coins Oates has now, and how many combinations he can use.

We don’t know yet, we’ll find out when the other party arrives.

Sure enough, not long after, two figures appeared in the field of vision.

It was Anku and Hino Eiji.

When people arrived here, they found that in addition to the Desire Devourer and Mezel, there was actually a strange man and woman.

As a greedy person, Anku's perception is naturally much sharper than that of ordinary people.

For some reason, he felt a strong threat from that man.

This feeling is inexplicable.

He obviously looks like a very ordinary man, but he already has an unexplainable power in him.

Could the other party... be the helper invited by Metzler?

It seems that Metzl has found a collaborator in this city.

With a slightly serious look on his face, Anku quickly reminded him.

"Eiji, be careful later.

That man gave me a very strange feeling. His power... I'm afraid it's not weak. "

Hearing this, Huano Eiji knew that Anku would not take the target lightly, and nodded solemnly in response.

"I understand. I will be more careful later. Anku can directly join forces with me."

Seeing so many Desire Devourers on the opposite side, Hino Eiji directly asked to use the combination.

He himself had just used the joint group not long ago, and his body was in a period of weakness. Even though he had recovered a lot, he had never fully recovered.

In this case, continuing to use the combination will be very taxing on the body.

But Hino Eiji has a very strong sense of justice and desire for protection in his heart, and he doesn't want these appetite monsters to harm humans.

If he could eliminate all these appetite monsters here, he would never let them escape.

Frowning slightly, Anku hesitated.

"Eiji, you guy, your body hasn't recovered yet, it will be a heavy burden to use the joint team again."

Although there is no deep friendship between the two parties for the time being, Anku does not want anything to go wrong with Hino Eiji.

"Don't worry, I know my own body very well, there will be no problem."

Seeing that he was so sure, Anku was not a shy person and immediately took out three yellow core coins.

Lion, tiger and leopard team up!

As soon as he came up, Hino Eiji was ready to directly use the Lion, Tiger and Leopard Company.

Metzl noticed that the three coins used by Eiji Hieno were all cat-type core coins, and quickly reminded Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, be careful. What Oz is planning to use now is a combination, which is very powerful."

She had tasted the power of the Cat Contact Group before, and had suffered a lot.

"It doesn't matter, let these guys try it first."

Lu Li, on the other hand, was not worried at all. To him, even Oates's liger and tiger combination had no more power than that.


Metzl nodded slightly and waved his hand gently.

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