Isn't this the friend I just met?

Only then did he realize that the other party was Kamen Rider W.

Now is not the time to think about these things, it is really important to concentrate on the battle.

"Shoutaro? Okay! Let's fight side by side."

With the addition of W, it will be easier for Oz to deal with the Desire Monster.

Anku frowned when he saw W joining the battlefield.

Although he disdains help from others, given the current situation, Oates does need help.

Lu Li, who was about to transform, was a little surprised when he saw W suddenly joining the fight.

I originally thought that W would not join the fight because of his fear of him, but unexpectedly he took action anyway.

But to Lu Li, whether W joins the battle or not has no impact at all.

The ending... has already been decided!

Taking out the Lost Drive, Lu Li casually took out the T2 Eternal Memory.

Although the Eternal Ultimate Drive cannot be activated, there is no problem in activating the Ultimate Drive of other memories.

After all, using the T2 Eternal Ultimate Driver will cause all the memories in Fengdu City to fail.

Lu Li didn't want to cause a lot of trouble again.



It's been a long time since I've used Lost Drive, and Lu Li really missed it.

Chapter 211 Who is faster? Core coins get!

Countless white fragments covered Lu Li's body. The pitch-black eternal robe behind him was swaying in the wind. A pure white warrior appeared in front of everyone.

Since he used the Lost Drive to transform, Lu Li was naturally equipped with a memory slot belt.

The yellow eye armor is highlighted, and the body exudes an extremely terrifying aura.

There are dark blue flame stripes on the arms and ankles.

Habara Lai, who was watching the battle from behind, had a flash of shock in his eyes when he saw Lu Li transforming into Yong Qi.

Lu Li transformed into Yongqi before, but he didn't use the lost drive and memory. It looked a bit different from Dao Keji Yongqi.

And the Yongqi that has transformed now is exactly the same as the one that Dao Keji transformed into.

The power of eternal memory can actually be controlled by others.

How could she have imagined that Lu Li had already used the eternal power.

After recovering from the shock, Hahara Lai felt that this was a reasonable thing.

Since Lu Li was able to defeat Dao Katsumi in his strongest form and was able to use T2 memory, there was no problem.

Oates, who was concentrating on the battle, saw a big question mark on his head when he saw Lu Li who had already transformed.

"Eh? The other party is also a Kamen Rider? But why...are he and Mezel together?"

The voice belonging to Shotaro Zuo sounded in W.

"Eiji, that guy is not a Kamen Rider! Although the power he uses is very similar to ours, he is not a good person."

In his heart, Kamen Rider has always been a very honorary title.

Not everyone can have this!

Phillip also echoed.

"Shoutaro is right. Be careful. Lu Li is very powerful. We may suffer disaster if we are not careful."

The two of them spoke in completely different tones and had completely different voices, so Ozzy naturally recognized it right away.

"What's going on? Why are there two of you talking?"

Oz scratched his head with the paw on his hand.

If the head hadn't been hard enough, I wouldn't have dared to use the sharp claws on it.

"Uh! We'll finish this issue later. Now we still focus on the battle.

Anyway, you just need to know that the white guy is not a good person. "

Zuo Shotaro doesn't have time to explain so much now.

It is true to seize the time and end this battle. It is not a bad idea to chat slowly after the battle.


A tentacle struck, and Ozzy quickly dodged to the side.

"What a risk! I know."

He doesn't have time to pay attention to this problem now. The most important thing is to solve the battle first.

It was precisely because of W's reminder that Oz was more cautious about Lu Li's arrival and carefully resisted it.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Lu Li casually took out a T2 memory.

Speed ​​up memory?

Facing the extremely fast Oates, Lu Li had a solution, and keeping up with the opponent's speed was one of them.

He immediately inserted the acceleration memory into the memory slot on his waist and quickly took a photo of the button on the slot.

"Accel.Maximum.Drive! (Acceleration Ultimate Drive)"

The power of accelerated memory activates instantly.

Red lightning wrapped around Lu Li, and the next second, the white figure had disappeared from the spot.

He moves very fast, almost able to move instantly.

Appearing in front of Ou Zi in an instant, such a fast speed even startled Ou Zi.

"So fast!"

He thought he was fast enough now, but he didn't expect that the opponent's speed was even faster.

With a fierce punch, Ozzy reacted instantly and placed the claws on his hands in front of him.


A powerful impact like an explosion struck.

Oates had no power to fight back and was directly blasted away by this powerful energy.


Oz couldn't help but scream in pain.

It hurts!

He had caught the punch just now, but the strong force penetrated his body, enough to make him feel pain.

Oz, who had slid a long way, quickly inserted his claws into the hard ground.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!"

A sharp sound and flying sparks.

Even so, he still slid several meters away. Oz was very amazed at the power Lu Li had just exerted.

However, what he didn't know was that it was just a casual punch from Lu Li, and he didn't use his full strength.

If he really used his power, Oz couldn't bear it at all.

"Cough! Cough, cough!"

Oz coughed violently twice, and felt a tightness in his chest.

Then he reacted quickly and blocked part of the impact with his claws, otherwise it would be even more uncomfortable.

But just after Oz stood up, he felt a white shadow passing by him in an instant.

Oz instantly burst out at his highest speed and barely avoided the attack.

If he couldn't catch up with the opponent at the highest speed, then this battle would be difficult to fight.

However, although Oz dodged one attack, he couldn't dodge the second attack smoothly.

When Oz was retreating quickly, Lu Li had appeared behind him without knowing when, and hit him with an elbow.

Can't dodge!!

Even Oz, who had reacted, knew that he could only bear this attack and couldn't dodge it.

Afterwards, facing the very aggressive Lu Li, Oz was almost in a passive state of being beaten, and he didn't fight back at all.

It's not that he really didn't want to break up, but he couldn't fight back.

Anku, who was outside the battlefield, had a flash of anxiety in his eyes.

At first, I thought that these desire-eating monsters were all here to serve food, and I could get a lot of cell coins at that time.

Now it seems that I was too naive.

This guy Metzl has indeed found a very powerful backer, and the strength of this backer... is still outrageous.

Even Oz, who used the joint form, was helpless in front of the opponent.

I thought there were no other greedy people around, and I had picked a soft persimmon.

But I didn't expect that Metzl was not a soft persimmon at all, but a piece of iron.

I kicked the iron plate this time, and the trouble... seems to be a bit big.

Anku, who has realized the seriousness of the problem, really tried to think about how to remedy this problem.

Now Oz's combat power should be the strongest among all forms, and switching to other combinations is not very useful.

Oz has a very fast speed, but the opponent can also keep up, or even faster.

It's outrageous!

Looking at the core coins in his hand, he couldn't find any way to break the situation.

For a while, Anku felt very bald.

Noticing Anku's headache, Metzl smiled.

Sure enough, it was right to find a backer for himself.

With Lu Li here, Anku and Oz can't be his opponent. There is a strong backer, there is nothing he can do.

"Damn it!"

Anku scratched his hair hard, and he had already had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart.

Whether it was Metzl or those Devouring Monsters, there was no way to deal with them for the time being, so they could only leave it like this.

Just when Anku was hesitating whether to retreat or not, Oz had been beaten many times.

Another heavy blow hit his back, and Oz was knocked to the ground instantly.


He had no idea how Lu Li could be faster than him.

It was simply outrageous.

The side effects of continuous high-intensity use of fast movement and joint groups had caused Oz's body to overdraw.

His legs were trembling slightly, and Oz was just gritting his teeth to persist.

Although W was dealing with Devouring Monsters, he did not forget to observe the situation here.

"Philip, Yingsi's physical condition seems to have been overdrawn, let's use the limit."

"Understood, come on."

After the wills of the great men reached a consensus, under their will call, a golden light suddenly flew from a distance.

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