Before he finished speaking, the hook on Wufan's right hand stretched out.

White electric light shone on the hook, and it got closer little by little, and finally touched Anku's palm.


Feeling the pain coming from his hand, Anku couldn't help but scream.

Wufan controls the power of thunder and lightning, and controlling thunder and lightning is just his specialty.

Call it!

The harder you scream, the more excited I get!

This is the most true portrayal of Wu Fan's heart.

He just wanted to torture Anku and make this guy understand that it was best to keep a low profile when doing things and not be too arrogant.

I was arrogant in front of myself before, now it's time to pay the price.

The remaining arm was shaking slightly, and Anku was not in good condition.

He was quite upset. He should have screened the information transmitted online more carefully.

But you are not the only one who can learn to use mobile phones and computers, other greedy people can also do it.

If he could escape this time, he would never make such a stupid mistake again and cause himself so much trouble.

But it is not easy to escape now.

Wufan held on to this guy very tightly, not giving Anku any chance to escape.


There was another burst of electric shock, and Anku screamed again.

He must find a way to escape as soon as possible, otherwise he may not be able to hold on for long in his current situation.

After some torture, Anku was in a very embarrassed state.

There was white smoke rising from his arm, and he was seriously injured.

Injuries are not a big problem for the Greedy One, as long as they have enough Cell Coins, they can be healed.

But the problem is that there are no cell coins for him to use now.

"Anku, what's wrong? Weren't you very arrogant before? Now... you continue to be arrogant! Hahahaha!"

Wu Fan looked like a villain at this moment.

He had wanted to torture Anku like this for a long time. He finally seized this opportunity, how could he miss it so easily.

Noticing the electric shock coming again, Anku already had a plan in his mind.

[It seems... I have to give up one or two core coins this time.

Ufan! I remember the revenge this time! Just wait and see! 】

Anku, who already had a plan in mind, deliberately pretended to be very weak.

After another electric shock, Wu Fan casually threw Anku's arm to the ground.

He raised his leg and was about to step on it, but Anku quickly flew up to avoid it.


Wufan, who had been prepared for a long time, swung out the hook in his hand and hit Anku hard on the arm.


Only a scream was heard, and several cell coins fell out of Anku's hand, as well as two core coins.

With this force, Anku fell to the side.

As for Wufan, all he could see now was the core coins. When he saw the core coins flying out, he couldn't wait to jump up and catch them.

While Wu Fan's attention was not focused on him, Anku hurriedly hid aside.

He quickly took out the canned locust machine and suddenly threw the other canned locust machine at Lao Gao.

The locust canning machine unfolded directly and turned into a mechanical locust, landing on a high place.

"Here we go, the core coins! Anku, don't be so stingy, hand over all the remaining core coins you have!"

Wufan, who had already obtained the core coin, suddenly turned around, only to find that the Anku people had disappeared.


He's not stupid, just a little reckless.

Only then did he understand that the reason why Anku suddenly dropped two core coins just now was actually just to attract his attention.

Just to make it easier to escape, he was careless!

"Damn it! Anku, you guy...!"

Wu Fan, who knew that he was being played, was very angry.

Anku, who was hiding, did not forget to taunt him.

"Ufan! I think you'd better think of a way first to make your stupid head, which only knows how to turn around in front of you, become smarter."

Even greedy people also have anger.

Wu Fan tried hard to find the place where the sound came from, but the sound seemed to be so far away.

"Asshole! Anku! Did you throw the core coin on purpose?"

Anku, who was in a very bad state now, was not ready to continue chatting with him.

He is not really leaving now, he is just trying to lure Wu Fan away so that he can have a chance to leave.

"Hmph! Don't forget, you still have a core coin with Kazali. Help me say hello to Kazali! Goodbye!"

"Wait! Anku!"

The sound seemed to gradually fade away, which made Wu Fan feel very unwilling.

There was no response, and Wu Fan didn't think about it, thinking that Anku had really left.

He lowered his head and glanced at the two core coins in his hand. One was his own and the other was Kazali's.


With a slight snort, Wu Fan jumped up suddenly.

Everyone has left, and there is no point in him staying here. What else can he do if he doesn't leave.

After Wufan left, Anku couldn't hold on any longer and lay directly on the ground behind a nearby stone pillar.

There was still a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, and Anku looked very embarrassed at the moment.

"Phew! Finally... escaped!"

It is not easy to recover from an injury, especially for Anku who cannot obtain cell coins. It is even more difficult to recover.

This time, Anku was fully aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Kazali planned to set a trap for him this time. He was lucky to escape. There must be no next time.

In the future, it is better to bring Eiji Hino with him, otherwise he will die without knowing how he died if he encounters such a situation again.

He was lucky to survive this time because he gave up two core coins.

Covering his arm, Anku did not want to move at all.

Due to the injury, one side of the wings on his arm has turned black.

This state is very bad, but without cell coins, it is not easy to recover.

Eiji Hino has finished the battle here.

He suddenly received the lion core coin sent by Goto Shintaro arranged by Hong Shangguang. With the help of the strong light emitted by the lion and the new coin, he successfully repelled Gamel and the bison devourer.

The stronghold of the greedy.

Looking at the abandoned bar in front of him, Lu Li suddenly asked.

"¨¨Metzler, have you ever thought about changing places? This place that looks like a garbage dump is actually used as a base by you."

After asking this question, Metzler shrugged slightly.

"Lu Li, before, I didn't have human perception. As a greedy person, I don't care about what you said at all.

We care about our own desires. Everything is black and white in our eyes, and everything we eat has no taste.

All this has no meaning to us, but we just think that this place is not easy to be noticed by people."

Metzler thought that there was nothing wrong with this abandoned bar before.

But now that she has human perception, she saw this abandoned bar and a hint of disgust flashed in her eyes.

"Let's go. I haven't been back for a while. I don't know how they are doing?"

As he said, Metzler pulled Lu Li into the abandoned bar.

At this time, Kazali, who was sitting inside reading a book, suddenly heard a sound coming from outside.

He didn't care too much in his heart. He just thought that Wufan or Gamel had completed the task and returned.

Kazali was reading the book leisurely, feeling extremely comfortable.

It was so comfortable to make a plan and then let others execute it.

You can get the core coins without much effort.

Before anyone came in, a familiar voice came.

"Kazali, why are you alone here?"

When he heard this familiar voice, Kazali was suddenly startled when he turned the book.

Metzl? !

He had never expected that Metzl would suddenly come back at this time.

Suddenly looking up, Kazali saw Metzl walking in with a smile on her face.

When he was about to say something, he suddenly noticed that there was someone behind Metzl.

A person... he had never seen before.

With a slightly frowned brow, Kazali pointed at Lu Li and asked curiously.

"Metzl, why did you come back suddenly? And... who is he? Why did he come back with you?"

With a vigilant heart, Kazali has always been the one who thinks the most. He will be vigilant enough to any strange existence.

More importantly, when he saw Lu Li for the first time, he felt that he was not an ordinary person.

Especially when he and Lu Li looked into each other's eyes, his heart suddenly tightened, as if... he had met a very scary guy.

The last time someone gave him this feeling was eight hundred years ago.

The first generation of Kamen Rider OOO, the king eight hundred years ago.

He even felt that the man in front of him was more terrifying than the king eight hundred years ago.

Kazali regarded this absurd feeling as his own illusion.

He had seen with his own eyes how powerful the king eight hundred years ago was. How could this man in front of him be comparable to the king eight hundred years ago.

That's right, this must be an illusion.

Lu Li didn't take Kazali's vigilance to heart.

He casually looked at the abandoned bar, which was dirty and messy everywhere.

I can only say that it was too lame.

In other words, the greedy have no way to perceive the beauty and ugliness of this world, otherwise how could they live in such a place.

Metzl took Lu Li's arm very intimately and leaned his head on his arm.

"I came back suddenly, of course, to collect my remaining core coins. As for the one next to me, she is my current... love interest."

When Kazali got this answer, he was completely confused.

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