"This is the cell coin I got in advance from Mr. Hong Shang. I think it should come in handy."

When Anku saw the cell coin, his eyes almost glowed green.

His current condition was very bad, and it became very difficult for him to even walk, let alone fight.

Even if there really was a Desire Devourer, the possibility that he could get the cell coin from the other party was almost zero.

But Anku also understood that there was no free lunch in the world, and asked in a deep voice.

"Are there any conditions?"

He didn't believe that the treacherous and cunning guy Hong Shang Guangsheng would be so kind to help him.

Absolutely impossible!

Hearing this, Hino Eiji smiled and shook his head.

"No conditions."

His eyebrows twisted into a river character, and Anku would not believe that the old man had no purpose.

"How is it possible."

"Nothing is impossible, didn't you make an appointment with him before?

Forget it, I'm wearing underwear today, and I'm probably not going to die, so..."

Hino Eiji walked over and threw the cell coin in his hand to Anku.

As one cell after another entered the arm, Anku's injured arm instantly recovered.

Although it was just a few cell coins, it should be no problem for Anku to maintain his body at present.

After barely standing up, Anku felt that he was in a much better state now.

"I don't understand what you are thinking now, but you are definitely a fool who can be used."

Although he said this verbally, Anku felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Anku attached to a person is indirectly equivalent to having the perception of a person.

Because of this, there will be such a change in his heart.

With his arms folded, Hino Eiji retorted.

"I also think you are a greedy person who can be used."

At the beginning, perhaps the two of them just used each other, but after a period of getting along, the relationship between the two sides became more harmonious without knowing it.

Chapter 225 Kuscuchi and the Super Girl, Headache, Coins!

Too lazy to care so much with him, Anku left on his own.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm going to find the Desire Devourer. The Desire Devourer has already appeared."

When he learned that the Desire Devourer had appeared, Hino Eiji immediately thought of the Bison Desire Devourer that he had repelled before.

"Hey! Anku! Wait for me!"

He hurriedly chased after it. He would not let the Bison Desire Devourer run away this time.

That guy had caused a lot of trouble before, and also injured many innocent people.

Now that he has the power to save others, Hino Eiji will certainly not watch this happen again in front of him.

He wants to make up for the regrets of the past.

Just as the two were going to deal with the Bison Desire Devourer, Lu Li was walking on the street.

It has been nearly a year since I last came to this city. I didn't expect that there have been quite a lot of changes.

A year ago, Lu Li had been to the Kuscuchi International Restaurant. This time, he was going to go there to take a look.

Meet old acquaintances and have something to eat.

Following the route in his memory, Lu Li arrived in Kuscuchi soon.

After a year, the decoration here has changed a little bit.


As soon as the door was opened, the bell behind the door rang.

After hearing the doorbell, the owner Shiraishi Chiyoko rushed out immediately.

"Welcome! Excuse me, this..."

As she was speaking, Shiraishi Chiyoko recognized Lu Li at a glance, slightly widened her eyes, and said in surprise.

"Mr. Lu Li?!"

Seeing Shiraishi Chiyoko, Lu Li smiled and greeted.

"Long time no see, Manager Shiraishi."

Yes, the two knew each other.

Not only Shiraishi Chiyoko, Lu Li also knew another staff member of Kuskuchi, Izumi Hina.

It was just that a year ago, Izumi Hina had not worked here yet.

At that time, Lu Li came here to taste the multinational restaurant's dish "Seven One Three". After all, this is a restaurant that often appears in the drama, and he was very curious about how it tasted.

Although the restaurant is not very big, the taste of the food is still quite good.

At that time, Izumi Hina happened to come to this place to eat, and because of this, she met Lu Li.

The time spent here was not long. Lu Li and the store manager knew each other, but they were not very familiar friends.

However, Lu Li and Izumi Hina were more familiar with each other, and they were relatively familiar friends.

The familiarity here means that Lu Li was familiar with Izumi Hina, but Izumi Hina didn't know much about Lu Li.

Shiraishi Chiyoko welcomed and sent off so many customers to the store every day. It was impossible for her to remember everyone.

However, she remembered Lu Li very clearly.

Not for anything else, just because she felt that Lu Li had a very unique temperament when she first met him.

This unique temperament was very prominent, and even among many people, people could easily recognize Lu Li.

This is why, even though Lu Li hadn't been here for more than a year, Shiraishi Chiyoko still remembered Lu Li.

"It's Mr. Lu Li, haha! Long time no see.

It should be about a year since you last came. Where have you been during this period? Why haven't you come to eat at my place?"

As the manager of a multinational restaurant, Shiraishi Chiyoko is naturally eloquent.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled calmly.

"Manager, you know that I am not from this city. I live in the nearby Fuuto. I had a lot of things to do before, but now I have finished them.

I want to come here to have some fun during this time. Isn't this because I miss the delicious food you made?

My first meal in this city is directly at your place. You have to treat me well?"

Hearing this, Shiraishi Chiyoko smiled and patted her chest to promise.

"No problem, no problem! Just tell me what you want to eat. Today's theme in the store is the Edo period. Do you want to taste today's special dishes?"

Her store has different themes every day, and different dishes every day, which is why it is very popular.

Nodding slightly, Lu Li found a seat next to him and sat down.

"Okay, I know your rules. You should eat the corresponding dishes according to the theme. Bring me today's theme dishes."

"Okay, wait a moment, I will prepare it right away."

Before she finished speaking, Shiraishi Chiyoko rushed to the kitchen immediately.

When entering the kitchen, Shiraishi Chiyoko just saw Izumi Hina coming out with the theme dishes.

"Hina, there is a very familiar guest in the store! Not only do I know him, but you also know him."

"I know him?"

For a moment, Izumi Hina couldn't think of who Shiraishi Chiyoko was talking about.

Seeing Izumi Hina's face full of doubts, Shiraishi Chiyoko smiled mysteriously.

"Don't think too much, hurry up and take the guest's food out, the acquaintance is outside, you will know when you see him later."

"Oh oh."

With her head tilted, Izumi Hina walked out with the theme dishes, she was still thinking about who the manager was talking about.

When she brought the dishes in her hand to the guests, she suddenly saw a very special man in the living room.

For some reason, the other party seemed to have a special temperament that could attract people's attention at once.

When Izumi Hina saw the other party's face clearly, a touch of surprise flashed across her face.

"Lu Li!"

As she exclaimed, everyone in the store heard it, and all eyes were focused on her.

Lu Li looked at Izumi Bina, who was full of surprise, and waved to say hello.

Being looked at by so many customers in the store, Izumi Bina suddenly felt embarrassed.

She lowered her head and walked quickly towards Lu Li.

Sitting on the chair opposite Lu Li, Izumi Bina looked at Lu Li with curiosity and asked.

"Lu Li, when did you come?"

She naturally knew that Lu Li lived in the next door Fengdu, and he hadn't been here for almost a year.

I still remember that they met for the first time in a multinational restaurant a year ago.

Izumi Bina was attracted by Lu Li's unique temperament at that time. The two sides naturally became familiar with each other and became friends.

At that time, Lu Li was most curious about Izumi Bina's strange power.

As a girl with strange power, Izumi Bina's power was indeed outrageous, and even the greedy could be hurt by her.

In order to satisfy his curiosity, Lu Li also wanted to let Quan Binai show her strength.

But at that time, Quan Binai did not agree.

Although she has great strength, she has always been very cautious and restrained, and naturally did not want to show it actively.

The main reason is that her strength is too great, and this kind of strength feels very alien in the human world.

As a girl, she naturally does not want to be regarded as an alien by others.

If Lu Li had not left earlier at that time and did not stay for too long, he might really want to compete with Quan Binai to see who is stronger.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Lu Li had a plain smile on his face.

"No, it just happened that a friend was coming over, so I came here and came to play here by the way.

Binai, after not seeing you for so long, has your strength become a lot stronger again?"

As he said, Lu Li raised his arm and pressed the muscles on it.

Seeing Lu Li mention his strength, Quan Binai blushed immediately, lowered his head slightly and whispered.

"Lu Li, can you...can you not mention this?"

She doesn't like to let others know that she is strong, and she is usually very cautious.

Seeing her blushing face and soft voice, those who don't know her would really think she is a little lamb.

But only after getting to know her will you understand that Quan Binai is not a little lamb.

She is a strong big-horned antelope with explosive fighting power.

If a thief steals from her, you should not worry about Quan Binai's safety, but the safety of the thief.

If she punches him, the thief will probably be hospitalized.

Afterwards, the two talked about many things.


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