She believed that Lu Li could easily stand up Gamel, there was no doubt about that.

And what happened next was even more surprising to the three of them.

Especially Kazali and Wufan, they swore that they had underestimated Lu Li.

"The strength is OK, but... it's still far from it."

Lu Li's voice came, and his arm suddenly exerted force, pulling Gamel unstable and about to fall forward.

However, Gamel did not fall to the ground. When he was fully reacted, he was lifted up by Lu Li.

Directly backhanded, Lu Li slammed Gamel to the ground.


The ground trembled slightly, and a lot of gravel splashed out.

Gamel didn't even take a move? !

He was knocked to the ground, which was really unbelievable to the other three.

But Lu Li was not ready to end it. He punched Gamel in the chest just after he fell to the ground again.

"Hua La La!"

With this punch, Gamer's body suddenly turned into many cell coins, which scattered all over the ground.

Fortunately, the core coin in the cell coin was not damaged, otherwise Gamer might not even have the chance to become a complete body.

With just two moves, the power defense type Gamer was beaten into a coin state.

This terrifying power is really shocking.

The abandoned bar calmed down instantly.

Metzl has recovered from the shock, she knew that Lu Li would definitely win.

But I didn't expect the victory to come so quickly and so easily.

It's outrageous!

Looking at the cell coins and core supplies scattered all over the ground, Metzl waved his hand lightly, and a stream of water quickly came.

Quickly wrapped all the cell coins and core coins on the ground together.

As long as there are core coins and cell coins with consciousness, you can restore your body.

At present, Gamer can't restore his body immediately in this state, and needs a little repair.

Kazali and Wufan looked at each other, and they could see deep shock in each other's eyes.

Who could have thought that the person Metzl found would be so strong.


Swallowing nervously, Wufan already knew that Lu Li was very powerful.

This kind of big boss-level existence should be avoided as much as possible.

Fortunately, he just held back, otherwise it would not be Gamel who was beaten into the state of cell coins and core coins, but he would die.

Watching this scene with lingering fear, Wufan's inner complexity is indescribable.

After resolving the battle, he switched back to the form of the ancestor of mankind.

Sitting on the chair very elegantly, giving people a sense of invincibility.

At this moment, Metzl also gathered all the cell coins and core coins on the ground together.

Gather the cell coins and new coins in his hand together and merge them into one.

"Jamiel, why don't you listen? I told you just now, but you just don't listen."

Shaking his head helplessly, Metzl had already reminded Jamel, but this guy was stubborn and couldn't change his mind.

However, Metzl didn't mean to blame Jamel.

Whether it was eight hundred years ago or after the resurrection, Jamel had always had the best relationship with her.

The most important thing was that he could give everything for her.

That's why among the four greedy people, Metzl's words were the most important.

She represented not only herself, but also both her and Jamel, so her right to speak was naturally heavier.

Lu Li followed the pile of coins and asked curiously.

"Metzl, when can he turn back to the way he was just now?"

Hearing this, Metzl thought for a moment and answered immediately.

"According to the time, it should take more than an hour to rest, and then he should be able to recover."

Nodding slightly, Lu Li didn't kill him just now.

If he really kills, it will be a question whether Gamer's core coin is still there.

It is not only the power of the Free Dinosaurs that can destroy the core coin. When the power is strong enough, the core coin can also be broken.

The most important thing for the Greedy is the core coin. Once the core coin is broken, there is no way to become a complete body.

Unless someone can make the same type of core coin.

But their core coin was made by the alchemist Kara 800 years ago. In this era, how could anyone make it?

And even if Kara is still there, it is impossible to help them make core coins.

For all their core coins, the Greedy attach great importance to them.

In the past, Metzl was the leader of the four Greedy with Gamer.

Now there is such a terrifying guy, even Gamer, who has not even resisted twice, and he is Metzl's boyfriend.

In the current situation, Metzl has absolute say among the Greedy.

Of course, they have the right to choose not to listen or leave, but even if they leave, where can they go?

Can I take back all the core coins and become a complete body by my own strength?

It's difficult!

Wufan and Kazali knew this very well. It was impossible for them to defeat Anku and Oz together with their own strength.

For this reason, it is still necessary to stay first.

Several people discussed with each other what action would be most beneficial. After getting enough core coins, they would naturally leave.

"Metzl, I haven't been to this city for a long time. Let's go out for a walk. If you have anything to do, you can handle it yourself first."

After saying that, Lu Li was about to leave the abandoned bar.

In addition to wanting to go out and explore the city, another reason was that Lu Li didn't like the environment of the abandoned bar.

It really has no taste at all to choose a place like this as a base.

"Okay, I'll find you later."

Metzl came back rarely, so he naturally wanted to find out what happened during the recent period.

She also saw that Lu Li had no interest in what happened here, so she naturally would not force Lu Li to stay here.

After seeing Lu Li leave, the solemn atmosphere in the abandoned bar suddenly calmed down.

Kazali and Wufan both breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't even dare to breathe just now. When Lu Li was here, the feeling of oppression was too terrifying.

Noticing the figure that had disappeared by the door, Wu Fan said with lingering fear.

"Metzl, how did you find such a terrifying monster in Fengdu? Gamel was killed so easily."

He swore that if possible, he would never meet someone as terrifying as Lu Li as his opponent.

Even if he becomes a perfect body, he still has no confidence that he can defeat Lu Li.

Rolling his eyes at Ufan, Mezier crossed his arms and said coldly.

"Ufan, pay attention to the way you speak. He is not a monster, but my boyfriend. Do you understand?"

····Ask for flowers····

Wu Fan was speechless for a moment, then he touched the back of his head and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes! I understand, who is this boyfriend of yours?"

Then, Metzl explained Lu Li's identity.

"Lu Li is not a simple person, he is the strongest person in the Fengdu Monster Organization Museum. Even the leader of the museum obeys his words.

The museum is also a very powerful organization, and the cadres inside are very powerful..."

Kazali, who was leaning against the wall, listened carefully. When he learned that Mezier had become a cadre of the museum, his eyes suddenly changed.

Unexpectedly, during this trip, Mezier picked up such a big deal and became a cadre of a weirdo organization.

This also means that Mezier now has a very powerful backing, which is hugely different from greedy people like them.

Kazali, who was already thoughtful, was thinking about how to maximize his own interests.

If you can get the help of the guy just now, it shouldn't be a problem to get the core coins back.

But what he didn't know at all was that Lu Li still had two of his core coins on hand, and he had snatched them from Oz.

Near the factory on the canal.

Due to the loss of some cell coins and injuries, Anku's condition is not optimistic.

Feeling that his body could no longer hold on, he originally wanted to abandon his current body and think of other solutions.

But before he left far, he was forced to come back.

His condition is very bad now, and he must have a body to support him, otherwise he will not be able to bear it.

There is no other way but to continue to cling to this body and find a way to hold on for a while longer.

..... ...

He looked so embarrassed that he was really embarrassed to call Hino Eiji.

If he was like this, if Huono Eiji saw him, he was worried that the other party would laugh at him.

Even greedy people are very face-saving, especially Anku.

He didn't want to be underestimated by the other party.

I don't know how long it took, but Anku fell asleep without knowing it.

When attached to a human body, he also needs to ensure that the body rests.

Suddenly, Anku suddenly opened his eyes, and he felt the breath of the Devouring Monster.

【Devouring monster? If you can get cell coins from that guy, you should...]

Thinking of this, Anku immediately prepared to take action.

But his current condition is not good, and even controlling this body to walk normally is a problem.


Falling to the ground and crawling bit by bit, Anku didn't want to let Eiji Hino see him like this even if he was in such a state of embarrassment.

However, Hino Eiji was sitting on the pipe nearby and watching him quietly.

"Anku, you were really embarrassed this time."

Suddenly raising his head, Anku saw Huino Eiji. He felt very uncomfortable when the other party saw him in such a mess.

He immediately scolded him.

"I want you to take care of it! What are you doing here?"

For a moment, Huino Eiji naturally knew that Anku was a tough talker now.

It is obvious that his condition has reached this point now, but he still doesn't want to help.

Taking out a few cell coins from his pocket, Hino Eiji continued.

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