There has been no request for dopants.

This made Shotaro Zuo feel very strange. Is there no dopants in Fuuto anymore?

This thought flashed through his mind.

He thought it was impossible.

As long as the museum is still there, Gaia memory will definitely be produced.

Since it has been produced, naturally someone will want to buy it.

If Gaia memory is used many times, it will be corroded by the toxins in the memory and become an uncontrollable dopants.

As long as the museum is not cleaned, this problem will never be solved.

But why has it been so quiet these days? No request for dopants has been received, it's so strange!

The detective agency welcomed an old acquaintance, Terui Ryu.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Shotaro Zuo sitting in a chair in deep thought.

"Zuo, what are you doing?"

Coming back to his senses, Shotaro Zuo looked at Terui Ryu who suddenly arrived, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Terui, why did you come here suddenly? Is there a case about doping? Do you need Philip's help?"

Seeing that Zuo Xiangtaro seemed a little excited, Terui Ryu didn't understand what he was excited about.

Then he shook his head and denied it without hesitation.



Right now, Zuo Xiangtaro, who was rubbing his hands and full of expectations, was caught off guard by this sudden denial.

His face suddenly fell, and Zuo Xiangtaro sat back in his chair, saying with a look of despair.

"Then why did you come here suddenly? You don't come here for no reason. It's impossible that you just come to see us, right?"

Before Terui Ryu could answer this question, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side.

"I invited Long here!"

It turned out to be the director Ming Hai Ajuko.

"You invited him here? What do you want to do by inviting him here? We haven't received any commissions for doping recently. What's the point of you going to Long?"

Confused in his heart, Zuo Xiangtaro obviously didn't understand what Ming Hai Ajuko really wanted to express.

After coughing twice, Ming Hai Ajuko carefully glanced at Terui Ryu, and her face couldn't help but turn slightly red.

She lowered her head, her hands were nowhere to put, and she said very quietly.

"Ahem! Actually... Actually... I just want everyone to get together and have a meal."

Seeing Ming Hai Ajuko like this now, Zuo Xiangtaro obviously felt that this matter was not that simple.

Moreover, this was the first time Zuo Xiangtaro knew that Ming Hai Ajuko would actually blush.

It's simply... too outrageous!

Usually Ming Hai Ajuko has always been carefree and has never shown such a little girl's expression.

Even Zuo Xiangtaro was full of surprise in his heart and said that he couldn't understand it.

Could it be... this girl is in love?

Looking at Ming Hai Ajuko with a scrutinizing look, Zuo Xiangtaro felt that he should not be wrong.

Ming Hai Ajuko, who was stared at like this, suddenly felt a sudden jump in her heart, and was a little worried that Zuo Xiangtaro would see it.

She quickly grabbed Terui Ryu's arm and pulled him to the side.

"Let's go, let's go and have some good food, and ignore this guy."

She ran away with a slightly red face.

This just explains everything, just as Zuo Xiangtaro thought.

"Hey! It's the season for girls to be in love again, my spring... where are you?"

Zuo Xiangtaro looked up at the ceiling, as if he really missed the arrival of his own spring.

A group of people gathered at the dining table, and Ming Hai Akiko took the lead in raising the drink cup in her hand.

"Everyone, everyone has worked hard in the past period of time. Recently, it has been relatively quiet and harmonious, so I thought of gathering everyone together to celebrate.

Come on, everyone, let's toast to the quiet and harmonious Fuuto together."

Ming Hai Akiko had already started, and the big men naturally couldn't not give face, so they all raised their cups and drank.

"Terui, have you heard any news about doped bodies during this period? It seems to have been quiet in the past few days, and I haven't even heard any news."

Satoro Sae has been thinking about this for a long time, but he still can't figure out what's going on.

The current situation is really not normal.

Why did the museum suddenly stop moving? Is it preparing to implement a bigger conspiracy?

This question is still unknown, it's just a guess...

Shaking his head slightly, Terui Ryu whispered.

"No, our Paranormal Crime Investigation Section has not received any information about doped body cases during this period.

It's like all doped bodies suddenly disappeared, and I don't understand the current situation."

Both sides are the same, and they haven't received any relevant news.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Satoro Sae's mind.

Kujo Aya!

Since Kujo Aya was transferred to the Investigation Section 1, there has been no movement.

"What's Kujo Aya like now? Has she not made any abnormal movements recently?"

When he mentioned Kujo Aya, Terui Ryu paused again.

Putting down the cup in his hand, Terui Ryu said in a deep voice.

"No, she has been acting like a normal police officer during this period, without any action.

If I hadn't confirmed that she had joined the museum before, I would have thought she was a normal police officer."

This is very strange. No one made any move. It's not normal!

Anyway, Shotaro Zuo always felt that this matter was not that simple.

Originally, there would be impurities coming out from time to time, but now it suddenly became quiet. It was really puzzling.

Noticing that Terui Ryu and Shotaro Zuo seemed to be thinking about something, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi pouted unhappily and urged them.

"Ryu, Shotaro, what are you thinking about? Eat quickly, hurry up!

It's rare to get together for a meal, so don't think too much. Many of these are made by me. Eat them all."

"You made it?!"

Shotaro Zuo and Terui Ryu exclaimed at the same time.

Obviously, the two of them were not optimistic about Ming Hai Ya Shuzi's cooking skills.

His face sank slightly, and Ming Hai Ya Shuzi stared at the two of them.

"What? Do you two... have any opinions?"

I don't know where she took out the necessary green slippers, and the threat on Ming Hai Ya Shuzi's face was already very obvious.

Seeing the green slippers that were eager to try, Zuo Xiangtaro and Terui Ryu chose to shut up at the same time.

It is better to be silent at this time. If you talk too much, the end may not be good.

The two shook their heads in agreement.

"No! Absolutely not!"

The attitude changed 180 degrees in an instant. Ming Hai Yashuzi had put away the slippers without knowing when.

The next second, she smiled.

"Okay! If so, then get started quickly. I will give these things to you. You must eat them all.

If you can't finish them... Hehe! Hehehe!"

This laughter was so harsh to the two of them.

The body trembled, and then stopped talking, and started eating with a bitter face.

At this time, it is better to eat honestly. If you talk more, you may be beaten with slippers.


The next day.

Sonosaki Saeko had already gotten up and went to the company, so Lu Li was naturally the only one left in the room.

However, there was a little surprise today.

There was not only Lu Li in the room, but also another petite figure.

Staring at Lu Li on the bed, Metzler's eyes were full of curiosity.

As a greedy person, she had no intention of sleeping 2 or 7 times.

Even though she had gained human perception, she still maintained the habits of a greedy person.

The reason for her curiosity was that she felt that a being as powerful as Lu Li should not need to sleep.


Before she opened her eyes, Lu Li suddenly said.

"I said... why are you lying here looking at me?"


Lu Li opened his eyes slightly and looked at Metzler.

"What are you curious about?"

"For humans, the meaning of sleeping is to restore the spirit and the body.

But this should be unnecessary for you."

Metzler's beautiful eyes flickered, as if she was expecting Lu Li to explain this question.

"It's really unnecessary, but time doesn't mean much to me, it's just a way to kill time.

Besides, whether it's Saeko or Wakana, they are still human beings in the current situation, and they need to rest."

After all, they have to toss for so long at night, it's impossible not to let them rest.

Nodding thoughtfully, although Metzler wanted to experience the taste of love, she was like a pure newbie now.

Understand nothing, know nothing.

Without getting entangled in this issue, Metzler took the initiative to invite.

"By the way, I'm going to go back first, Lu Li, do you want to go back with me?

My core coins are not collected yet, I want to go back and find the core coins first."

Core coins are what all greedy people have been chasing, especially their own core coins, which are indispensable to them.

Even though they have gained human perception now, Metzler still needs to get her core coins back.

Last time, facing Oz's lion, tiger and leopard team, the reason why she couldn't beat it was because there were not enough core coins in her body.

Once she becomes a complete form, Oz will have the strength to defeat the opponent even if she uses a joint team.

Chapter 221 Target, core coin, lure the snake out of the hole!

Standing up and sitting on the bed, Lu Li raised his hand and gently stroked Mazel's smooth black hair.

The two of them looked at each other, and then they heard Lu Li say.

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