He had just stood up from the chair, and before he had time to stand still, he almost jumped away from the sudden words.

Looking back and forth between Lu Li and Mezier, Kazali's eyes were full of surprise.

"Huh? Love... object? Mezel, are you sure... you're not kidding me?

You are a greedy person. How do you perceive the world? Do you know what love is? ”.

Chapter 223 Gamer has different thoughts and gets angry!

Greedy people have no perception of this world at all, and crazily long for perception of this world.

Unfortunately, longing is longing, but feeling it is another matter.

Kazali absolutely does not believe that Mezier will really fall in love with someone, it must be a lie.

How can a greedy person who doesn't understand what love really mean can truly fall in love?

Metzl did not answer the other party's question and just smiled.

Regarding the sensory memory, it was absolutely impossible for her to tell other greedy people without Lu Li's consent.

Even though they were barely companions before, this didn't make Mezel take them too seriously.

Most of the relationships between greedy people are based on mutual use, all in order to achieve perfection and become the strongest form.

Of course, there are not exceptions to this.

The only exception might be Gamel.

This guy is just like a follower, always following Mezel.

Don’t ask for anything, just follow.

He could even give everything he had for Mezel, even the core coins.

"Just think I'm joking. Let me introduce him to you. He is Lu Li, from Fengdu."

In a very brief introduction, Metzler did not elaborate on Lu Li's identity.

Because it's not necessary.

She and Kazali just have a cooperative relationship at most. Is it necessary to make the matter so clear?


With a murmur, Kazali always felt that this matter was not that simple.

This Lu Li's identity is currently an unsolved mystery, but he is probably not an ordinary person.

After searching for so long, Mezier didn't find Gamer and Wu Fan, and he said doubtfully.

"Kazali, why didn't you see Gamer and Ufan? Where did they go?"

Hearing this, Kazali slowly put the hat beside the table on his head, covering his medium-length yellow hair.

"They went ahead with the plan."


He was slightly startled, it was obvious that Metzler didn't know what plan he was talking about.

During this period of time, she had been away and had no idea what they had done and how many core coins they had obtained.

With their own supply of cell coins, they should... get the core coins.

At first, that's what Metzl thought.

Seeing that the two of them were chatting enthusiastically, Lu Li didn't interrupt and just found a chair to sit down.

In this way, you don't regard yourself as an outsider at all.

Seeing Lu Li being so casual, Kazali narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't know what he was thinking.

Metzl's sudden return caught him slightly off guard.

As long as it doesn't affect your plans, there should be no problem.

But it is still unclear whether this man who came back with Mezier 713 will affect his plan.

Hope not.

As for the romantic relationship that Metzl just mentioned, Kazali didn't take it to heart at all.

That was just Metzl deceiving himself.

How could he know that Metzl has now gained human perception and that the love relationship is a real relationship and not fake.

At this moment, there was suddenly a violent knocking on the door.


Then, he saw Wu Fan striding in from the door.

"Kazali! Damn it! Hand over my core coins quickly!"

A voice full of anger sounded. Wu Fan was very angry about Anku's sudden escape.

In addition, he already knew that Kazali had snatched a core coin of his own from Anku, so he naturally wanted to get it back.

But when he came in, he found that Mezier, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, appeared in the house.


When he saw that Wu Fan had even lost his armor, Mezier had some suspicions in his mind.

"Ufan, what are you...?"

When the greedy man's nine core coins are complete, his armor is complete.

When the core coin is missing, the upper body armor or lower body armor will disappear.

The more core coins are lost, the more armor disappears.

As soon as she saw that Wu Fan had no armor on him, she knew that Wu Fan must have lost the core coin again.

"Metzl, don't worry, I must teach this guy a lesson today.

Hello! Kazali! Take out my core coins quickly, otherwise... don't blame me for being rude! "

After bypassing Mezier, Ufan came to Kazali and grabbed his clothes.

Even though Wu Fan knew it, Kazali had no intention of admitting it.

"Ufan, what are you talking about? I really don't know. I'm not the one making the plan this time. Are you going to grab the core coins? The core coins should be at your place."

The indifferent look on his face made Wu Fan even more unhappy.

"Shut up! Anku has already told me that you have one of my core coins! Hand it over!"

While speaking, Wu Fan has already changed back to the Greedy Form.

But Kazali is not easy to mess with, and he is not afraid of Wu Fan.

Instantly changed back to the Greedy Form, and confronted Wu Fan.

His situation is similar, and there is no armor on his body.

It means that a lot of his core coins have also been taken away. The two are really the same.

Looking at the two people like this, it seems that they are ready to fight here, and Metzler's mood (ccbd) is a little bad.

I just came back, and these two people are going to fight in front of me. Isn't it a bit disrespectful to me?

With a frown on her eyebrows, Metzler waved her hand casually.


A stream of water with a very strong impact instantly soaked the two people.

The two people who were originally fighting each other immediately calmed down under the impact of this strong water flow.


With Metzler mediating, the two men did not continue to fight even though they disliked each other.

Although he did not know what happened, Metzler understood what the two men were fighting for.

Kazali had previously snatched a Wufan core coin from Anku, but did not return it to Wufan, but hid it.

"Kazali, return Wufan's core coin to him."

"Metzler, I..."

At this time, Kazali was still thinking about struggling.


The voice was a little higher, and Metzler's tone was full of unquestionable.

"I know."

At this time, Kazali did not want to make the internal conflict worse for the time being.

Took out the core coin that belonged to Wufan that he had obtained before.

Seeing that his core coin appeared in Kazali's hands, Wufan was even more furious.

"Humph! Sure enough, it's in your hands!"

Staring at Kazali fiercely, Wufan wanted to beat this guy up.

Facing this vicious look, Kazali still didn't feel anything and said slowly.

"Wu Fan, you should have also taken back some core coins, among which there should be mine, take them out."

Kazali had thought carefully about this plan, and he would definitely get some core coins.

Now, the core coins in Anku's hands, except for his own bird-type core coins, are only his and Wu Fan's core coins.

There is no reason why Wu Fan didn't take back his core coins.


With a heavy snort, Wu Fan turned his head aside, too lazy to say anything more to this guy.

Kazali hid his core coins, so couldn't he hide his?

Shaking his head slightly, Metzl naturally saw that Wu Fan must have Kazali's core coins in his hand.

"Okay, Wu Fan, give Kazali's core coins back to him."


This time, Wu Fan didn't say much, and spread his hands, only to see that he had a yellow core coin in his hand.

The two looked at each other and threw the core coins to each other at the same time.

As the core coin returned to their bodies, they saw a surge of cell coins on their bodies, and finally condensed into the shape of armor.

The core coin was integrated, allowing both of them to recover some of their strength.

Seeing that both of them had received their core coins, Metzl nodded.

"Okay, okay, you are all good children."

Adjusting the relationship between the two was just to make better use of them later.

Metzl had her own plans in mind, and the rest of the greedy people were just objects that could be used in her eyes.

In order to get her core coin back, Metzl still needed their strength for the time being.

Although Lu Li came back with her, Metzl didn't want Lu Li to help her at the beginning.

She is not a delicate vase, but a powerful greedy person.

As a cadre of the museum, she naturally has to show her mind and strength.

Glancing at Lu Li next to her, Metzl's eyes seemed to be asking Lu Li if there was anything wrong with her doing this.

Noticing Metzl's eyes, Lu Li nodded slightly, which was considered to be an approval of Metzl's actions.

Seeing that Lu Li recognized what she had just done, Metzler smiled.

She knew that Lu Li still had two core coins belonging to Kazali.

But she did not say this.

Now the person Metzler trusted was Lu Li. Since he did not take out the two core coins on his own initiative, he must have his own ideas.

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