Knowing that Metzl could already see colors, Lu Li had a rough guess in his mind.

"Wakana, go get someone to pour a cup of coffee."


Since Lu Li brought her a gift, Sonosaki Wakana happily went to get someone to pour coffee.

After a while, someone came in with coffee.

Lu Li put the coffee under Metzl's small nose.

"Smell it, can you smell it?"

Metzl closed her eyes and took two deep breaths, and a special fragrance came to her nose.

This was a smell she had never smelled before, a special smell, so fragrant!

Opening her eyes, the beautiful deep eyes were full of surprise.

She had drunk coffee after she was resurrected before, but unfortunately there was no smell.

Without Metzl saying much, Lu Li knew that she had indeed gained a sense of smell.

Then in the end, it was naturally the sense of taste.

As for other love and the like, it is not something that can be experienced at the moment, so I can only talk about it later.

"Drink it, it should taste good."

Handing the coffee cup to Metzl, Lu Li was sure that Metzl had indeed gained all the perceptions.

After taking the coffee cup, Metzl couldn't wait to sip it.

It was mellow and very smooth, a feeling that she had never had before.

After tasting the coffee, Metzl slowly closed her eyes with a satisfied expression on her face.

After seeing all this, Sonosaki Saeko was also quite surprised.

"I didn't expect that a life form like the Greedy One could actually use memory. It's so unexpected."

She couldn't help but be surprised, after all, memory is mainly designed for humans.

The Greedy One is another kind of life form after all, and it is really surprising that it can use memory.

Hahara Lai, who was standing aside like a bodyguard, saw that Metzl had achieved his wish, his eyes flickered, and there was a hint of envy in the depths of his eyes.

Metzl had achieved his wish, so what about her?

How she wished that she could also become a normal human again, and not be like this now.

Seeing delicious food but not being able to eat it, not being able to drink milk tea, and feeling cold, she was like a living dead.

At first, she had doubted that what Lu Li said about helping her recover her body's vitality, or even helping her revive, was false.

But seeing with her own eyes that Metzl had changed from a state where she could not perceive the world to what she is now, she had a glimmer of hope in her heart.

As long as she stayed with Lu Li, maybe... everything would be true!

This man had very strong power and very terrifying talents.

One day, she might be able to live like a human.

At this time, after tasting the delicious coffee, Metzl opened her eyes and stared at Lu Li with her beautiful eyes.

Seeing that the other party was staring at him, Lu Li asked with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Just say what you want to say."

However, Metzl's next words surprised everyone in the daily life.

"Mr. Lu, I... want to... date you."

Metzl's expression was very clear. You're only dating if you haven't done it before! Zuo Xiangtaro: Where is my spring?


Saeko opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Huh?!" Wakana slightly widened her eyes, her eyes scanning back and forth between Lu Li and Metzler.

"..." Yuhara Lai's expression did not change much, but her eyes twitched obviously.


Mina, who had just walked in from the door, froze in her place, at a loss.

Obviously, she also heard Metzler's "bold words" just now.

Even Lu Li was at a loss by Metzler's sudden "confession".

"Cough cough cough!!"

Coughing uncontrollably, Lu Li did not look at Sonosaki Wakana's slightly resentful eyes.

This look... I can't stand it!

That resentful little look seemed to want to kill me.

Then Lu Li asked back.

"Metzler, then... do you know what love is?"

After a slight hesitation, Metzler shook his head directly.

"Well... I don't know."

She just gained the ability to perceive, and can see the colors of the world, smell all the breaths, and taste all kinds of flavors.

How could she know what love is?


I don't know!

Before Lu Li could say the next word, Metzl added.

"It's because I don't know what love is that I want to fall in love with you. Is there any problem with that?" seems that there is really no problem!

Lu Li found that what Metzl said was right. It was because he didn't know what love was that he wanted to fall in love.

For a moment, he was speechless.

Suddenly, Sonosaki Wakana ran to Metzl, put her hands on her waist, and said righteously.

"Hey! Metzl, you are too much! You actually snatched Lu Li in front of me and my sister. Don't you take us too seriously?!"

I always feel that this sentence seems to sound a little weird.


However, Metzl's next words, "Three Nine Three" immediately left everyone speechless.

"Ruo Cai, my relationship with Mr. Lu will not affect your relationship.

Your relationship is what it should be, and I will not affect your relationship."

Good guy!

If you don't say something shocking, you'll die!

What you said... is really reasonable!

Even Lu Li couldn't help but silently give Metzl a thumbs up.

As expected, Metzl is really daring!

If it was Mina, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to say such shocking words.

As expected, Lu Li saw Mina standing by the door, staring at Metzl with shining eyes.

[Metzl... is amazing! She can actually say such words in front of Miss Saeko, Miss Wakana and Mr. Lu Li. ]

The little stars in her eyes are clearly visible, and it is obvious that she is full of admiration.

As the eldest sister, Sono Saeko's face did not change at all. She is the eldest sister anyway, and there is no doubt about this.

Moreover, doesn't this just prove that his vision is right?

It is precisely because Lu Li is excellent enough that even a greedy person like Metzl is willing to choose to follow him.

Hearing the shocking words, Yuhara Lai slightly turned his head to the side.

She had never experienced the taste of love, and didn't understand what it was like.

This topic seemed to be a bit unsuitable for her for the time being.

If there were special effects, you could see that a big cross appeared on Sonozaki Wakana's forehead.

She had never seen such a speechless thing since she grew up.

Noticing Metzl's extremely firm eyes, to put it bluntly, she had determined Lu Li, and she couldn't correct it.

Then she sighed slightly, and Sonozaki Wakana helplessly glared at Lu Li all night.

"Hey! It's really a bargain for someone, hum!"

With a slight shrug, Lu Li said that this was not his fault, and he would not take the blame.

From the beginning, Lu Li accepted Metzl and let her join the museum, and naturally he had his own ideas.

Since Metzl had gained the perception that humans should have, it was naturally impossible to give her to others.

Even without Metzl's sudden "confession", Lu Li would not let Metzl go.

In this way, Metzl and Lu Li inexplicably changed from a subordinate relationship to a romantic relationship.

Even now, Metzl doesn't know what love is.

In order to be able to fall in love with Lu Li, Metzl specially found Sonozaki Wakana and wanted to learn from her.

Suddenly, she was inexplicably entangled, and Sonozaki Wakana felt very speechless.


You said you stole my man, and you actually asked me to give you advice?

Isn't this a bit too much? !

But when facing Metzl's eyes full of curiosity, Sonozaki Wakana had to hold back even if she was unwilling.

I actually helped another woman fall in love with my man. This feeling is so strange!

Mina, who should have come earlier, actually always admired Lu Li in her heart.

But Mina has always kept this feeling in her heart and didn't take the initiative to say it.

Now suddenly seeing Metzl's bold behavior, her heart suddenly became subtle, and her eyes glanced at Lu Li from time to time.

How could Lu Li not see Mina's little tricks and little thoughts?

This girl is not as brave as Metzler, and Lu Li is not in a hurry.

Let this girl think it over carefully and make a decision after thinking it over.

After all, Lu Li will not say that he will spend the rest of his life with someone.

As an undead creature, Lu Li himself will not age or die, and his time is very long.

In this long time, it is natural to find more people who can accompany him and spend a long life together.

Otherwise, it will be very boring in this long life.

Once too bored, it is possible to fall into madness and do some irrational things.


Night falls in Fuuto.

The bright moon hangs high, and the dark and deep night sky is lit up with stars.

The noisy city gradually quiets down, and many lights of various colors are turned off one after another.

Minghai Detective Agency.

In the past few days, the commissions of Zuo Xiangtaro Street are all insignificant small commissions.

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