However, the next second, the voice from the other end of the phone made him silent.

"Sorry, President, when we came here, the seal had been broken, and it seemed that the sealed things inside had escaped.

There were traces of fighting at the scene, and the specific situation is currently unknown."

With a frown, Hong Shang Guangsheng was in a slightly bad mood at this time.

Things seemed to be a little different from what he thought. Why did the sealed alchemist suddenly escape?

There was also a fight at the scene. What was going on here?

All the questions could not be explained, and Hong Shang Guangsheng was quite irritated.

However, since the sealed alchemist had escaped from the seal, there was not much meaning for him to go there at this time.

It was meaningless if he couldn't find the other party.

"You continue to look for it, and notify me immediately if there is any news."


Then he hung up the phone immediately, and Hong Shang Guangsheng pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

I don't know why, these two things are not going well.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Mitsuo Hongo suddenly received another call.

"Hello! What's the matter?"

"Report to the president, the body you asked us to keep before, he...he...suddenly disappeared!"

"Anku's body?"

A solemn look flashed across Mitsuo Hongo's face. This situation was a little beyond his expectations.

After the unconscious body of Anku was discovered, he had arranged for people to keep it.

Before, he took out a vulture core coin from the body, which was originally intended to be used as a reward for Oz.

Unexpectedly, it was precisely because of the loss of this core coin that the body of Anku, which had no consciousness, had the idea of ​​taking back the core coin.

It was because of this idea that a new consciousness was generated, a consciousness different from Anku.

"Anku" with consciousness naturally could not lie quietly in that place.

He wanted to find his own core coin, take it back, and make himself complete.

Greedy people are very magical. Once they have consciousness, they can give birth to new individuals.

Since there is only one cell coin with consciousness, other core coins can also generate new consciousness.

This is the current state of Anku. One is the original Anku, and the other is the newly born "Anku".

After hanging up the phone, Hong Shangguang scratched his head in distress, with a bitter look on his face.

"It's troublesome."

He felt that this matter was very troublesome and might not be so easy to handle.

Fortunately, Anku didn't know about this matter for the time being, otherwise... he would definitely kill him.

"Forget it, let them deal with this matter themselves. Who can stay and become the real Anku, I am quite curious."

Decisively chose to throw this matter to Anku and Hino Eiji, and Hong Shangguang Mitsushi couldn't control it at the moment.

Erika Satonaka, who was eating cake on the side, saw the boss with a rich expression and shook her head helplessly.

This big cake has been eaten by her, and she is going to take a walk to digest it.

At this time, Anku was standing by the water, and he was ready to give it a try.

Let’s see if he can restore his body with the three core coins in his hand.

For the greedy, the body is nothing more than core coins and cell coins.

Although his body is not here at the moment, maybe he can restore his body with three core coins?

If he can restore his body, he will have some combat power, and he won’t be as weak as he is now.

When he thought that his body was still with the cunning old man Hong Shang Guangsheng, Anku felt very uncomfortable.

When he recovers his body, he must teach that guy a lesson.


He dared to hide his body, and he must make that guy pay the price.

Standing aside, Hino Eiji was a little nervous when he saw Anku about to merge into the third core coin.

He knew very well that the reason why Quan Xinwu’s body was still alive was entirely because Anku possessed him and kept his body active.

And he was still repairing his injuries bit by bit, but if Anku recovered, he might be able to leave Izumi Shingo.

At that time, whether Izumi Shingo could survive was a question.

Thinking of this, Hino Eiji said cautiously.

"Anku! Why don't you... think about it again?"

Hearing this, Anku turned his head and glanced at Hino Eiji, shaking his head slightly.

"No need to think about it, I want to recover my body now."

Before he finished speaking, Anku directly integrated the vulture core coin into his right arm.

As the core coin returned to his body, Anku felt a surge of power in his body.

"Uh ah!"

With a sudden force, a pair of wings shining with a faint light appeared behind Anku.

It looked very gorgeous, dazzling and single-eyed.

However, this posture did not last long, and the pair of wings behind Anku shattered.


Hino Eiji, who witnessed this goal with his own eyes, didn't know whether he should be glad or sad for Anku.

Thankfully, Anku didn't recover his body, which meant he could continue to possess Izumi Shingo.

Sad, although Anku is a greedy person, the two have been together for a while and can be regarded as friends. He will naturally feel sad if he can't solve his friend's difficulties.

But Anku, as the person involved, looked at his arm in disbelief, his eyes wide open.

"How could this happen?!"

He couldn't accept it for a while, why did this happen.

Obviously, he already had enough core coins, so he should be able to recover his body, but why...

Even Anku was full of doubts in the face of this situation he had never encountered before.

The core coins were indeed in his hands, but his body could not be recovered. There must be a reason.

Could it be... the problem is with the body?

This idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and Anku was just suspicious now.

Whether the specific situation is like this is still unknown.

At this time, Hino Eiji came over and asked in confusion.

"Anku, why hasn't your body recovered?"

Anku, who was thinking, came back to his senses and shook his head.

"I don't know, what's going on now? I can't explain it myself, but it seems that I can only continue to use this body for the time being."

Anku himself is unwilling to leave this body.

Mainly because when he is attached to this body, he can taste all kinds of flavors and see a world full of colors.

He can live like a normal person, instead of being obsessed with desires like a greedy person who is always unsatisfied.

Of course, it is impossible to tell Eiji Hino about his thoughts.

The two are just tied to each other now, barely friends, not close partners.

When the two sides really become partners who can rely on each other in the future, Anku may be willing to tell Eiji Hino what he is pursuing.

"Let's go."

"Oh, here we come."

The figures of the two gradually walked away, and the target direction was Kuskuchi.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Blank (!

Thank you for the monthly ticket of Death God Front! .

Chapter 219 Return, perception and love goal? !

Time came two days later.

Lu Li, who had completely digested Kara's power, finally set foot on the land of Fengdu again.

Now Lu Li can confidently say that his intelligence is even better than Philip~.

Although Kara is an alchemist, she has created a new life form with human body. It is not a god, but it is a kind of existence close to God.

She has a very rich knowledge reserve, which is almost beyond the reach of human beings.

Now, all this knowledge reserve belongs to Lu Li.

It is precisely to digest and absorb these that Lu Li has delayed for more than a day.

As soon as he walked out of the airport, Lu Li saw Yuyuan Lai who was waiting for him outside the airport.

Yuyuan Lai, who has been subdued, is currently considered a member of the museum.

The reason why he is considered a member of the museum is entirely because Yuyuan Lai only listens to the orders of one person.

This person is Lu Li.

Except Lu Li, no one else can order Yuyuan Lai.

It's just that the undead Yuhara Lai is not a cadre of the museum yet, but as long as he gets a more suitable memory, it is not a problem to become a cadre.

Noticing Lu Li walking out of the airport, Yuhara Lai hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Lu."

With a respectful look on his face, Yuhara Lai had never shown such respect even when facing Da Dao Ke Ji before.

The last time she died, she did not beg anyone to save her. It was Da Dao Ke Ji who chose to save her and let her become a companion.

However, it was precisely because she trusted this companion that he betrayed her in the end.

When she was dying, he abandoned her without hesitation.

On the contrary, Lu Li saved her when she wanted to live, so that she could live.

The starting points of both parties are different, so naturally the respect they receive is also different.

"Let's go."

Lu Li nodded and walked out of the airport with Yuhara Lai.

Yuhara Lai drove Lu Li all the way to the company.

Seeing the scenery passing by outside the window, Lu Li remembered the memory he made for Metzl before he left.

Based on the data capacity and the time it took to make the memory, Lu Li guessed that the memory should be almost finished now.

"Don't rush to the company, take me to the laboratory first."

Hearing this, Yuyuan Lai didn't ask why, but just nodded and turned around immediately.



The door of the laboratory slowly opened, and Lu Li walked in directly.

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