A crisp sound came from the neck.

He had completely mastered Kara's power, and at the same time, he also obtained all the knowledge reserves related to alchemists.

Now, he is completely an enhanced version of Kara.

Not only is he more powerful, but he also has a larger knowledge reserve, the Earth Library.

Kara, lying on the ground, also came back to her senses from that confused state.

Kara barely stood up from the ground, but she didn't feel that she was missing anything, nor did she feel that she was being treated.

This made her very confused, what did Lu Li do just now.

"What did you... do?"

But unfortunately, Lu Li was not prepared to answer Kara's question.

For Lu Li, Kara was just a guy who could be used. Now that he had been used up, he was naturally no longer needed.

In order to prevent this guy from doing something big, Lu Li was still prepared to eliminate Kara in advance.

After all, Kara was almost a madman, and he was determined to subvert the entire world and make himself the king of the new world.

Although his strength was good, he was still far from becoming the king.

Lu Li's current strength cannot guarantee that he will be 100% invincible in the future environment, let alone Kara, who was defeated by him.

The development is real, and the others are not important.

"Kara, your mission has been completed, so... it's time to end it."

His face changed suddenly. How could Kara not know what Lu Li said.

Especially Kara has already felt the murderous intent emanating from Lu Li.

This guy... wants to kill herself? !

She already knew that the guy in front of her was not someone she could defeat. Since she had no way to defeat him, she would think of a way to escape.

As long as she escaped faster, there should be a chance to get out.

If she is still alive, everything can happen again, subvert the whole world, and become the king of the new world.

She, Kara, wants to be the king of the new world!

Chapter 218 Aren't you looking for me to settle accounts? Birth, an unrecoverable body

Kara, who has already had the intention to retreat, once again mobilized the power of space and exchanged herself with a certain position.


The figure disappeared in front of Lu Li, and Kara appeared far away the next second.

However, Lu Li ignored Kara who was far away from him, as if everything was under control.

He looked so confident, as if everything was already destined.

Kara frantically used the power of space exchange to help herself move, running farther and farther.

She didn't even know how long she had been running, but she could already see the edge of the forest.

Kara turned her head and found that there was no trace of Lu Li, and she was immediately delighted.

Fortunately, she acted quickly and ran away at the first time, so she had hope of survival.

"Wait! When I become the king of the new world, I will definitely settle accounts with you!"

Kara at this time still wanted to become the king of the new world.

"Want to settle accounts with me? It won't take that long, I'm here now."

The sudden voice came from above, making Kara, who was originally delighted, suddenly freeze.

She raised her head in disbelief and saw Lu Li above her.

"How is it possible?!"

Her tone was full of fear, she couldn't understand why Lu Li appeared above her.

You know, she used all her strength to help herself escape with the power of space exchange, and she didn't feel Lu Li using the power of space exchange.

But how did the other party catch up with her, and why didn't she know anything about it.

A flash of fear flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly realized that she had never been able to escape from the other party's Five Fingers Mountain from beginning to end.

Unexpectedly, the clown was actually me? ! This may be the true portrayal of Kara's heart at the moment.

I thought I had successfully escaped, but in the end it was still contrary to my wishes, completely different from what I imagined.

Seeing the other party's surprised look, Lu Li smiled lightly.

"Nothing is impossible, don't you want to know what I did just now? This is what I did."

Before the voice fell, the voice just reached Kara's ears, and Lu Li's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next second he appeared in front of Kara.

Kara, who has reached a certain level in the use of space power, naturally knows that Lu Li just now was not fast, but disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of her, which is a higher use of space power.

Why did the other party master space power?

What's going on? Why is it so similar to my power, but also a little different?

While wondering, Kara was also very nervous.

I... I'm afraid I can't escape!

I just revived, but I met such a tough guy. Is it my bad luck?

Lu Li not only mastered Kara's power, but also developed new abilities based on the use of space power.


Able to appear in a flash wherever you look.

Compared with the exchange of space, teleportation is obviously much faster.

Of course, the target of teleportation can only be yourself or the things you carry.

"Okay, Kara, it's time to end. In order to thank you for your help, I will send you off with my strongest blow."

Kara: Thank you so much! !

Taking a deep breath, Lu Li's truth burst into a dazzling golden light.

Kara, who was illuminated by the golden light, quickly blocked her eyes with her hands. The golden light was too dazzling.

All the red heart series cards floated above, flashing a faint golden light, and then merged together, turning into a card and falling into Lu Li's hands.

After reaching the wild awakening card, Lu Li swiped it across the wild slasher in his hand.


The powerful force gathered on the wild slasher, and the bow arm emitted a dazzling golden light.


The figure flashed, and Lu Li slashed out the fatal blow without hesitation.

Kara wanted to use the power of space exchange to escape again, but found that the space around her seemed to be locked by some force and could not exchange space.


Faced with the attack of the wild slasher, Kara let out a hysterical scream of fear.

She thought she could rule the world, but she didn't expect that she would go to hell just after resurrection.

"Wild Cyclnoe!"

With the power of the green wind, the Wild Slasher instantly slashed through Kara's body.

"Ah... Ugh!"

Kara, who was still screaming in fear, slowly fell down.


The flames of the explosion shot up into the sky, sweeping everything around for a while.

The impact of the explosion splashed a lot of sand and dust, and wild flowers and weeds died under this impact.

When the flames of the explosion dissipated, Lu Li appeared intact at the same place.

Looking at the pit caused by the explosion, Kara inside had long disappeared, and Lu Li's mood did not change much.

All this was expected before, Kara was destined to be only a stepping stone for himself.

After gaining the power and ability of an alchemist, Lu Li had no interest in this area.

After canceling the transformation, Lu Li glanced at the pit where nothing was left, turned around and flew into the air, and flew away.

The strongest alchemist of a generation, Kara, finally came to an end.

At the time of resurrection, apart from Lu Li, no one else had even seen him. It was really sad that the curtain fell like this.

When leaving, Lu Li did not forget to use the power he had just obtained.

"Shua shua shua!"

The figure flashed quickly in the sky, and every step he took could appear in a very far place in the next second.

It was completely inconsistent with common sense and had surpassed conventional cognition.

This was the application of teleportation, and it was easy to be in a very far place now.

Just after Lu Li left for a while, a group of people rushed here.

But when they saw the situation of this dense forest, they all went to the sealed place.

This group of people were the experts invited by Hong Shang Guangsheng to help him assess the news about the seal of the former alchemist.

After the assessment, it was known that the alchemist was sealed in Thuringia, but the specific location had not yet been figured out.

Before, they explored nearby and wanted to find the former seal. As a result, they heard a loud bang from this side not long after, and everyone was startled.

After the decision, everyone approached carefully and found the sealed place.

But before they could be happy, they found that the sealed place had been lifted and the surroundings were in a mess. It seemed that a fierce battle had taken place.

They didn't know what was going on, so they could only inform Hong Shang Guangsheng of the news immediately.

After all, the other party was the boss, and how to make the decision depended on the boss.


Hong Shang Foundation Building.

Hong Shang Guangsheng was still thinking about what to do next.

After all, Anku now knew that the other core coins were still in his hands, and he could still stabilize it temporarily.

But the longer it dragged on, the harder it would be to stabilize it.

After all, Anku was always a greedy person, and there was no doubt about that.

Since he was a greedy person, he had an almost fanatical pursuit of his core coins.

Hong Shang Guangsheng must find a way as soon as possible, and he must not let Anku get all the core applications in a short time.

He didn't want to create a complete greedy person now.

With Oz's current power, if he faces the complete Greedy, the possibility of winning is almost zero.

He doesn't want to see this kind of thing.

Of course, how to deal with this matter is a little troublesome.

At this moment, Mitsuo Hongo suddenly received a call.


"President Hongo! We are the exploration team from Thuringia. We have found the seal, but..."

When he learned that the exploration team had found the seal, Mitsuo Hongo stood up excitedly.

"Did you really find the seal? That's great!

Where are you now? Send me a location, I will go to you immediately!"

The seal of the alchemist who made the core coin eight hundred years ago is worth his visit.

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