"Your body? What do you mean? How do I know that your body exists?"

At this time, he must remain calm. Quan Dang has no idea about this matter.

Seeing the other party's denial, Anku suddenly became angry and smiled coldly.

"Hongshang, you don't think I don't know anything, do you? This time I went to Fengdu, but do you know that there is a very special being in Fengdu.

He...can view all the information on the planet.

I asked him to check something about my body, and he told me that my body had actually been discovered.

Do you think it could have been discovered by someone else besides you? "

Until now, Anku has never figured out the identity of the man in front of him and why he knows so many things about the Greedy Man.

But this man definitely has his own agenda.

It's just that it's not clear what this man's purpose is, it's really hidden deep enough.

I originally thought that Anku was just here to deceive me, but I didn't expect that he had actually found the relevant information.

His heart sank slightly, Honggami Mitsuo knew that even denying it at this time would not be of much use.

Anku already knows everything, and continuing to deny it at this time will only further worsen the relationship between the two parties.

He still needs to rely on Anku's power now.

With Anku here, it will be much easier to find those desire-devouring monsters.

After all, Anku, as a greedy person, is like a radar that specializes in detecting the Devouring Monster, and can easily find the Devouring Monster.

Cell coins, Hongshang Guangsheng now needs more cell coins.

Cell Coins can be used to do research and will be used to do much more in the future.

Since we can no longer hide it from the other party, we might as well explain it directly.

Taking a deep breath, Koshang Mitsuo focused his eyes on Anku and said calmly.

"You are right. Your body has indeed been excavated, but currently... it is not here."

He had just finished speaking, Anku put his hands on the table, stared at Koshang Mitsuo very nervously, and said in a deep voice.

"Where is it? Tell me quickly!"

He can't wait to get his own body back.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you for the time being, so I'll just say that it's your body, but after all, it was discovered by my hands.

I have my purpose and I can't let you ruin my plan now. "

After listening for a long time, I didn't get the answer I wanted. The other party didn't even tell me about my body.

"What?! You guy...!"

Anku suddenly became angry and was about to catch Kogami Mitsuo and ask him about his physical existence, but Erika Satonaka, who was standing by, would not give him such a chance.

Another flying kick interrupted Anku's movements.

This woman is really in the way!

Anku, who was suddenly interrupted, glared at Erika Satonaka.

If it weren't for his lack of physical fighting ability in this round, he really wanted to teach the opponent a lesson.

Seeing that the opponent's force value was quite high, Anku decisively chose to give up the idea of ​​sneak attack on Hong Shang Mitsuo.

At this time, he knew very well that Eiji would not be able to help him.

The only one he could rely on was himself, but he had beaten the opponent again, so he was very confused. In desperation, Anku sat on the chair angrily.

The legs are placed on the table very arrogantly, giving people a very harmonious feeling.

"Hongshang, let's talk, how are you going to give me my body back?

That's my body, so it's only reasonable to give it back to me. "

If you can't beat them, you can only find a way through this kind of communication.

It was very rude to see Anku leaning on the table with his legs, but Kogami Mitsuo was not angry at all.

Sitting back on his chair with a smile, Kosami Mitsuo returned his gaze to Anku.

"Anku, it took a lot of effort to discover your body.

Now I will give it to you as soon as you say it. There is no such reason, right?

Since it is a transaction, it is natural to give corresponding chips, don’t you think so? "

Hongshang Guangsheng is a businessman, so of course he cannot let himself suffer.

Hearing this, Anku's face suddenly darkened.

He knew that the other party must not be holding anything back.

"Tell me, what conditions do you want?"

He was already prepared to be brutally beaten, and at worst, he would have to pay a higher price...

As long as you can get your body back, the most important thing is the core coin inside.

Being able to get back your own core coins and paying a certain price is not unacceptable.

"Anku, don't be anxious. Let's do this. To show my sincerity, I will give you a core coin first."

With that said, Kogami Mitsuo opened the drawer under his desk.

There was a delicate small box inside. When he opened the box, there was a red vulture core coin quietly placed inside.

This is the core coin that belongs to Anku.

When he saw the coin, Anku couldn't wait to take it.

When the core coin was integrated into his right arm, Anku felt that his strength had increased a lot.

This is much more than cell coins!

Recently, core coins are the key to greedy people, and cell coins are just the fragments that make up the body.

With a comfortable expression on his face, Anku came to his senses after a while.

Leaning casually on the chair, Anku stared at Honggami Mitsuo.

"Tell me, what kind of deal do you want to do with me? When can I get my body back?"

Now I just want to get my body back as soon as possible and make myself complete.

But he knew that the guy in front of him was not that easy to talk to.

It would probably be very difficult to get all the core coins back from Kogami Mitsuo.

"Now... is not the time yet. Don't worry, consider this core coin as a gift from me."


If possible, Anku really wanted to jump up and smash this guy's head with a fist.

But that's not possible now. He hasn't been able to get his remaining core coins yet.

Naturally, Anku didn't dare to act rashly when he was in danger.

Taking a deep breath and forcing himself to calm down, Anku glared at Kogami Mitsuo fiercely.

However, Koshang Mitsuo still smiled slightly, as if he didn't care about Anku's threat at all.

"Anku, that's almost it. Haven't you already got a core coin back? Let's leave it like that for the time being.

Your core coins won’t escape there anyway, so don’t be so nervous. "

Hino Eiji patted Anku on the shoulder, not wanting the relationship between Anku and Kogami Mitsuo to get worse.

Hearing this, Anku raised his head and glanced at Huino Eiji, feeling very unhappy.

But he also knew that things were almost over now, and there was really no way for him to get back all the core coins.

It’s already very good to be able to recover one core coin. I’ll get the remaining core coins later!

He has figured it out for the time being. There is no point in rushing at this time. It is better to wait.

I don’t know what the old man Hongshang will do. Anku needs to be careful in dealing with it.

Afterwards, Hino Eiji pulled Anku out of the office.

After confirming that the two of them were gone, Koshang Mitsuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If Anku is really angered, it will probably be very difficult to deal with, and it will also affect future plans.

Mainly because he didn't expect that Anku already knew about this matter, which was a bit tricky.

"Does Cong Fengdu know about it?"

Hongshang Guangsheng sighed slightly in his heart.

I couldn't help but regret that I didn't monitor the two of them well, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

It is meaningless to say this now. Since it has happened, there is no use regretting it.

Fortunately, Anku had no choice but to confront him head-on, otherwise the trouble would be even greater.

After leaving the building, Hino Eiji followed Anku and kept talking.

"Anku, you were too impulsive just now. If there is anything we can discuss carefully, there is no need to be so reckless."

Anku rolled his eyes helplessly and said coldly.

“The old guy isn’t holding anything back, he’s just been using us to achieve his goals.

We still don't know what his purpose is.

Eiji, can you be more careful sometimes and stop being so easy to deceive? It feels like anyone can fool you. "

Anku said it was really hard for him to have such a good friend as his companion!

Not only do you have to be careful of the schemes set by the opponent, but you also have to prevent yourself from being tricked by the team, which is very difficult.

Night falls.

During the night flight, Lu Li could see the stars in the sky through the clouds.

Not to mention, it was my first time to see the stars on an airplane.

However, Lu Li didn't have time to appreciate this pretty good scenery.

Just because the plane is coming soon.

It was getting late today, so Lu Li had no intention of heading to his destination right away. He could just go tomorrow.

After heading to the destination, there will be a battle that can be avoided. It is not an easy task for Lu Li to recreate Kara.

First of all, he had to beat the opponent until he was almost unable to fight back. Otherwise, as a stranger, how could Carla let Lu Li get close easily.

The plane was descending slowly, and after a while, the location of the airport was already visible.

After the plane landed and stopped, Lu Li came to country D in this world.

PS: Thank you——Typhoon vh for your monthly ticket! .

Chapter 216 The resurrected alchemist has a wild evolution from the beginning

Before, the S country that Lu Li went to felt a little backward.

The country D we came to this time was relatively developed.

The lights outside the airport were brightly lit. After Lu Li left the airport, he found a place to stay temporarily.

Prepare to leave for Kara's sealed place early tomorrow morning. Take a good rest tonight and recuperate your energy. I'm afraid there will be a battle tomorrow.

Lu Li had just settled into a luxurious suite when he suddenly received a call.

This phone call naturally came from Sonosaki Saeko.

As soon as I connected the phone, I heard the voice coming from the phone.

"Hey! My dear, are you already there?"

Lu Li smiled slightly and responded.

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