As soon as he finished speaking, Gamer put down the snacks in his hand and stood up. After the cell coins on his body surged, he turned back to his greedy appearance.

"Ka Ka!!"

Twisting his neck, a crisp sound was made.

At this time, Oz, who had already collided with the bison devourer, naturally noticed Gamer.


I thought there was only one devourer, but I didn't expect there was a greedy here.

In other words, he had to use the most basic form to fight two, and one of them was a greedy.

For a moment, Oz suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Gamer punched hard, his fist was very powerful, and Oz quickly blocked it with his arm.


It was blocked, but Oz felt like he was hit by a truck at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, and was blown away on the spot.


Falling to the ground, Oz couldn't help but scream in pain.

He didn't expect that the opponent's power was so strong that he could be blown away with one punch.

"No! I must notify Anku immediately."

In the current form, it is almost impossible to defeat Gamel and the Bison Devourer.

The only way is to hold on until Anku comes, switch the core coin, and fight in other forms.

As for how to notify Anku, Oz saw a vending machine on the side, and quickly got up from the ground, took out a cell coin and put it in the vending machine.

He took out a green can from it, and after pressing the button on it, the green can suddenly turned into a mechanical locust that looked quite strange.

Oz, holding the mechanical locust, immediately 393 said loudly.

"Anku, I'm in trouble here, come and help me quickly, I need core coins!"

After saying that, he threw the mechanical spring in his hand directly.

The mechanical mantis landed smoothly and jumped into the distance, and soon disappeared.

And Oz needs to face the mixed doubles of Gamel and the Bison Devourer.


On the edge of the city.

Lu Li and Metzl have also arrived in the city.

For Lu Li, it would be easy if he wanted to come to this city alone.

Directly using space exchange or teleportation is much faster than rushing.

However, it is also quite nice to enjoy the scenery along the way.

"It's still the same as when I came here before. It's been a year, and there haven't been many changes."

Metzler, who stood beside him and held Lu Li's hand, couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Lu Li, have you been to this place before?"

After she met Lu Li, she had never seen Lu Li come to this city.

As for what happened before she met him and after he was sealed, Metzler naturally didn't know

"I came here once, the last time was a year ago, and you hadn't woken up at that time."

This is true. At that time, Metzler was still sealed in the sarcophagus, and it was just a pile of coins.

"What is your next goal? You want to find your core coin back, so there should be a goal or a destination."

Metzler is not particularly clear about his core competitiveness.

After he woke up, the core coin in his body was missing.

But Anku didn't seem to have his core coin in his hand, so where did his core coin go?

This is a very worthy question. Could it be... hidden by someone else?

This possibility is not ruled out.

When Metzl was sealed, she couldn't do anything at all.

After a flash of embarrassment on Metzl's face, she shook her head.

"I don't know. I don't know who has my core coin now. Maybe it's the other greedy people, maybe Anku and Oz.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it may not be easy to find my core coin."

Although the greedy people have a strong perception of the created desire monsters, they can confirm the target location in a very short time.

But the core coin and the desire monster are not the same thing. It is a foolish dream to want to find the core coin in this way.

Lu Li knew in his heart who had Metzl's core coin.

"What are your plans?"

He lowered his head slightly and fell into thought.

After a while, Metzl looked in a direction.

Then he pointed in that direction and said.

"Well... I don't know where my core coins are yet, but I think we can go find Kazali and the others to find out what's going on.

I haven't been here all this time, so they must know more about the core coins.".

Chapter 222 The more you yell, the more excited I am! Are you kidding? !


Lu Li suddenly remembered that he still had two core coins belonging to Kazali.

I don't know if Kazali could guess that the two core coins that originally belonged to him were now in his hands.

Due to his arrival, the plot had already been messed up. ,

Even Lu Li didn't know exactly when it happened now.

Did Hong Shang Guangsheng give the last cat core coin to Oz?

Lu Li was only slightly concerned about where the plot was going, but he was not worried about any big changes.

Lu Li, who was strong, did not need to worry about any changes.

With his own strength, he could easily solve all possible problems.

Then this unpredictable problem was naturally not a problem.

"Let's go, let's go find them together and see what they are doing now."

As soon as the voice fell, Metzl happily pulled Lu Li's arm and walked in the direction of the finger just now.

With human perception, Metzl seemed to be very happy every day.

This kind of happiness was not a false happiness of self-comfort, but real happiness.

As a greedy person, he would not have such an experience. That is, Metzl, who now has a perception memory, can experience happiness.


Outside a factory by a canal.

According to the news he got on the Internet before, Anku rushed here as soon as possible.

Parking the vending motorcycle next to it, Anku glanced at the area and it seemed that no one was there.

Is there really a core coin in such a remote place?

He couldn't help but think of this question in his mind.

But since he was already here, he couldn't just not take a look.

According to his analysis, in addition to the core coins here and with other greedy people, there should be some missing, probably in the hands of other people.

As for who that person is, it is still unclear.

However, Anku already had a suspect in his mind.

The suspect was naturally Hong Shang Guangsheng.

Since that guy could hide his body, he could hide other core coins.

Although he didn't know what this guy's purpose was, Anku's keen intuition told him that Hong Shang Guangsheng must have a purpose, but he hadn't noticed his purpose yet.

Crossing an aging iron gate, Anku walked inside.

Not long after, he finally found someone here.

The man was wearing a green leather jacket, sitting on a pipe, with his back to him.

Although Anku felt a little strange in his heart, he didn't think too much. Maybe the other party was the one who released the news, and he might know the core coins.

He hurried over and came to the man, and Anku couldn't wait to ask.

"Hey! It was you who posted the news just now, saying that you found a strange coin. Can you show it to me?"

His tone was not polite at all, as if he had already taken the other party in his arms.

After hearing this, the energetic young man who had been lowering his head suddenly raised his head. It was Wu Fan.

However, this was the first time that Wu Fan met An Ku in this form.

It was also because of this that An Ku did not recognize Wu Fan at the first time.

Standing up, Wu Fan had a swaggering and arrogant smile on his face.

"Hehehe! An Ku, I didn't expect you to not recognize me.

You should... be seeing me in this form for the first time."

This very familiar voice made An Ku understand instantly.

This is all a trap!

But even if he understood it, An Ku had no chance to escape at this time.

The right arm suddenly changed back to his greedy arm, and quickly attacked Wu Fan.

He wanted to make the other party flustered while he attacked, and then take the opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that Wu Fan, who had already made sufficient preparations, would never give An Ku another chance to escape.

He instantly changed back to his original form and grabbed Anku's arm.

Wufan looked at Anku in front of him and grinned.

"Anku, don't worry, let's talk slowly. We have finally waited for this opportunity. We have plenty of time, don't worry.

Oz can't come to save you. He can't even save himself now, how can he have time to take care of you."

All this is exactly as planned. Even if Wufan doesn't accept Kazali, no matter what, the strategy used by the other party is very effective.


His face sank slightly, and Anku already understood that this matter today might not be so easy to solve.

With a sudden force, Wufan tore off Anku's arm in an instant.

Izumi Shingo, who lost the parasite, lay straight on the ground.

Anku, who has been controlled, has a fast brain, trying to find a way to escape.

"Wufan! With a brain like yours, there should be no way to come up with such a strategy. It should be Kazali.' "

As soon as these words came out, Wufan was in a bad mood.

He didn't like others saying that his brain was not flexible.

Besides, he is not stupid, he is just reckless.

"Anku, it is true that this plan was thought up by Kazali, but you must not forget that you are in my hands now.

You angered me so much, don't you think about the consequences for yourself?"

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