The sudden change, even Kara. The brain can't turn around for a while.

What's going on? !

Didn't I stop the time around me? Why is this happening?

Where are the people? !

Where did they go? !

The next second, Lu Li's voice sounded beside her ear.

"Are you... looking for me? " "?

The sudden voice made Kara, who was in a daze, react immediately.

But before she turned around, she felt a sharp pain in her back.

There was only one thought in her mind now.

"How could it be?!"

The pain in her back made her very sober. All this was reality, not her illusion.

The wild slasher slashed across Kara's back, splashing bursts of fire.

Kara, who was hit hard, staggered suddenly.

Suddenly looked back.

When she saw Lu Li still maintaining the posture of the previous slash, Kara understood.

This person... doesn't seem to be affected by the time power controlled by her.

Why is this happening? !

Kara still hasn't figured out how Lu Li became immune to the influence of his own time power.

You know, that's the power of time!

Kara spent so much effort to study and master the power of time.

But now, the time power he exerted has no effect on this guy at all, Kara can't figure it out.

The cracks on his back were filled and repaired by the cell coins, and the pain Kara felt gradually disappeared.

"Why... are you not affected by time?"

Kara was restless without figuring out this question.

Lu Li had no intention of answering the question raised by Kara.

The power of time is not only possessed by Kara, Lu Li also possesses the power to stop time.

The Time Scarab Awakening Card of Spade 10 represents the control of the power of time.

We are not the King of Time who was stopped in time.

Of course, Lu Li can only resist the time stop.

But if he can go back in time or travel through time, he has no way for the time being.

The power of the Time Scarab is not enough to travel through time, nor can it go back in time.

Kara's fighting ability is not too strong. After all, her main job is an alchemist, and she is more inclined to the research and development of various abilities and things.

The power of time and space can almost be said to be Kara's most powerful trump card.

With the help of her own research on desire, she can even overturn the whole world.

However, the power of time and space that she has now has no effect on Lu Li.

When one's power is not enough to affect the target, the user's heart is naturally panic.

This is the situation of Kara now.

She... panicked.

Lu Li's figure flashed, raised the wild slasher in his hand and chopped it down fiercely.

Facing the sudden attack, Kara wanted to use the power of space to change her position.

But unfortunately, her action was a little slow.

Two sharp swords accurately chopped her chest from top to bottom.



Kara, who had not had time to use the power of space to change her position, screamed, and her body could no longer maintain balance and fell to the ground.

Facing an enemy who was no match for him, Lu Li would not be careless either.

Flying towards the ground at an accelerated speed, Lu Li did not want to let the duck in his hand fly away.

As Kara fell to the ground, everything that was originally still due to the power of time began to move again.

The power of time requires extremely precise control. If it is interrupted slightly, it may lead to the end of the power of time.

The weeds are flying, the trees are swaying, and everything seems to have returned to normal.



There was a loud bang, as if something hit the forest.

There was a violent vibration, and it was precisely because of this sudden loud noise that scared away countless birds and beasts.

After a smooth landing, Lu Li held the Wild Slasher and calmly looked at the deep pit smashed on the opposite side. At this time, white smoke came out of the hole.

Put the Wild Slasher in his hand together and instantly switched to the awakening bow mode.

Walking towards the deep pit step by step, Lu Li knew that this attack could not kill Kara.

At most, it would make Kara feel pain, but it was not enough to kill Kara.


Two terrifying claws extended out and attacked, Lu Li had already expected it.

He waved the Wild Slash Reporter in his hand and easily deflected one of the sharp claws. As for the other one, Lu Li grabbed it in his hand.

"Kara, I know you are not dead, there is no need to sneak attack like this, such a sneak attack... is meaningless."

The hand holding the claw exerted force violently, and a figure was brought out from the deep pit.

His left foot retreated slightly, and Lu Li took an offensive posture.

With a strong force on his left leg, Lu Li instantly did a roundhouse kick.

This kick hit Kara's chest fiercely.


Kara flew out again, and she finally stopped after hitting several thick trees in a row.

She fell hard on the ground, looking very embarrassed.

It's not that she didn't want to stand up and fight back, but she couldn't do it now.

With every violent collision, some cell coins would fall out of Kara's body.

It is conceivable how heavy the kick just now was.

Barely supporting her body to stand up, Kara looked at Lu Li's position with surprise.

She thought that after she was released from the seal, she would be able to destroy the current world in one fell swoop and build a new world.

And she would become the new king.

But the current situation is completely different from what Kara imagined.

After the seal was released, she had no way to deal with the first enemy she faced.

How could this happen? !

There was a great sense of gap in her heart. Was she unable to keep up with the times, or was she too weak?

Just when Kara felt a sense of gap in her heart, Lu Li's voice came again.

"How is it? Kara, have you decided? Do you want to listen to me? Be quiet for a while?"

At this time, does Kara have any other way?

No, obviously not!

There is no way to defeat the other party. Now it seems that there is only one way to go.

That is to listen to the other party first, do not make any moves for the time being, and wait quietly.

Even at this time, I can think about whether there are any other ways to defeat Lu Li.

"I... admit defeat."

Kara chose to admit defeat.

However, it is hard to say how much truth this admission of defeat has.

Perhaps everything Kara said is false.

But whether it is true or not, Lu Li is not worried that the other party will suddenly attack when he is replicating his ability.

In the process of replicating ability, unless the power reaches a very terrifying level, it is possible to escape from Lu Li's control, otherwise the problem is not big.

So far, only the sealing stone slab has successfully escaped from Lu Li's power control.

But the level of the sealing stone slab is different. The power of the sealing stone slab is beyond understanding. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a god-like power.

Only a part of the sealing stone slab was replicated, but it still gave Lu Li a powerful power.

Unfortunately, the sealing stone slab reacted too quickly at that time, and did not give Lu Li more time, resulting in the failure of the replication.

Otherwise, it would not be an exaggeration for Lu Li to say that he is a god now.

If the seal slab could be completely replicated, there would be no need to replicate Kara now.

Kara's condition at this time was obviously not good, and she looked very embarrassed.

In this state, if she dared to resist Lu Li, what would happen in the end was almost foreseeable.

She was a smart person. She finally lifted the seal and survived, and she definitely didn't want to die so easily.

Since she couldn't resist the terrifying man in front of her, she had to obey.

The other party didn't show any killing intentions to her from the beginning, maybe it wouldn't be bad for her?

She had already lost, and Kara could only comfort herself like this now.

Lu Li put one hand on Kara's head and instantly activated the replication.

When the power of the replication was activated, Kara's originally clear consciousness suddenly became confused.

Under the influence of this power, she couldn't make any other movements at all, and her body seemed to have lost control.

If she was in her prime, she might still have the power to resist, but now she was already scarred and couldn't resist the control of this power.

During the replication, not only the target cannot move, but also Lu Li cannot move.

Only when the replication is completed, Lu Li can move normally as before.

This requires no one to disturb him. Once it is interrupted in the middle, it may cause a partial replication or failure of the replication.

The whole process lasted about two minutes in total.

The speed of the replication process is also closely related to the strength of the target.

The stronger and more terrifying the target is, the longer the replication time will be.

On the contrary, the weaker the target is, the shorter the time will be.

Kara's outstanding ability is only her ability, as well as her knowledge reserve and smart brain as an alchemist, so it is relatively easy to replicate.

Soon, Lu Li had completed the replication of Kara.

Standing up, Lu Li gently twisted his neck.

"¨¨Ka (good king) Ka!!"

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