Although the other party is a data aggregate of her younger brother, Philip is not her real younger brother to Sonosaki Saeko.

It is not unreasonable for Sonosaki Saeko to suddenly come up with such an idea.

At present, the memory that the museum can produce is almost perfect, and now more types of memory are needed.

After pondering for a while, Lu Li shook his head and rejected it.

"Saeko, don't touch him. I once promised someone that I would not hurt him or put him in danger."

Saeko Sonosaki, who was still holding hope, was a little disappointed after hearing the news.

If Lu Li disagreed, she would naturally not do this.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko's disappointed expression, Lu Li suddenly laughed.

"Saeko, did you forget something?"

"Forgot something? What?"

Saeko Sonosaki didn't react for a while, and didn't understand what Lu Li was talking about.

Lu Li raised his hand and pointed at Wakana beside him.

"Have you forgotten? Wakana has now completed the ultimate evolution and reached the ultimate form. She can also visit the Earth Library at will.

If you want to get relevant data, why don't you just go to Wakana directly?"

Why did the topic suddenly turn to herself?

Sonosaki Wakana was very confused.

After getting Lu Li's reminder, Sonosaki Saeko also reacted.

Yes, the sister who has completed the ultimate evolution can also enter the Earth Library and view any data at will.

It's the same whether there is an experimental subject or not.

Of course, it is impossible to treat Sonosaki Wakana as an experimental subject, just asking her to provide some data in the Earth database.

"Hey! Lu Li, you actually sold me directly, don't you feel heartbroken?"

Looking at Lu Li with dissatisfaction, Sonosaki Wakana asked like a spoiled child.


These two words instantly made Sonosaki Wakana speechless.

Big pig's hoof!

She slept in the same bed with me last night, why did it change today? !

There was no other way, Sonosaki Wakana could only temporarily act as a "connector" for providing data about the earth.

Tomorrow, she needs to go to the Memory Research Institute to provide some relevant data.

The night gradually deepened.

Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko returned to the room and held a meeting for an hour before they began to rest.

Ming Hai Detective Agency.

After dinner, Philip finally helped to check the news about Anku.

When Anku saw Philip open his eyes, he didn't dare to be rude at this time. What if the other party was unhappy when he left, wouldn't he not know again?

After calming down, Anku asked with expectation.

"Philip, how is the situation? Have you found any news related to me?"

Philip nodded, and didn't keep it a secret.

"I did find some information about you, and I also roughly know what happened to your physical problem.

Eight hundred years ago, the king was too greedy and wanted to absorb all the core coins, which led to a rampage.

He sealed himself up, and during the sealing process, you concentrated the core coins with your consciousness in your right hand, trying to take back the core coins.

As a result, you were involved in the rampage, which caused your right hand to be sealed.

And your body escaped the seal by chance, but because it had no consciousness, it was buried deep underground.

Later, your body was also dug out, but it is not in the city where you are now, but in other places."

After hearing this, Anku was shocked.

He vaguely remembered some memories of the king's rampage eight hundred years ago.

But after all, he was affected by the power of the rampage, and what he remembered was not comprehensive.

My body has been dug out.

But since he is not in the same place as me, I naturally can't feel it.

As for who dug out my body and didn't bring it to this city, a figure emerged in Anku's mind.

Hong Shang Guangsheng!

In his opinion, there are very few people who know about the greedy.

The other party has an obvious intention to keep his body, and the only person he can think of is probably this person.

What a cunning guy!

In order to prevent himself from becoming complete, he actually put his body somewhere else.

Damn it!

Clenching his fists tightly, Anku now wants to go back to Hong Shang immediately and question him.

"Let's go! Eiji, let's go back now!"

Anku, who was in a very bad mood, was ready to leave immediately.

Seeing Anku in a hurry, Hino Eiji said helplessly.

"Ah? No, it's so late, where are we going? Are you kidding?"

It's getting late now, and Zuo Xiangtaro naturally hopes that the two can stay for a night and leave tomorrow.

"Anku, Eiji is already very tired today, let him have a good rest, and go back tomorrow if there is anything.

You have been waiting for so long, you don't mind waiting one more night, right?"

Anku, who had already walked to the door, turned around and saw that Hino Eiji was not in good condition at the moment, and finally nodded and agreed.

"Okay, then stay for one night first, and we will leave immediately tomorrow morning."

In any case, he was the one who brought Hino Eiji to Fengdu, so he naturally wanted to take him back.

Moreover, if you want to retrieve your body or the core coin, you will need the power of Eiji Hino no matter what.

The next day.

Erika Satonaka finally arrived at Fudu.

After passing many small machines with coin devices, we finally found traces of Hino Eiji and Anku.

We rushed to Narumi Detective Agency as soon as possible.

But when she arrived here, she happened to meet Hino Eiji and Anku who were about to leave.

"Eiji, you are indeed here."

After finding the two of them, Erika Satonaka finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I have finally completed my mission, and I don’t have to worry about continuing to be exposed to the wind and sun outside.

She is a very delicate woman who pays great attention to taking care of her skin and figure.

If she can avoid being exposed to the wind and sun outside, she will never go out to the wind and sun.

When he saw Erika Satonaka, Eiji Hino was surprised.

"Miss Satonaka?! Why are you here?"

But Ankuco didn't have such a good temper. He immediately stood in front of Erika Satonaka and threatened in a cold voice.

"You came just in time, I'm going to find that guy from Hongshang right now!

Take us there! I want to settle the score with that guy! "

As he spoke, he pinched his wrist, as if he was ready to take action.

Apparently, Erika Satonaka didn't know why Anku looked angry.

Anyway, my mission was to take them back. Since they happened to be looking for the president, it saved me a lot of effort.

"In that case, let's go."

There was no need to explain that much. The three of them returned together and left Fengdu.

Shotaro Zuo looked at the car that was gradually moving away, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

One thing he was worried about was that last night, Philip told him about Anku's body.

Judging from Anku's performance last night, he should be very angry.

Zuo Shotaro couldn't help but feel a little worried about whether something would happen.

"Hey! It's useless to think about it now. My own problems haven't been solved yet."

With a wry smile on his face, Shotaro Zuo raised his head.

Looking around Fengdu, which was no different from before, I felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Facing the terrifyingly powerful museum, Shotaro Zuo was completely powerless.

Even if I can destroy some of the doping entities that cause trouble, I can't do anything about eradicating the museum.

Just thinking about this series of things, Zuo Shotaro felt a headache.

Dao Keji and a group of terrorists appeared, but he failed to protect Fengdu, and in the end it was Lu Li who could solve the problem.

As the guardian of Fengdu, I feel so powerless.


With a slight sigh, Shotaro Zuo turned and returned to the detective agency.

He is also very confused now and doesn't know what to do.

This side of Fengdu Airport.

After leaving Sonosaki's mansion, Lu Li neither went to the company nor to his research laboratory.

Instead, he went to the airport alone. He wanted to leave Fengdu for a while.

····Asking for flowers·· ·······

After coming to this world, Lu Li has been searching and thinking about the goal that he can recreate.

After finding himself in the world of Kamen Rider W, the first person he wanted to copy was naturally Philip.

After all, with such a big bug in the Earth Library, Lu Li would certainly not let it go.

In the later time, Lu Li also wanted to find another target that could be replicated.

This is, after all, a world of many knights, and most of the new decade of Heisei is a worldview.

There are many goals that can be recreated, such as the Great Eye, which has the power to create or change the world.

Another example is the shrimp dumplings. With the wisdom bonus of Philip and shrimp dumplings, it is unknown what Lu Li can create, but he can be sure that what he creates will be dangerous.

There are many goals that want to be re-engraved, but it is not clear at the moment when these goals will appear.

These goals have not yet appeared, and the possibility of repeating them is not high.

Lu Li couldn't wait forever for these targets to appear.

If he wants to continue to become stronger, Lu Li must consider other goals.

In OOO, the king from eight hundred years ago may have been very powerful, but there was actually something about the king from eight hundred years ago that he was very afraid of.

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