"Core coin? I see."

Lu Li had naturally been to the city where Oz was located in the previous year.

However, at that time, Hong Shang Guangsheng had not yet discovered the seal of the Greedy Man from 800 years ago, and there were no Greedy Man and Desire Devourer in the city.

Lu Li still remembered that when he met Hong Shang Guangsheng, the other party also proposed to cooperate with him.

To be precise, Hong Shang Guangsheng wanted to cooperate with the museum.

Like the museum, there is also the figure of Consortium X behind the Hong Shang Foundation.

Consortium X has always been committed to the research and sale of military weapons. It is a group of long-term investors who can't afford to lose money, and merchants of death.

And the research on core coins that Hong Shang Guangsheng has on hand is also useful to them.

Especially after learning that 800 years ago, the alchemist actually created a powerful creature like the Greedy Man, Consortium X naturally couldn't pretend not to see it.

All existences that can become weapons have a certain value in the eyes of Consortium X.

As for whether Consortium X can finally get investment, it depends entirely on how great the value of the project is.

With the investment of Consortium X, the Hongshang Foundation was able to develop so smoothly.

Otherwise, the research on the coin system alone would require a lot of funds to maintain.

Lu Li gently stroked Metzler's smooth and fair face with his fingers, and after pondering for a while, he nodded.

"Okay, there's nothing to do for the time being, so I'll go with you and help you get the remaining core coins."

Metzler, who already has human perception, behaves exactly the same as humans.

She was quite nervous just now, worried that Lu Li would not want to go with her.

Even if Metzler's own strength is good, if she has to face Oz and Anku's joint efforts, she might be a little worse.

As for relying on other greedy people, Metzler has never thought about it.

Kazali and Wufan are both harboring their own ulterior motives, and they cannot be absolutely trusted, or even treated as companions.

The relationship between them is just a relationship of mutual use.

If there is a relationship of interest, it can continue, and if there is no relationship of interest, they will go their separate ways.

As for Gamel, although he listened to Metzler's words very much, Metzler was just acting with him.

Now that Metzler has found the person he has chosen, it is naturally impossible for him to continue to play along.

22 "Thank you, Lu Li."

With a smile on her face, Metzler imitated what she knew and hugged Lu Li.

This look is exactly like a girl in love.

It is hard to imagine that she was even a greedy person who could not feel any emotions yesterday.

After putting on her clothes, Lu Li said something to Sono Saki Saeko and the others, and took Metzler out directly.

As for Yuyuan Lai, she originally planned to go with them, but when Lu Li took the perception memory in the research institute before, he input the relevant data of the blazing memory and remade a new one.

The use of memory originally requires adaptability, and Yuyuan Lai's most suitable memory is blazing.

The previous T2 memory has been received by Lu Li. All 26 T2 memories are here with Lu Li.

He is still useful, so naturally he cannot be given to Yuyuan Lai.

In this case, we can only make a new fiery memory for Yuyuan Lai to use.

We started making it yesterday, and it will be completed in about two or three days.

And after completion, it does not need to be checked, it is a completely stable memory.

With Yuyuan Lai's current state, even if he goes to the neighboring city, he will not be of much use.

Even if he is dead, his physical fitness is only close to the human limit, and will not exceed the human limit.

With such combat power, it will not be of much use if he goes there.


At the same time.

In the abandoned bar.

Gamel, who has always stayed here, did not appear here today, contrary to his usual behavior.

Holding a book in his hand, Kazali had a treacherous smile on his face.

"Tap tap tap!"

His other hand rhythmically tapped the table, and Kazali looked confident.

Watching Metzl thrive in the Wind City, he provided them with a lot of cell coins, which temporarily relieved them of their worries.

Now that they have no worries for the time being and don't need to get cell coins, they can only concentrate on getting core coins.

At present, Kazali only has four core coins of his own on hand.

Of course, he wants to get his core coins back.

Now we know that Anku has his core coins, and there are quite a few of them, so of course he has to find a way to get them back.

But Kazali didn't know one thing, that is, Anku and Hino Eiji lost two of his core coins when they went to the Wind City before.

These two cat core coins are all in Lu Li's hands.

At this time, Kazali thought that the rest of his core coins were in Anku's hands.

According to the information he had obtained before, it can be known that Anku has been using the human network, one is to find the Desire Devourer, and the other is to find clues about the core coins.

Since the other party can use the network, then he can also.

In order to complete this plan, he must have the assistance of Gamer and Ufan.

In any case, Oz and Anku are always together, so it is not convenient for them to do anything.

If you are not careful, you may even be robbed of more core coins. For them, this is unacceptable.

The reason why Gamer is not here is because he sent him to do what Gamer wanted to do.

Unlike all other greedy people, Gamel only does what he likes and is very loyal to his desires.

As long as Gamer is allowed to go out, a lot of things will happen.

It was impossible for Oz to just watch the Devouring Monster or the Greedy One causing trouble without caring about it. When the two of them fought, Anku would naturally be alone.

Anku, who is alone, currently has very weak combat power, not much stronger than humans, making it much easier for them to deal with him.

Turning to the side, Kazali saw Wufan who was drinking.

A greedy person has no sense of taste at all. Even if he drinks alcohol, he cannot taste anything, it is colorless and tasteless.

"Ufan, it's almost time. When are you going to take action?"

He didn't want his plan to go wrong. He finally came up with this plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, so Kazali naturally had to be more careful.

Hearing this, Wu Fan turned around on the stool with a wine bottle in his hand, a proud expression on his face.

"Kazali, I'm not following your orders. I just want to get back my own core coins."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the wine bottle in his hand on the ground.


The wine bottle shattered when it hit the ground.

Facing Wu Fan's unruly look, Kazali shrugged slightly, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Whatever, if I want to remind you, our plan has already begun. If you miss the plan this time, you don't know whether it will succeed next time.

Gamel won't be interested in everything, don't you think? "

Even though Kazali was unhappy, Wu Fan also knew that the core coins were the most important thing at the moment, and everything else could be put aside.

The two of them disliked each other, which happened a long time ago.

"Hmph! As long as you know."

Afterwards, Wu Fan walked towards the outside of the abandoned bar with his mobile phone.

While on the road, he posted a message on the Internet that he had seen a strange green coin at a certain factory location by the canal.

After editing this message and posting it online, Wu Fan went to the destination in advance to wait.

Kazali was the only one left in the abandoned bar, with a smile on his lips.

Everything is under his control. As long as he plans well, he should be able to get back a lot of core coins.

He doesn't expect to get all the core coins back at once, but as long as he can get some of them back, that's not bad.

Multinational restaurant, Kuscucchi.

Huano Eiji had gone out earlier and was not in the store for the time being.

Anku, on the other hand, was eating popsicles in the attic while scrolling through messages on his phone and tablet.

He found that since he learned to use smart tools such as mobile phones, it has become easier to find those appetite monsters.

Once there is any news, it will be announced on the Internet as soon as possible.

News like the appearance of monsters are very popular on the Internet, and it’s hard not to see them.


Suddenly, Anku saw a special message.

This news is exactly the fake news edited by Wu Fan before, in order to draw out Anku.

"Strange coin? Is it...a core coin?"

Now Anku is very concerned about any news related to core coins.

Regardless of whether the news was true or false, he had to go and confirm it.

If it is really a core coin, this trip will be worthwhile.

Afterwards, Anku immediately walked down to the attic and hurriedly left the multinational restaurant.

Seeing Anku leaving in a hurry, Izumi Hina shouted.

"Anku! Hello!"

But at this moment, Anku only focused on the news about the core coins, and he was not interested in anything else.

"Really, why did he run out in a hurry again?" Izumi Hina sighed helplessly.

You must know that Anku is using her brother's body now, and she is very nervous about her brother's safety.

The manager of the restaurant, Chiseko Shiraishi, walked over and looked at the door.

"Did Anku go out? Did you say what you were going to do?"

Hearing this, Izumi Hina shook her head with a wry smile.

"No, it would be nice if he was so conscious."

If she was so conscious, Izumi Hina wouldn't have to worry about her brother's physical safety at all.

At this moment, Huano Eiji happened to encounter the bison eater created by Gamer.

Seeing the people being persecuted by the Buffalo Devouring Monster, Hino Eiji certainly couldn't just sit idly by and ignore them.

In the past, when Anku wanted to ensure that he was not around Hino Eiji, he would be in trouble when he encountered greedy people.

So he left the Oz driver and three basic transformation coins to Hino Eiji.

Immediately taking out the drive and wearing it on his waist, Hino Eiji quickly inserted three coins into the drive.

"Taka! Tora! Batta! Ta·To·Ba, TaToBa, Ta·To·Ba!"

After completing his transformation, Oz immediately pounced on the Buffalo Devourer.

Gamer, who was originally having fun, suddenly became unhappy like a child when he saw Oz suddenly rushing over and interrupting his fun.

"Oz! Go! Kill him!"

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