The Desire Devourers under her control rushed towards Eiji Hino.

The scene was indeed a bit shocking when so many Desire Devourers charged together.

Eiji Hino first put the lion and cheetah core coins into both ends of the drive, and finally inserted the tiger core coin into the middle.

Tilt the drive and take out the O-scan ring on the waist.

"Lion! Tora! Cheetah! LaTaLaTa~LaTorarTar!"

Three golden rings suddenly appeared, surrounding Eiji Hino, and finally overlapped and printed on his chest.

When the golden light dissipated, a Kamen Rider with blue eyes and yellow and black as the main colors appeared.

Kamen Rider Oz, a combination of lion, tiger and leopard.


Faintly, the roar of the lion can still be heard.


After the transformation, Oz exerted his fastest speed and ran towards the group of Desire Devourers at a high speed.

During the charge, he quickly exposed the tiger claws on his arms.

He knew very well that he had to end the battle in the shortest possible time.

Anku had just said that the man was dangerous, and Oz was still very concerned about him.

No matter who this man was, he was probably not a simple existence to be called dangerous by Anku.

Oz, whose speed was not inferior to that of the police cavalry judgment form, shuttled back and forth among these desire-eating monsters, and launched a fierce attack with the tiger claws in his hand.



For a while, sparks flew on the battlefield.

Metzl's desire-eating monsters had no way to deal with Oz, who was very fast.

The main reason was that most of the desire-eating monsters created by Metzl were nest-type, and their single combat power was quite average.

Facing Ozl, these desire-eating monsters were just like passive fish that were beaten, which was really too bad.

Even Metzl, the creator, felt very embarrassed.

He created these desire-eating monsters, what kind of single combat power was it?

It's hard to look straight!


At the same time, Zuo Shotaro followed Anku and Hino Eiji because of his intuition, ready to find out.

Zuo Shotaro, who had been hiding in the dark, naturally saw everything.

When he saw Lu Li at the beginning, a strong fear flashed in his eyes.

Even his body suddenly froze.

Even Zuo Shotaro himself didn't know why.

Every time he saw Lu Li, he felt an indescribable fear in his heart.

Facing evil, he felt fear and even wanted to escape.

Forcibly holding back the thought of wanting to escape, Zuo Shotaro forced himself to stay.

And what he saw next instantly made his eyes light up.

The friend Hino Eiji he just met was also a Kamen Rider.

Although he didn't know where the other party's knight system came from, there was no doubt that the other party was on the side of justice.

He had a new comrade-in-arms again!

At the same time, he also saw Anku's abnormal arm and felt that this matter might not be that simple.

What kind of relationship does his new friend Eiji Hino have with the so-called Anku?

What is the other party's identity?

It is impossible for humans to have such an arm.

There is no way to explain this question at present.

After seeing Oz transform into a lion, tiger and leopard joint form, rushing towards a group of lust monsters alone, and bursting out with powerful combat power, Zuo Xiangtaro was very shocked.

"So strong! Such a fast speed."

He found that his naked eyes could not keep up with Oz's speed.

He felt that the opponent's speed was not even inferior to the judgment form after Terui Ryu transformed.

You know, the speed of the police rider judgment form is very fast, and W can't keep up.

Even the extreme form can't do it.

After being shocked and happy, Zuo Xiangtaro's heart was filled with deep worry.

His eyes looked at Lu Li again.

These lust monsters seem to be numerous, but their combat power is not high. The person who really worries him is Lu Li.

Zuo Xiangtaro couldn't tell how powerful the opponent was.

But even Yongqi, who was so powerful, was defeated by Lu Li in the end, which shows how strong Lu Li is.

At least he is currently unable to reach him.

Although Oz showed very good combat power and was very fast, he had no way to deal with Lu Li with this.

Zuo Xiangtaro, who had fought with Lu Li many times, knew this very well.

At this time, a chill suddenly rose in Zuo Xiangtaro's heart.

The hairs on his body stood up, and he immediately looked at the location where the threat came from.

It would have been better if he didn't look, but when he looked, the fear in Zuo Xiangtaro's heart suddenly became stronger.

It turned out that Lu Li was looking at him at this time.

When the two looked at each other in the air, the fear in Zuo Xiangtaro's heart suddenly magnified, and his body trembled unconsciously.

He quickly turned his back and hid, and Zuo Xiangtaro gasped for breath.

There was really a moment just now when he felt that he could no longer breathe.

This feeling of suffocation made him extremely irritable.

Looking down at his hands, which were trembling, Shotaro Zuo said unwillingly.

"Damn it! My body is shaking unconsciously."

He wanted to suppress his shaking body.

However, his body was very honest and continued to shake, as if he had stepped on the accelerator...


Lu Li's perception was so sharp that when Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes stayed a little longer, Lu Li had already discovered his existence.

However, Lu Li didn't take Zuo Xiangtaro seriously at all.

He came here just to get back Metzler's core coin, and of course he could also take two more core coins.

After getting Metzler's core coin before, Lu Li had no time to study it, and his concentration was all on the memory.

Now that Metzler is his own, Lu Li will naturally help her realize the conditions he agreed to.

The core coin will naturally become the research object.

It's not easy for Lu Li to take Metzler's core coin as the research object, so...he can only steal Oz's.

Oz: Thank you so much!

After the research is completed, it may have other uses.

Metzl had already expected that the Desire Devourer he created was no match at all.

Oz in the combined form was indeed very powerful.

"Mr. Lu..."

Metzl was about to beg Lu Li to help, but before she could finish her words, Lu Li raised his hand to interrupt her.

"Don't worry, I will get your core coin back."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li walked straight forward.

Seeing Lu Li move, Metzl's heart, which was still hanging, finally relaxed.

Previously, when he saw Lu Li did not move, he thought Lu Li was not going to take action.

Now it seems that he thought too much.

On the other hand, Anku was even more alert when he noticed Lu Li suddenly coming out.

"Eiji, be careful, that guy is coming towards you."

Oz, who was fighting seriously, heard this and glanced at Lu Li with the corner of his eyes.

He did not see any danger in Lu Li, but his intuition told him that this man... was not simple.

Moreover, the other party was in the same group as Metzl, so how could he be an ordinary person?

With his heart secretly alert, Oz accelerated the rhythm of attack.

The plan was to get rid of these desire-eating monsters first, and then consider other things.

Zuo Shotaro finally stopped his trembling body, turned his head and saw Lu Li already in action.

His pupils suddenly contracted, and Zuo Shotaro knew that this new friend might be in trouble.

With a grit of teeth, Zuo Shotaro said that he couldn't watch Oz lose.

There was no further hesitation. Although he was still afraid in his heart, he decided to fight.

When he put on the dual driver, Philip's meaning had been connected to him.

"Shotaro? What happened?"

"Well, fight first, and explain later."





After transforming into the Wind Ace, W immediately joined the battlefield.

Philip's consciousness noticed the situation on the scene, and his heart was full of doubts.

"What is that...?"

He found that he didn't seem to have seen Oz before.

And these monsters didn't seem to be mixed bodies, but more like the monsters he had encountered before.

Oz, who was fighting, saw W suddenly join the battlefield, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Kamen Rider W?"

Oz certainly knew the rumors about this Kamen Rider, after all, the news had reported it many times.

But he didn't expect that the two sides would meet in this way.

Oz probably never thought that the Kamen Rider he met was actually the new friend he just met.

After kicking a Desire Devourer away with a flying kick in the air, W and Oz immediately joined together, back to back.

"Eiji, I'll help you."

When Oz heard this familiar voice, he reacted immediately.

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