After getting his core coin back, Wu Fan did not show any good face to Kazali.

The two sides did not get along well, and with the grudge caused by this incident, how could he show a good face to the other party?

At this time, Wu Fan noticed Lu Li who had been watching the show beside him.

Wu Fan, who turned back into human form, frowned and looked at Metzl in confusion.

"Metzl, who is he? Why is he here?"

When Lu Li was mentioned, Metzl had a gentle smile on her face.

"He... is my boyfriend, from Fengdu, but he is very powerful."

"Boyfriend? What is that? Very powerful, how powerful can it be?"

Obviously, a muscle idiot like Wu Fan did not know what a boyfriend was.

He usually did not pay attention to these things, nor did he want to pay attention to them.

With a raised eyebrow, Wu Fan gently twisted his neck, and his fists creaked.

It seemed that he wanted to have a good exchange with Lu Li.

But unfortunately, Metzl did not give him such an opportunity.

"Enough, Wu Fan! Listen, don't ask for trouble. Lu Li's strength is not something you can reach. Back off!"

Facing Metzl's serious rebuke, Wu Fan's heart suddenly sank.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself.

[Is this guy really that strong? He can actually subdue Metzl?

Forget it, if the other party is too strong, I will be asking for trouble. 】

It is precisely because of the experience of being fooled by Anku that Wu Fan's brain suddenly became smart and he knew how to think.

In order not to cause trouble for himself, Wu Fan suddenly showed a simple smile on his face.

"No, no! Metzl, I just feel a little itchy.

I don't plan to do it. Since he is the person you recognize, he must be a very strong guy."

The polite words made Kazali on the side wonder if Wu Fan's brain had opened up.

If it was the old Wu Fan, he would never speak like this.

Among the four people, if we really have to rank the order of intelligence, he and Metzl are on par.

But his thoughts were deeper and more despicable.

Then there was Wufan, and finally there was Gamel, who hardly used his brain.

Gamel often didn't need to think at all, so he didn't count. Among the three of them, Wufan was the dumbest. I didn't expect that this guy could be smart sometimes.

Originally, Kazali even wanted to see a good show, but now it seems that he can't watch it.

I thought Wufan was going to take action, and Metzl was even ready for the battle.

But I didn't expect that Wufan would choose to retreat, which was really surprising.


There was a more violent sound at the door.

"Ah! My eyes hurt! It hurts! Hurt!..."

A burly figure stumbled in from the door, but before he could stand firmly in the middle of the hall, he stepped on the stairs and fell flat on his face.

Squatting down slightly, Metzl patted Gamel's head and asked curiously.

"Gamer? What's wrong with you?"

When Gamer heard this voice, he stopped crying all of a sudden.


He rubbed his eyes and turned his head quickly, and saw Metzl.

"Metzl?! You're back! Great, you're finally back!"

Now his eyes still hurt, but the joy in his heart made Gamer forget the pain in his eyes.

His hands kept clapping, Gamer was just like a child of a few years old.

Getting up from the ground, Gamer was ready to hug Metzl.

But unfortunately, Metzl held Gamer down with one hand.

"Gamer, no!"

Metzl looked serious, which made Gamer feel a little wronged.

Like a child who had done something wrong, he lowered his head and said at a loss.

"Metzl, why are you... different from before?"

In the past, Metzl would touch his head gently at this time, telling himself that it didn't hurt or something.

Why did it suddenly change now?

In a short period of time, Jia Meier was very uncomfortable with such a change.

"Jamier, from now on, don't always stick to me, do you understand? I don't want Lu Li to misunderstand."

Since she gained perception, Metzl has studied how to be a qualified girlfriend.

Among them, she should keep a distance from other men and not let her boyfriend misunderstand her.

She is very serious about love, and of course she doesn't want Jia Meier to affect her relationship with Lu Li.


Touching the back of his head, Jia Meier said he didn't understand at all.

How could he know what misunderstanding was, but he was very clear now, that is, because of this Lu Li, the relationship between Metzl and himself became distant.

After figuring this out, Jia Meier was unhappy instantly and stomped on the ground hard.

"Boom boom!!"

It must be said that Jia Meier's strength is really not small.

Stamping the ground hard can actually make the earth tremble slightly. Although it is only this area, it is enough to show that Jia Meier is very powerful.

"I don't care! Metzler, who is that Lu Li? I want to defeat him!"

As he was saying this, Gamel suddenly noticed Lu Li sitting next to him.

With resentment rising in his heart, Gamel immediately set his sights on Lu Li.

"You must be Lu Li! I don't care! Go to hell! Metzl... is mine! Ah!!"

Jamiel rushed over quickly and hit Lu Li hard with his head.

Seeing that Jamel was so impulsive, Metzl didn't react for a while.


She said inwardly.

It wasn't that she was worried about Lu Li, but she knew how strong Lu Li was.

Jamel, who was hot-headed, suddenly rushed forward. In Metzl's opinion, this was no different from seeking death.

If Lu Li really got angry about this, Jamel probably wouldn't know how he died.

In any case, Jamel listened to him anyway, so there was no harm in keeping him.

On the other hand, Kazali and Wufan, who were standing aside, both watched this scene with interest, without any intention of stopping it.

They were very curious in their hearts, what kind of power this man who looked so mysterious had.

And they were naturally happy to see Jamel suddenly attack.

It is also good to test Lu Li's strength in this way.

Chapter 224 The Greedy Man who was killed instantly by Joker, Lu Li = absolutely can't afford to offend!

Facing Gamel who was approaching him quickly, Lu Li's mouth curled slightly.

There was a smile on his face that the Greedy Man could not detect.

Strength, he was not afraid of competing with Gamel in strength.

Just right, since Gamel has taken the initiative to deliver himself to the door, it would be a bit unreasonable not to teach him a lesson.

Teaching him a lesson will be more useful in the future.

Standing up, Lu Li completed the transformation in an instant when he stood up.

It is still an awakening device, but the red heart in the middle has turned into a green heart.

A ferocious armor, a sharp sickle on the right arm, and these two long tentacles on the top of the head.

There are two sharp protrusions on both sides of the head, and a silver iron chain is worn on each side.

The ferocious face under the green mask is chilling-.

Lu Li suddenly transformed, but he scared Metzler and the other two.

Only Gamel, who rushed over headlong, had no feeling at all.

Even Metzler saw Lu Li's Joker form for the first time, and he had goose bumps all over his body.

The remaining two people, Kazali and Wufan, had an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

Their intuition told them that the guy in front of them was very scary, and they must not provoke him, otherwise... they would definitely die.

It was not death in the sense of having the core coin taken away, but death in the sense of having the core coin erased.


The sharp horn on Gamel's head hit Lu Li's left hand hard, and a powerful force directly lifted the stool behind Lu Li away.

The bottles and jars around him were instantly broken by this terrifying force.


You know, Gamel tried his best to hit him, but Gamel found that he seemed to be unable to move forward at all.

He exerted his strength secretly, but it didn't have any effect, and he still couldn't move forward.


"How could it be?!"

Wu Fan and Kazali were both shocked.

They knew very well how powerful Gamel was.

They would never dare to confront Gamel, otherwise the other party would let them know what it means to break ten thousand tricks with one force.

When the power is strong enough, no matter how many skills you have, it doesn't make much sense.

Kazali bit his nails hard, and he was very uneasy in his human form.

[Who is this guy? ! He can actually block Gamel. Judging from his body shape, he should not be a power type.

He is not a power type but has such a strong power, so his fighting power...]

At this time, Kazali finally understood what Metzl said before.

This so-called Lu Li does have very strong power.

To be able to subdue Metzl, this power may not belong to the king of eight hundred years ago, and it may even be more than that.

Similar to Kazali's shock, Wu Fan was also resentful about this matter.

[It seems that I can't offend this Lu Li casually in the future. He is too strong. 】

His idea was relatively simple, that is, don't provoke Lu Li.

Wu Fan was a typical bully who only bullied the weak and feared the strong. He would just squeeze the weak and give in when he met an iron wall.

Compared with the shocked two people, although Metzl had never seen Lu Li in this form, she knew that Lu Li was very powerful no matter what form he turned into.

The surprise in her eyes disappeared, and Metzl smiled confidently and sweetly.

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