"We're here, getting ready to rest now."

After Sakiko Wano was on the phone for a while, she just hung up when another call came in.

"Hey! Lu Li, weren't you on the phone with your sister just now? I called several times but no call came in."

As soon as the phone was connected, Sonosaki Wakana's complaining voice could be heard.

"Yes, I was just talking to your sister on the phone."

"I knew, how are you doing? When will you come back?"

Although it was very simple, what Kazono Saki Wakana wanted to express was also very clear.

That means I miss you, when will you come back.

"It shouldn't take long, I will be back as soon as possible."

Lu Li was not sure how much time he would need to deal with Kara.

After all, this enemy is one whose specific abilities are unknown, and it has not waited until the plot begins. Now that he is resurrected in advance, it is unclear whether there will be any changes.

After talking on the phone for a long time, Sonosaki Wakana expressed a meaning both inside and outside of her words.

That is to let Lu Li go back as soon as possible.

In order to let this girl have a good rest, Lu Li repeatedly promised that he would go back as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, the world... finally became quiet.

Time quickly came to the next day.

Lu Li followed the information found in the Earth Library and came to a remote forest.

The trees here are lush and lush.

Who would have imagined that there is a very terrifying alchemist sealed under this desolate forest.

"It should be here."

Lu Li was suspended above the forest, quietly looking down.

The position facing him should be where the seal is.

Lu Li's eyes suddenly froze, and he stretched out his hands.


An invisible force burst out instantly.

Under this extremely terrifying force, the Dengpian Forest was trembling.


Countless leaves fell one after another, and the birds that lived in the woods scattered and fled.

It's because they feel a huge threat, and if they don't escape here as soon as possible, they may be in trouble.

Suddenly, the earth trembled.

At this location with the seal, the land was overturned by this extremely terrifying force.

The seal underneath was revealed.

When he saw the seal, Lu Li knew that he had found the target he was looking for.

Lu Li waved his hand casually.

The seal has long since become fragile after the wear and tear of time.

The seal was instantly opened under Lu Li's powerful power.

When the seal was opened, countless cell coins spewed out from below.

With so many cell coins, it can be imagined that Kara's power was definitely not weak eight hundred years ago.

The reason why the undead from eight hundred years ago were able to seal Kara may not have been defeated by frontal force, but probably by conspiracy.

After eight hundred years, the seal was opened again.

The most outstanding alchemist who slumbered within, the alchemist who created the greedy one, awakened from his sealed slumber.

Deep within the seal, a figure that looked like a mummy slowly opened its eyes.

She...is Kara.

After eight hundred years of sealing, she finally woke up from her slumber.

Her slightly dry eyes moved in a very strange manner, as if she was recalling what happened.

Soon, Kara finally understood why she was sealed.

It was entirely because the despicable king was afraid of his own power and sealed himself away.

As an alchemist, Kara's body has become like this, and there is no way to recover through normal methods.

But for Kara, it is not difficult to recover. Her alchemy has already reached a certain level.

At the same time, her body is not just that of an ordinary person.

Under the influence of her power, many cell coins covered her body crazily, and her body exuded a faint shimmer.


Along with Kara's roar, black energy exuding a curse spewed out from the ground.

Lu Li, who was floating above the forest, felt the power emerging from the ground, but his expression remained unchanged.

Lu Li was not surprised at all that Kara had such power.

Being able to make the royal capital eight hundred years ago feel deeply fearful, it can be concluded that Kara's power must not be weak.

The opened sealed hole gradually cracked under the spewing of terrifying power, like spider web-like cracks, slowly extending in all directions.


The next second, a black shadow suddenly rose into the sky from within the cracked seal.

The black shadow was approaching very quickly, aiming directly at Lu Li.

Lu Li's eyes turned slightly cold when he saw the dark shadow approaching him.


An invisible force blocked the black shadow's path.

The black shadow slammed into this invisible force, but there was no way to get closer to Lu Li.


Facing this invisible force, Heiying was obviously a little confused.

"At any rate, I was the one who liberated you from the seal. Is this how you treat your benefactor? Kara."

As Lu Li said this name, the black shadow that was about to launch another attack suddenly stopped.

When the black energy dissipated, a rather ferocious-looking strange man appeared in front of Lu Li.

Her face was hideous, with sharp teeth in her mouth and long bone spurs on her shoulders.

Her two slender arms had very sharp claws that could easily tear apart her target.

Her whole body exuded a cursed aura.

Kara could no longer move on her own body, which had decayed hundreds of years ago.

But the monster fused with the cell coin was different in form, not only possessing powerful strength, but also able to fully exert Kara's own strength.

The invisible force just now blocked her attack, and Kara also understood that the man in front of her was probably not a simple guy.

"Who... are you?"

Kara stared at Lu Li with madness in her eyes.

Eight hundred years ago, the king was afraid of her powerful power and sealed her up completely.

When she was sealed, Kara swore that after she lifted the seal, she would end this world and reshape a world where she was the king.

Now, her seal was finally broken.

This man helped her lift the seal, and she didn't mind accepting him and letting him witness the birth of the new world with her.

Moreover, the other party has this invisible power. If he can use it for himself, it would be great.

Lu Li didn't know what Kara was thinking. If he knew that Kara wanted to subdue him, he would probably laugh out loud.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but... I am here for you."

Hearing this, Kara's eyes suddenly changed, with a hint of doubt in his heart.

Come for himself?

Why did the other party come for himself, and what was his purpose?

"Kara, I... need your power."

"Need my power? Do you want me to be your subordinate?"

Kara's eyes flashed with resentment, and she couldn't help but think back to eight hundred years ago.

That was the relationship between her and the king at that time, and she ended up like this. Now that she has lifted the seal, she doesn't want to be inferior to others anymore.

She just wants to be the new king!

The king of the new world!

But Lu Li shook his head slightly at this time, pointed at Kara, and continued.

"No, I don't need you to be my subordinate. I just need you to be quiet for a while and don't make any other moves."

Remove your seal and bring yourself out, but don't want yourself to be a subordinate, just need yourself to be quiet and don't make any moves.

It sounds like nothing, but Kara won't believe it.

She has been betrayed by the king once, and this kind of thing will never happen again.

"If you want me to be quiet, it depends on whether you have the strength."

Before she finished speaking, Kara's figure flashed suddenly and appeared less than one meter in front of Lu Li.

She swapped the positions of part of the space in front of herself and Lu Li, and directly pulled Lu Li in with Lu Li.

Kara has long been familiar with the use of spatial power.

She can complete the swap between her space and the space of a certain location in a very short time.

The larger the range of the swap, the longer it takes.

Just swapping her position can be completed in a moment.

"Do you know what a terrifying...monster you released?"

Kara's ferocious face was so close that if Lu Li hadn't seen many monsters, he might have slapped her.

However, facing Kara who was so close, Lu Li remained unmoved, and even his eyes did not fluctuate at all.

"I know, it is because you are a monster that I released you. If you were not a monster, I would not look down on you."

Seeing that Lu Li was not afraid of her at all, the calmness in his eyes made Kara feel that she was not terrifying enough.

"Interesting! Then it depends on whether you can let me be quiet for a while, but please... don't die too quickly."

With a cold light in her eyes, Kara had no intention of holding back Lu Li who helped her to remove the seal.


The sharp claws swept towards Lu Li. She wanted to see what the man in front of her was capable of.

The undisguised killing intent and the sharp claws carrying the power of curse, if it were an ordinary person, he would probably have been frightened to the point of being unable to move.

Kara's attack was not fast, and Lu Li didn't even need to make any extra moves. He just took a step back.

It was because of this step that Kara's sharp claws brushed past him.


Kara was startled because he didn't feel the other party touching him.

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