This existence that could make the king of eight hundred years ago feel deeply fearful was none other than Kara.

The alchemist who created the core coin eight hundred years ago was also the most outstanding alchemist.

Eight hundred years ago, under the king's order, the core coins of Oz and Greed were created.

However, because the core coin created by Kara was too powerful, the king became afraid of Kara's terrifying ability, so he sealed it.

Being able to become a king is naturally a suspicious existence. It is impossible to allow someone's power to override one's own, let alone to allow someone to threaten one's own.

... ... ... ...

The talent and strength shown by Kara were destined to be feared by the king.

And she was sealed in a ruins in Thuringia, country D.

That's right, Lu Li's second target for reincarnation was to focus on Kara.

Although Kara is just an alchemist, she has very powerful power.

It can even exchange time and space, and the ability to master it is extremely powerful.

And he has an extremely smart brain, otherwise it would be impossible to create such a terrifying core coin.

Even though Lu Li has recreated Philip and has the smartest mind in the world, it doesn't mean that he can fully use his smart brain.

That's why Lu Li even set his sights on Xiajiao, who not only had a smart brain, but also had divine talents.

It's a pity that I don't know where the shrimp dumplings are now.

Lu Li naturally focused on Kara, the chief alchemist from eight hundred years ago.

Maybe even if you don’t recreate the shrimp dumplings, you can still gain divine talents.

It was not difficult for Lu Li to find the ruins where Kara was sealed. The corresponding records could easily be found in the Earth Library.

Lu Li had already bought a ticket early in the morning and flew directly to Thuringia.

At present, this ruins should not have been discovered by Hongshang Mitsuo, but even if it has been discovered, it does not matter.

There was nothing Lu Li couldn't get his hands on.

Not to mention Hongshang Guangsheng.

Although he is very capable, in the final analysis he is just an ordinary person, and even the descendants of the king still cannot change this.

If you want to snatch the relics from yourself, you have to rely on your true ability.

The plane took off slowly and Lu Li headed towards country D.

There is still a very long distance from Fengdu to Thuringia, and it takes at least several hours of flying to reach it.

Although it took a little longer, it was the simplest and most relaxing way, and Lu Li was too lazy to use other methods.

The company's side.

Sonosaki Wakana looked out the window quietly and saw a tiny plane taking off in the distance.

"I wonder if Lu Li, the big bad guy, took this flight?

Okay, you want to leave suddenly, what are you doing?

It's mysterious every day, and you still haven't told me? "

Obviously, the second half of this girl's sentence is the key.

She didn't care where Lu Li was going or how long he was going, what she cared about was what Lu Li was going to do.

Although they know that Lu Li is very powerful, no one can guarantee whether there is anyone in this world who can threaten him.

What if there is?

Hearing her sister's mumbling, Sonosaki Saeko walked over and waved her hand in front of her eyes.

"What are you doing? Be a little more serious and get things settled quickly. The institute is still waiting for you to provide new specific data."

Hearing this, Sono Saki Wakana came back to her senses and pouted her lips.

"Oh, I know, I'll do it now."

Thinking that she would have to go to a relatively remote memory research institute later, Sonosaki Wakana immediately shrugged and worked there unhappily.

It's okay if she has someone with her, but if she's alone without someone, she'll be bored.

PS: Thanks————13761.. for your monthly ticket!

Thanks————Wolf King Meng’s monthly ticket!

Thanks————★The Fool☆ for your monthly ticket!

Thanks——xiong for your monthly ticket! scholar.

Chapter 215 Knowing in advance, Anku: What the hell is my body? !

As a sister, how could she not know what her sister was thinking in her head.

“Stop being so grim, I’ll ask Mina to accompany you later.

I know you'll be bored alone, but with Mina by your side, it's okay. "

Sonosaki Wakana, who originally had a sad face, suddenly smiled when she heard her sister say this.

"Okay! Then I'll hurry up and finish the matter."

In the general manager's office, Mina was sighing while working hard.

"Hey! Why doesn't Mr. Lu Li let me go with you?"

Early this morning, Lu Li suddenly said that he was going to Country D, but he had no intention of taking anyone else with him.

Mina initially volunteered to go with her, but Lu Li refused to let her go.

The main reason was that this time when I went to find Kara, the other party had a rather mysterious ability that could change time and space. Even Lu Li had to deal with it carefully.

Take others with you and you are likely to encounter unpredictable situations.

He may have no problem protecting himself, but he may not be able to guarantee the safety of others following him.

Not letting anyone go with you is just a precaution.


On the flight to country D.

In the first class cabin, Lu Li looked at the clouds that kept sliding outside the plane and fell into thought.

Lu Li still didn't know how much power Kara, the alchemist who lived 800 years ago, had mastered.

I hope... I won't let myself down.

Just as Lu Li was thinking about the problem, a soft voice suddenly came from the side.

"Sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

When Lu Li came back to his senses, he looked up and saw a beautiful stewardess standing next to him.

When she saw Lu Li's eyes on her, the stewardess confidently straightened her chest, and her eyes that seemed to be able to discharge electricity stared straight at him.

Although she looked okay, Lu Li was not interested now.

"No, I need to rest for a while, don't bother me for the time being."

After saying that, Lu Li closed his eyes and ignored the stewardess.

Seeing Lu Li so indifferent, the stewardess's face suddenly flashed with embarrassment.

[I came here to pay for it? You actually didn't react at all? ! 】

If it was an ordinary first-class passenger, she would not come to pay for it.

But Lu Li booked the entire first-class cabin by himself. In the huge first-class cabin, there was only him as a passenger.

Without getting the result she wanted, the stewardess could only leave in disgrace.

How long does it take to get to Country D from here?

Before that, Lu Li was ready to think carefully, so as not to be caught off guard by some special abilities of Kara.

Near noon, Anku and Hino Eiji, led by Erika Satonaka, finally returned to the building of Mitsuo Hongu.

There was no obstruction along the way, and the three of them came to Mitsuo Hongu's office unimpeded.

Anku was angry at this time, and he didn't care about so much, and kicked the door directly.


Fortunately, Anku is now using a human body, so he naturally won't kick the door down with one kick.

Mitsuo Hongu, who had been waiting for them in the room for a long time, was also shocked when he saw Anku kick the door open.

But he soon calmed down. After all, he was the president of a huge foundation. How could he be frightened by such a scene?

When Mitsuo Hongue saw the angry Anku, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

This guy was so angry that he seemed to want to eat him. What did he want to do?

Noticing Mitsuo Hongue sitting in the boss chair, Anku immediately rushed over and grabbed his clothes.

Seeing this scene, Eiji Hino shouted loudly.

"Hey! Anku!"

He didn't want Anku to mess around.

Although some information had been obtained, no one knew the specific situation, and they couldn't just start fighting right away.

As a secretary and part-time bodyguard, Erika Satonaka rushed over immediately after noticing this situation.

She raised her long legs and swept towards Anku.

Now this body is a flesh body, not the body of the greedy one. Anku naturally has to take good care of it and can't let it get hurt.

If this body gets hurt, Izumi Binai will definitely teach him a lesson.

In order to prevent the monster girl from having an excuse to deal with him, Anku didn't want to leave any scars on his body.

He quickly let go to avoid the sweeping kick.

Hino Eiji also took this opportunity to grab Anku and said hurriedly.

"Anku, what are you doing? If you have something to say, just talk it over. Why are you making a move right away?"

He didn't want Anku to mess around.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if they want to defeat the Greedy Man or the Devouring Monster, they must have the help of Hong Shang Guangsheng.

Without his help, the coin device will not work at all. It is not an easy task to find the Greedy Man.

And it is not decorated, and it must be able to help in the battle, sometimes with unexpected effects.

Hearing this, Anku calmed down a lot at this time.

He shook off Hino Eiji's hand, strode forward, and slammed his hands hard on the table.


"Hong Shang! Tell me the truth, where is my body?!"

He urgently needs to find his body back now.

Only by finding his body back can he become complete.

He has been moving in this posture since he woke up. It is inconvenient, but the most important thing is that he has no fighting power.

He needs to rely on Oz's power to collect cell coins.

And he needs to give 60% of the cell coins to the guy in front of him, which is very annoying.

When Mitsuo Hong heard Anku mentioned the body, his pupils shrank slightly unconsciously.

Regarding Anku's body, only he should know.

But why does Anku know this now? What happened here?

However, Mitsuo Hong, who has seen many storms, quickly calmed down and slightly adjusted his tie.

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