Shotaro Zuo certainly understood why Philip knew about Anku, and hurried forward to explain.

"Okay, okay! Anku, you misunderstood.

The reason why Philip knew your information was not from the book you just took, but from the Earth Library."

"Earth Library?" x2

Neither Anku nor Hino Eiji knew about the existence of the Earth Library, and they were full of doubts.

After a brief explanation of the Earth Library, Anku finally understood why Philip knew about his own affairs.

When he learned that Philip had such an outrageous ability, Anku wanted to find out why he only revived one arm.

Logically speaking, even if he only had a core coin with consciousness, he would not be able to resurrect one arm like now.

At the beginning, Anku still had a little hope in his heart.

As time went on, he felt more and more wrong.

Now that he knew that Philip had the Earth Library, Anku certainly wanted to know how he became like this.

"Sorry, I have other things to do now."

As soon as the voice fell, Philip turned and walked towards the basement of the detective agency.

Shotaro Zuo knew clearly in the air that Philip was not doing anything else, but was just throwing a tantrum.

You have to know that Philip has lived long enough now and has normal human emotions.

No matter who it is, being threatened by someone grabbing the collar will make people feel uncomfortable, and Philip doesn't like it either.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

Anku's right arm immediately returned to its original state, trying to reach out and grab Philip.

But Shotaro Zuo certainly wouldn't give him the opportunity to do so, and blocked him in front.

Eiji Hino also felt that Anku was really a bit too much, and quickly scolded him.

"Anku, enough!"

"Eiji, that guy..."

Hearing the scolding, Anku wanted to say something, but Eiji Hino didn't give him the chance.

"Anku, stop it, they still helped us, what are you doing now?"


In the end, Anku didn't continue to refute Eiji Hino, and sat down on the sofa next to him very depressed.

The originally solemn atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

At this time, Hino Eiji apologized to Shotaro Sa and Akiko Narumi with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry, Anku has a bad temper. I apologize to you on his behalf."

Then he bowed deeply to the two of them.

"It's okay, Eiji, you should just rest."

Shotaro Sa helped him up and didn't take what happened just now to heart.

Through what happened just now, Shotaro Sa has also learned that Anku is not a human but a greedy person.

As for why he only has one arm, I don't know.

Then, Hino Eiji looked embarrassed.

"Shotaro, please apologize to Philip for Anku. He was just a little too excited and didn't mean to hurt him.

If possible, I hope you can talk to him and help Anku."

Although he and Anku didn't spend too much time together, the relationship between the two sides was relatively harmonious.

If he could help Anku, Hino Eiji wouldn't mind helping him.

But all this has a premise, that is, Anku must not do evil casually.

Otherwise, the two will go their separate ways, and will be strangers or even enemies from now on.

Anku, who was on the side, was feeling very irritated. After hearing what Hino Eiji said, he was stunned.


He didn't know what to say for a while.

Hino Eiji is really a good guy!

Facing the request made by Hino Eiji, Zuo Shotaro agreed without hesitation.

"I know, I will go to Philip later, you should have a good rest first, and we will go out for dinner together later.

As the host, of course I have to treat you well."

As Kamen Riders guarding their respective cities, the most basic trust should still be given.

Moreover, after previous understanding, he already knew that the reason why Hino Eiji was able to transform into a Kamen Rider to protect the city was because of Anku's existence.

This is why he knew that Anku was a greedy person, but did not make any extreme actions.

After receiving the reply, Hino Eiji's face flashed with joy, and he thanked him quickly.

"Thank you, Shotaro."

"It's a small matter."

Shotaro waved his hand. It was not a difficult task. Philip only needed to close his eyes. It was no big deal!

Philip: ? ? ? Come and try!


Night fell.

Sonozaki's house.

Lu Li had already returned with Yuhara Lai and Metzler.

Lu Li had almost studied the matter of cell coins.

How to let the greedy gain perception of the whole world is still a very troublesome problem, but there is no way.

The most direct way is to use Gaia memory.

In the earth database, there is all the data related to perception.

As long as these perception-related data can be made into a memory and then given to Metzler, the corresponding perception can be obtained without any accident.

The only uncertain question is whether Metzl can use Gaia memory.

Before leaving the laboratory, Lu Li had already imported all the relevant data about perception into the instrument and was making the corresponding memory.

Whether it will be successful in the end depends on whether Metzl can use that memory.

Seeing Lu Li walking into the hall, Sonosaki Wakana asked in confusion.

"Lu Li, why did you come back so late?"

Based on the time Lu Li came back in the past, today was indeed considered to be a late return.

Returning to his position, Lu Li explained casually.

"Kamen Rider Oz from the nearby city suddenly ran to Fengdu, and it took a little time to deal with this matter."

"Kamen Rider Oz?!"

Sonosaki Saeko and the other two were all stunned. Obviously, they didn't know the existence of this Kamen Rider.

But it's true that Oz appeared for a short time, and almost no one saw him during the battle, so naturally he was unknown.

"That guy was chasing me. He knew I was in this city, so he followed me." Metzl shrugged helplessly.

She didn't want to bring this trouble, but she couldn't do anything if the other party wanted to follow her.

Yuhara Lai leaned back in his chair and said indifferently.

"And looking at that guy, it seems that he is already friends with W, but today they were taught a lesson by Mr. Lu and the core coins were taken away. They should not stay in Fengdu anymore."

For Oz, the core coins mean his fighting power, and losing the core coins means that his fighting power is likely to weaken.

He couldn't match Lu Li before, let alone later, so it's unlikely that he will continue to look for Lu Li.

Having said so much, the final result is that nothing big happened anyway.

It's just a small matter, so what about Kamen Rider?

At present, the power of the museum is unprecedentedly strong, even far exceeding that when Sonosaki Ryubei was in office. Even if there is a Kamen Rider, it can't threaten the museum.

One W is not enough, even if there is an Oz, it is also not enough.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko set her eyes on Lu Li and asked expectantly.

"Dear, can I... become stronger?"

Although the forbidden memory has been completely released and has a power comparable to fear, Sonosaki Saeko will not be satisfied with this.

Her younger sister Wakana allowed it to enter the ultimate form, greatly improving its combat power, even surpassing her sister.

Sonosaki Saeko, who is strong-willed, naturally wants to become stronger.

But she knows that she has now exerted the power of the forbidden memory to the limit, and the possibility of improvement is not very large, unless through other means.

Regarding Lu Li's research on memory, Sonosaki Saeko still recognizes and believes in it in her heart.

It is because of Lu Li's research that his forbidden memory can become as powerful as it is now.

Lu Li tapped his fingers lightly on the table, thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"Of course, but it takes time, I am still studying it now."

He is indeed still studying, studying the fusion of two different Gaia memories.

Once two powerful memories are fused, the power they exert is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Chapter 214 Wakana: You sold me out! Big pig's hoof! Target: Kara

It's just that to fuse the memories, integrate their respective powers and fuse the two together, this is not a small matter, but a very big project.

Even Lu Li has not achieved too significant results at present, and a series of attempts are needed.

After getting the answer she wanted from Lu Li himself, Sonosaki Saeko was immediately overjoyed.

She immediately came to Lu Li and gave him a very sweet kiss.

Sonosaki Wakana on the side was a little jealous, looking at this side without blinking, and a hint of envy flashed in the depths of the night.

She also wanted to hug Lu Li like this and have a sweet kiss.

But thinking that there were several other people around, she didn't dare to make a move.

After all, it is normal for little girls to be thin-skinned.

While eating dinner, Lu Li obviously noticed that Mina's eyes would glance at him from time to time~

As soon as he looked over, she was like a frightened bird, her legs weak with fear.

How did this girl become so timid?

Lu Li couldn't figure it out. Was it okay for Mina to not be timid before?

Why is she so timid now?

After finishing her meal, Sonosaki Saeko stood up and came behind Lu Li's chair, leaning gently on the chair, with her hands on his shoulders.

Then, Sonosaki Saeko told Lu Li an idea of ​​hers.

"Dear, the memory manufacturing of our museum has been fully connected to the regularity, and it is time for the research institute to develop some new memory.

You say, can I bring the experimental subject back now...?"

Before making this decision, Sonosaki Saeko naturally had to be prepared to discuss it with Lu Li.

Even though she is now the queen of the museum, she is backed by Lu Li as the queen.

No matter what big decision you make, Sonosaki Saeko habitually discusses it with Lu Li to see if it can be done.

The experimental subject she was referring to was naturally Philip.

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