When he came to the memory making machine, he found that the memory had indeed been made.

It was the same as the memory Lu Li had made before, and it was also a pure memory.

However, when making this memory, Lu Li referred to the production method of T2 memory.

In other words, the perception memory made can be used directly.

There is a big letter S on the memory, Sense, feeling perception.

This is a memory that symbolizes feeling and perception.

Lu Li is not sure what it will be like after use.

The main thing is that this memory is for Metzler, and it should be different from using memory for people.

After getting the perception memory, Lu Li did not stay in the laboratory for long, and returned to the company with Yuyuan Lai.


Company side.

At present, memory research has entered a more mature stage.

The problem of toxins inside the memory has also been greatly improved.

Especially before Lu Li, after the pure memory manufacturing technology was specially handed over to Sonosaki Saeko, the memory research institute made corresponding adjustments to the current memory.

On the basis of the original, various corresponding pure memories were created.

Compared with the previous memories, the power of these pure memories is partially attenuated, but there will be no negative effects of toxins.

The pure memories created are currently being tested, and after the test is completed, they will eventually be put into the market.

Compared with the previous memories with side effects, such memories will inevitably be more popular.

Sonosaki Saeko has been very busy these two days, and has been busy with the problem of new memory data testing.

All the data test materials are all on her desk, waiting for her to check.

After reading these materials, Sonosaki Saeko is naturally happy.

Memory research has finally ushered in a new step.

As long as this step is completed, even Kamen Rider W, who protects this city, will not be able to move memory users at will in the future.

In the future, memories will no longer be corroded by toxins, and in many cases, they will no longer become monsters.

Even W can't do anything to people who haven't transformed, right?

As long as the other party doesn't do anything bad, W can't find any reason to do it.

The museum that becomes the object of memory provision will become the target of many people's pursuit.


It doesn't exist at all.

After completing this step, no one will embarrass the museum.

This is a kind of technology that can make human beings progress, and no one will hinder human progress.

If there is such a person, he will become the public enemy of everyone.

"Knock knock!!"

There was a knock on the door.

Sonosaki Saeko said casually without raising her head.

"Come in."

The next second, Sonosaki Wakana hurriedly walked in from outside.

As soon as she entered the door, Sonosaki Wakana couldn't help complaining.

"Sister, you don't know, I'm really annoyed these two days.

The Memory Research Institute has been asking me to provide data...providing data and so on, it's annoying."

Pouting unhappily, Sonosaki Wakana really didn't want to continue to provide data, it was too annoying.

But there was nothing she could do about it, because she had completed the ultimate evolution and could enter and exit the Earth Library at will and easily find the corresponding data.

Sonozaki Saeko, who was reading the report, raised her head and smiled helplessly.

Her sister was good in everything and was quite obedient, but she just couldn't stand boring work.

When she was her assistant before, the situation was not much better than this, just a little bit better.

But it was also because of the data provided by Wakana that many new memories were created later.

And these memories are pure memories without any toxins, which are more suitable for human use.

Putting down the things and walking over, Sonozaki Saeko smiled and comforted.

"Aren't you back? Okay, don't be depressed, they are just some small things.

By the way, Lu Li has arrived at the airport before, and he should be at the company soon. You are back just in time."

When she learned from her sister that Lu Li was coming back soon, the unhappiness on Sonozaki Wakana's face was swept away.

It's hard to imagine that she was still depressed just now, and she really changed her face faster than turning a book.

While the two were talking, the door of the office opened directly, without even a knock.

And there was only one person who could enter this office so casually, and that was Lu Li.

When she heard the door open without hearing the knock, Sonosaki Saeko was sure that Lu Li had returned.

When Da opened the door, both of them focused their eyes on the door.

Sure enough, the person who opened the door was Lu Li.

Sonosaki Wakana, who was originally smiling, restrained the smile on her face and walked over, dissatisfied.

"Lu Li! Good you! Too much, this time you actually went out for three days again! And you went abroad, and you didn't even take me with you!"

Before, Lu Li just said that he was going out for a trip, but didn't say how long he would be away.

The main reason was that Lu Li couldn't be sure how many days he would be away at the time, so naturally he couldn't be sure how long it would take.

After gently rubbing the little girl's head, Lu Li took out a gift box from somewhere.

The gift in the box was bought by Lu Li in Country D. Lu Li had expected that the girl would complain to him after returning.

So he thought of buying a gift to shut the girl up and leave her speechless.

As expected, when Sonosaki Wakana saw the gift, she immediately became quiet and took the gift happily.

Sonosaki Saeko came over quietly, all her thoughts were on Lu Li.

"Dear, how is it? Did you get what you wanted?"

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled.

"Of course, as long as it is something I'm eyeing, do you think I can't get it back?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li went directly to the desk and picked up a pen.

Kara has a special power that can directly convert the target into cell coins, and the number of cell coins converted is also moderate.

It was Lu Li who was holding the pen that had a stern look in his eyes, and the pen in his hand instantly turned into two cell coins and fell into his hand.

Regarding the matter of cell coins, Sonosaki Saeko naturally knew about it.

She learned from Metzl that in order to obtain cell coins, it is necessary to create a Desire Devourer and let them absorb human desires to grow.

The stronger the desire, the more cell coins you will get.

But the Greedy One does not have the ability to directly convert items into cell coins, otherwise it would have been very powerful.

Picking up the cell coin in Lu Li's hand, Sonosaki Saeko said in surprise.

"It's a very strange ability."

This is just a special ability that Lu Li has obtained, but not all of his abilities.

What is really worth paying attention to is the use of space and time power.

Then, Lu Li suddenly said to Sonosaki Wakana who was opening the gift box.

"By the way, Wakana, call Metzl and ask her to come to the company. The things I made for her are already finished."

"Oh, I know, right away."

Looking at the exquisite gifts placed in the box, Sonosaki Wakana's face was full of smiles.

She happily called Metzl.


Not long after, Metzl finally arrived at the president's office of the company.

She looked a little excited, and as soon as she entered the door, her eyes found Lu Li.

She walked over impatiently, and then she heard her eagerly saying.

"Mr. Lu, is the thing...really ready?!"

Although I don't know whether the memory will work for me, everything needs to be tried.

If it succeeds, won't I be able to gain the same perception as humans?

I can taste everything, and even experience love.

She has always longed for love and being loved in her heart, but her identity as a greedy person makes it impossible for her to experience such feelings.

·· ··Please give me flowers·· ·······

Without saying much, Lu Li took out the perception memory and put it in her hand.

Seeing the memory in his hand, Metzl's eyes flashed with excitement.

"This is a memory that I modified. It can be used directly without a memory interface. You can try it now."

After getting Lu Li's affirmation, Metzl couldn't wait to press the perception memory in his hand.


Insert the sensory memory directly below the neck.

The memory was integrated into the body very smoothly, and there was no rejection.

Lu Li nodded secretly.

The first step was passed. As long as there was no rejection, it was good news.

With a shudder in her body, Metzl felt like she was electrocuted.

A strange force spread throughout her body, from the location where the memory was inserted to the whole body.

Slowly opening her eyes, Metzl looked at herself and then at everything around her.

The eyes that were originally a little doubtful were suddenly filled with surprise.

For no other reason, she saw colors.

Yes, she really saw the colors of everything.

Although Metzl could see everything before, in the eyes of the greedy, everything was colorless.

It was as if this world was only black and white, without any novelty.

And now the colorful world made Metzl realize immediately that she had indeed gained perception.

Lu Li, who was doing this kind of experiment for the first time, didn't know how effective it was.

But when he saw the surprise in Metzler's eyes, he knew what the other party should feel.

"How is it? Is it effective?"

... ......... ...

Faced with the question raised by Lu Li, Metzler nodded happily.

"I... see colors! I can see all colors, no longer black and white!"

With a slightly excited tone, Metzler was happy that he could see this beautiful world.

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